Posted January 07, 2022

Anyway, I think that your contribution is admirable, because it solves real problems and helps people today.

Don't be fooled into thinking that AutoIt is an old Basic language. It is not really a Basic language at all, but does share some similarities. While it has been around a while now, it is still maintained and works fine on Windows 10 and will no doubt still do so on Windows 11 and beyond.
AutoIt started out as a powerful scripting language for computer roll outs etc, and while still very relevant and powerful in that sphere, it has also expanded into other areas. If you are an IT person, and you don't have AutoIt in your toolbox, then you are not really a full professional ... because at times, it is handy like no other language is. That's not to say it is the best or the most powerful etc out there or fastest, it isn't, but what it does do it is very good at.
As for me using other languages, I never will now, and certainly not Python.
AutoIt and I just click, and it has made me very productive.
I put VB 6 aside back when VB.Net was coming on the scene, and concentrated on using AutoIt instead, because its logic and sensibilities meshed with mine, like no other language I have tried, and I look at others now and then. I don't really consider myself a programming nerd, because I don't think like they do, and don't fare well in that environment, and the beauty of AutoIt, is you don't need to be, as it is very approachable for non nerds.
I consider the author of AutoIt, Jon, to be a genius. Many in the nerd arena, don't actually understand or appreciate what he achieved, which is kind of understandable really, but also sad. He has empowered a lot of people though.
P.S. Nothing beats AutoIt for development speed, though its certainly not the tool for every job.
I must say that niche languages (especially not object oriented) can work well when you are the only developer or in a small "sophisticated" team.
But things WILL get really really ugly, really really fast when you:
x start working with other people
x target more than one platform
x do stable/long term project
x or just simply try to decompose things
x e.t.c.
Post edited January 07, 2022 by lagncheese