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high rated
DoomSooth: Hasn't happened yet, as far as I've seen.

Message boards are mostly useless, anyway.
Raf..: No, it's good to archive things.
OldFatGuy: Of course it's trying to trick people. Ever go to a website to download anything? Do you see the large, often green DOWNLOAD NOW advertisements on them? Of course it's intentional. Grocery stores intentionally rearrange their shelves to force customers to stay in the store longer, And gog puts a great big DOWNLOAD NOW button there to get people to click on that instead of just the game files.

If you aren't aware of the often used manipulations of capitalists, then one wonders where you have been, if not under a rock.
Raf..: It's not tricking people if it's right there still. You people are being paranoid as usual.
No, it's INTENTIONALLY trying to get people confused. You are being obtuse.
high rated
OldFatGuy: Of course it's trying to trick people. Ever go to a website to download anything? Do you see the large, often green DOWNLOAD NOW advertisements on them? Of course it's intentional. Grocery stores intentionally rearrange their shelves to force customers to stay in the store longer, And gog puts a great big DOWNLOAD NOW button there to get people to click on that instead of just the game files.

If you aren't aware of the often used manipulations of capitalists, then one wonders where you have been, if not under a rock.
Raf..: It's not tricking people if it's right there still. You people are being paranoid as usual.
When it comes to GOG Galaxy, GOG are indeed trying to trick people. It's the oldest web trick in the world, especially for file hosting websites. They put a giant green "download adware here" button and a tiny "download the actual thing you want" button somewhere on the bottom right. Unless you grew up in the 1990s or early 2000s, you will get tricked by this deception. GOG does the same and they are succeeding in tricking the app store generation.

I have seen several threads on the forum where people were CONVINCED that Galaxy was the only way to download games and that there was no such thing as offline installers. Why is that so? Because not only does Galaxy get a giant blue button, while offline installers look like basic non-clickable text, they hide the whole offline section entirely by default! Look at my attachment! That is the default view every new GOG user sees. You literally have to expand the offline installer section, before you can even see it! And just like with offline installer links themselves, the expansion link does not look like a button either.

So either GOG has horrible graphic and UI designers who have no clue what they're doing, or they have smart designers who know exactly what they're doing. I firmly believe it's the latter. And if the massive push for Galaxy over Offline wasn't clear enough already, just look at the whole "My Rewards" thing for 1st party games.
natewrench: Still I could do other digital services like Uplay/Origin but I lost my accounts there so the games disappeared.
This quoted statement requires much more explanation.

What, exactly, do you mean when you say you "lost" your accounts there?

And, have you contacted the support staff of those services? If not, then why not? (and also if not, then the accounts cannot be legitimately considered as being "lost").

If the answer is yes, you did contact them, then please quote everything you said to them, and also everything that they said to you, verbatim, in this thread.

Otherwise, if such information is not posted, then it's not fair to bash those services for having supposedly caused accounts to be "lost" (whatever that means), without also having provided them with a fair chance to respond to those claims that they have made accounts become "lost."

And it's also not at all clear from that quoted post how accounts with those services can be "lost" in such a way that accounts on GOG cannot also be "lost" in the exact same manner; so if the implication is that GOG is better than those services, with the connotation that it's not possible to "lose" GOG accounts, but yet accounts on those other services become "lost" all the time, then that premise also requires much more proof, way above and beyond just saying a statement that accounts were "lost" on the other services and leaving it at that.
Post edited October 03, 2023 by foad01
natewrench: Still I could do other digital services like Uplay/Origin but I lost my accounts there so the games disappeared.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: This quoted statement requires much more explanation.

What, exactly, do you mean when you say you "lost" your accounts there?

And, have you contacted the support staff of those services? If not, then why not? (and also if not, then the accounts cannot be legitimately considered as being "lost").

If the answer is yes, you did contact them, then please quote everything you said to them, and also everything that they said to you, verbatim, in this thread.

Otherwise, if such information is not posted, then it's not fair to bash those services for having supposedly caused accounts to be "lost" (whatever that means), without also having provided them with a fair chance to respond to those claims that they have made accounts become "lost."

