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Vainamoinen: Abandonware is a product, typically software, ignored by its owner and manufacturer, and for which no support is available. Although such software is usually still under copyright, the owner may not be tracking copyright violations.

Until, of course, some idiot starts selling it for real money.
Since many abandonware sites run on ads, in many countries (including Germany) they are treated as "commercial", even if they don't actually sell the games. I doubt though that the income from the ads even covers the server and maintenance costs...
Randalator: You're late. No-old-games rants are due on mondays.
Sorry bout that. Will try and stay on schedule...
ZamCo: There is probably a lengthy progress to get old games released and those that was "easy" have already been released.

I would also point out that GOG themselves wrote in their 10 anniversary information page that they are now only called GOG and not actually Good Old Games, one of the reason why you also see tons of new games now days. And I don't think the new games take time from them trying to get older games anyway.
That may be so but GOG still stands for the obvious.
Post edited November 14, 2018 by TheCleaner517
TheCleaner517: Anime blows and so do the games.
Swedrami: As with everything there's good and there's bad.
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1984), Akira (1988), the original Ghost in the Shell (1995), Princess Mononoke (1997), Spirited Away (2001) or Blame! (2017) definitely fall into the former category and everybody should have seen at least one of them.
Paprika !!!
idbeholdME: The thing is that you can't officially resell abandonware. That's why it is called abandonware in the first place and you don't have to feel bad for downloading it.
MarkoH01: This could still be argued beacause it still would bve illegal to do so.
Oh it definitely would be but nobody obviously cares so why should you? Some companies are just sitting on games not being sold anywhere and that (at least for me) is simply not reason enough to prevent me from playing them. If they want my money, all they have to do is make it actually available for purchase. Roughly 1/4 of the games I own on GOG are games I have previously finished/played and bought only once I started using GOG as my main purchase platform.
MarkoH01: This could still be argued beacause it still would bve illegal to do so.
idbeholdME: Oh it definitely would be but nobody obviously cares so why should you? Some companies are just sitting on games not being sold anywhere and that (at least for me) is simply not reason enough to prevent me from playing them. If they want my money, all they have to do is make it actually available for purchase. Roughly 1/4 of the games I own on GOG are games I have previously finished/played and bought only once I started using GOG as my main purchase platform.
Also true of course. As long as nobody is suing you there is probably no reason to be afraid and it is not as if you are hurting anybody.
Abandonware is not a legal term at all, downloading "abandonware" is still piracy, its just the chances the copyright holders actually doing something to protect their IP is pretty slim. But if a store like GoG were to start selling "abandonware" then GoG would be selling pirated software, and at that point the copyright holders just might take even bigger notice and actually want to sue/prosecute GoG for doing such things.
eisberg77: Abandonware is not a legal term at all, downloading "abandonware" is still piracy, ...
No, piracy is actually robbing and raping at sea, by force of arms. Copying data nobody seems to care about might be illegal, but it is not piracy.
eisberg77: Abandonware is not a legal term at all, downloading "abandonware" is still piracy, ...
toxicTom: No, piracy is actually robbing and raping at sea, by force of arms. Copying data nobody seems to care about might be illegal, but it is not piracy.
Piracy, as in Software Piracy. You must be new to software, but downloading/selling software that you do not have a license to do so is called sofware piracy.
eisberg77: Piracy, as in Software Piracy. You must be new to software, but downloading/selling software that you do not have a license to do so is called sofware piracy.
I develop software since 1988, so yeah, I must be pretty new to it...
eisberg77: Piracy, as in Software Piracy. You must be new to software, but downloading/selling software that you do not have a license to do so is called sofware piracy.
toxicTom: I develop software since 1988, so yeah, I must be pretty new to it...
I don't believe you. If you were telling the truth, then you would know what software piracy is.
eisberg77: I don't believe you. If you were telling the truth, then you would know what software piracy is.
What you believe or don't is of little concern to me...

Yeah, it's a word that was invented to bring the illegal copying of data mentally near really violent crime - by the rights holders. The "pirates" themselves picked it up for the notion of "freedom" which oozes from the old Hollywood buccaneer movies... In reality piracy was and is a pretty violent and desperate business, and most people didn't do it "for fun".

I know it's a common term, but I think sometimes things should be put in perspective. And in case of abandonware it's like calling picking up a coin from the pedwalk stealing.

Also, home-taping killed music, no?
toxicTom: Also, home-taping killed music, no?
That explains why Weird Al never released an album after the 80s, or why Firebird went out of business during the heyday of the C64.
Darvond: That explains why Weird Al never released an album after the 80s, or why Firebird went out of business during the heyday of the C64.
Probably Jim Morrison also killed himself over it...
eisberg77: I don't believe you. If you were telling the truth, then you would know what software piracy is.
toxicTom: What you believe or don't is of little concern to me...

Yeah, it's a word that was invented to bring the illegal copying of data mentally near really violent crime - by the rights holders. The "pirates" themselves picked it up for the notion of "freedom" which oozes from the old Hollywood buccaneer movies... In reality piracy was and is a pretty violent and desperate business, and most people didn't do it "for fun".

I know it's a common term, but I think sometimes things should be put in perspective. And in case of abandonware it's like calling picking up a coin from the pedwalk stealing.

Also, home-taping killed music, no?
I guess the correct legal term would be more like "copyright breach".

But to be fair, Germany did not do any better by developing and using the term "Raubkopie" (Raub = stealing / Kopie = copy). Of course those are all symantics and everybody knows what's what - especially the judge in the end.
Post edited November 15, 2018 by MarkoH01
I guess for those they cannot track down, start selling and let them come to you. That would speed up the process!