natewrench: Still I could do other digital services like Uplay/Origin but I lost my accounts there so the games disappeared.
This quoted statement requires much more explanation.
What, exactly, do you mean when you say you "lost" your accounts there?
And, have you contacted the support staff of those services? If not, then why not? (and also if not, then the accounts cannot be legitimately considered as being "lost").
If the answer is yes, you did contact them, then please quote everything you said to them, and also everything that they said to you, verbatim, in this thread.
Otherwise, if such information is not posted, then it's not fair to bash those services for having supposedly caused accounts to be "lost" (whatever that means), without also having provided them with a fair chance to respond to those claims that they have made accounts become "lost."
And it's also not at all clear from that quoted post how accounts with those services can be "lost" in such a way that accounts on GOG cannot also be "lost" in the exact same manner; so if the implication is that GOG is better than those services, with the connotation that it's not possible to "lose" GOG accounts, but yet accounts on those other services become "lost" all the time, then that premise also requires much more proof, way above and beyond just saying a statement that accounts were "lost" on the other services and leaving it at that.