shadow1980jpv: GOG is future! STEAM and Denuvo are bad for PC players in long run!
ShadowAngel.207: And why is Steam bad?
I've been using Steam since it started, have 893 games there and the only two issues i ran into were the song deletion on the old GTA games but that wasn't Valve's fault but rather the licensing issues Rockstar faced and that sometimes the servers are down, get ddos'd or just fuck up.
Other then that? I can play all my games just fine all the time, offline mode works just fine. It's actually no different to gog, except that gog is breaking german laws which is good for me (got an uncut Saints Row 2 and 3 via connect)
As i said in another topic, Steam, the software itself is awesome with all the community functions, groups, proper forums, workshop and it starts up faster than gog galaxy which takes a hideously long time before i even see my library. Steam takes 15 seconds with 300+ games installed across 2 hard drives, gog takes nearly 2 minutes with about 100 games installed on one hard drive.
gog is actually holding themself back by being so picky about niche games, about indie developers and all that. After they abandoned their niche of focusing on classic games, especially from the dos era i thought they would get into direct competition with Valve but they don't. Steam has a monopoly but that is simply because gog is too lazy and disorganized (and EA with Origin act like Lemmings, not even knowing what the hell they're doing)
I agree about Denuvo, it's like Starforce all over again.
burkjon: You can play them on your current computer and a few computers after that, at least (basically the same as Steam). The future holds no guarantee what platform will rise to prevalence, could be Windows 10 S on ARM, which in that case better hope for good emulation solutions. Games are not like music and movie files. Your GOG library is also a ticking clock; keep them old computers alive as long as you can.
ShadowAngel.207: Ever heard of emulators and virtual machines? Development is ongoing, just as Dosbox is being used for old dos games and there are functioning emulators for consoles up to around the Wii, there will be solutions in the future to be able to run games on modern hardware. It might not always be the perfect solution but it's adequate (otherwise gog, who still distribute the old games with a hideously outdated vanila dosbox instead of using something modern like snv daum would be out of business)
I actually see more of a problem with music because cd players are dying, modern cd players are cheaply made to the point where some don't even can put de-emphasis on old cd's that have pre-emphasis on them, while on the other hand most old games can be made to run on a modern windows pc
How do i should start!
-First i don´t like STEAM advertising policy!
-I don´t want STEAM to inform me that i need to be connect to the internet, when i have loaded windows on my computer. That´s why i use offline mode so much.
-STEAM refund policy is bad!
-STEAM support unfriendly!
--Sometimes i worry, what kind of information STEAM client sends from my computer to Valve servers.
-I really don´t care STEAM community Features!
-Here are always chance that STEAM account become hacked!
-Game downloading speed is not stable, Sometimes speed too slow.
Long time ago in 2004, I bought 2 boxed PC games. When i started installing those, i got information window that i have to install STEAM before i can install the games. I did what asked. What happens next!! After installing STEAM, STEAM started downloading and installing games from internet not from CD. Here wasn´t any game files in CD, here was just STEAM client data!. I feeled that I was cheated. It took 8-9 hours per game to download in my computer hard drive. I was so piss of that time.
I rarely use emulators or virtual machines!
I know too much about windows10 DRM or spyware protocols and i want keep sure that those are shutdown.
Someone asshole tried to hack my account 2 years ago, when I actively played Diablo 3. My account was shutdown for few months. Blizzard people manage to save my account and I thanked they about it. I asked myself, why my account become hacking attempt, nobody knows.