And it's also not at all clear from that quoted post how accounts with those services can be "lost" in such a way that accounts on GOG cannot also be "lost" in the exact same manner; so if the implication is that GOG is better than those services, with the connotation that it's not possible to "lose" GOG accounts, but yet accounts on those other services become "lost" all the time, then that premise also requires much more proof, way above and beyond just saying a statement that accounts were "lost" on the other services and leaving it at that.
Because I lost my recovery codes for origin/uplay so the accounts are effectively lost and you need to run origin/uplay to play your titles so offline mode doesn't work
natewrench: Because I lost my recovery codes for origin/uplay so the accounts are effectively lost and you need to run origin/uplay to play your titles so offline mode doesn't work
You managed to lose your passwords and recovery codes (do I have recovery codes? don't remember) for more than one platform at the same time. How did you manage that?

And what about contacting support? If they have your phone number, they can still confirm your identity.
Post edited October 04, 2023 by neumi5694
So who is this jordan who bought out the Zoom platform? The 80s basketball player, or the Danish toothbrush maker?

You forgot one advantage for the Humble Bundle which I personally wish GOG had too:

Humble Bundle offers an option to download your DRM-free game installers using a bittorrent client.

If GOG had that option too, maybe the poor Aussies would have great download speeds as well, like we lucky Finns do.

neumi5694: It's a open secret that GOG would prefer us to use Galaxy, starting with the fact that if you install a game with the installer and then click "launch", it will launch Galaxy and not the game.
Isn't that only if you have installed Galaxy in the first place?

While I do agree GOG most probably wishes all would use the Galaxy client, I don't see the above as them trying to trick people to use the client. More likely that is simply a handy extra feature for those Galaxy users with metered or limited internet connectivity, ie. they can download the installer once and install from it several times, and also get the benefits of Galaxy at the same time (and not be restricted to play those offline-installed GOG games without Galaxy).

To me it kinda makes sense, even though I don't really use Galaxy much (or at all) either, for running my single-player games. IF I decided to play some multiplayer online game or a new/in-dev game that is constantly getting updates, then I'd probably use Galaxy to play it, due to the added benefit of automatic updates.
Post edited October 04, 2023 by timppu
neumi5694: It's a open secret that GOG would prefer us to use Galaxy, starting with the fact that if you install a game with the installer and then click "launch", it will launch Galaxy and not the game.
timppu: Isn't that only if you have installed Galaxy in the first place?
I wouldn't know since I already have it installed, but I read comments from some angry people that it would try to download and install Galaxy after that. But you could be right of course, I just don't know.
timppu: So who is this jordan who bought out the Zoom platform? The 80s basketball player, or the Danish toothbrush maker?
Jordan Freeman. The founder and owner of ZP.
high rated
To the people who honestly think that GOG is not trying to trick anyone, they are actually using a well-known and well-documented design approach: dark patterns. You can more specifically look at the pattern named "misdirection".
vv221: Humble Bundle store filters make it trivial to show only their DRM-free games, a collection of 1 452 games is not what I would call a tiny selection (that's a bit more than 10 % of all the games they sell). I wish GOG provided such filters.
You mean only games that run offline without launcher?

Humble actually doesn't have a filter between games that are DRM free and such that are not.
What they have, is a Filter for games that are downloadable directly from Humble.
There are plenty of indie games that are DRM free, but can only be downloaded through Steam or whatever. They don't show as DRM free on Humble, but as bound to Steam.
Post edited October 04, 2023 by neumi5694
If people are lazy to read the website of GOG then it will be their own fault to get things they dislike. It reminds me of Kyle Broflovski in the South Park episode HumancentiPad. He refuses to read the Terms and Conditions for iTunes and ends up being part of the HumancentiPad.
neumi5694: There are plenty of indie games that are DRM free, but can only be downloaded through Steam or whatever. They don't show as DRM free on Humble, but as bound to Steam.
There is no such thing as a DRM-free Steam game. The Steam software is a DRMed content delivery system first, and a games client only second.

The Humble Bundle store filter excludes the Steam keys from their list of DRM-free games, and they are right to do so. Their filter would be useless otherwise.


To any brainwashed Steam fanatic out there: don’t bother with your "Steam is not a DRM!" or "a Web browser is a DRM too!" pseudo-arguments, I will ignore any message include something even remotely similar to that.
This thread is an excellent example of why human beings can never have nice things. And why they don't deserve to.
vv221: There is no such thing as a DRM-free Steam game. The Steam software is a DRMed content delivery system first, and a games client only second.
Firefox is also a software, our access to downloads is DRMed.
If the download means define for you, what's DRM free or not, then no game on GOG or Humble is DRM free.

And yes, also with scripts like gogrepoc we need a login, which is DRM.

It's only "pseudo arguments", because you can't counter them. Calling something invalid where you have no counter argument is the easy way out.
Either downloading the game does define what's DRM or it doesn't. If it does, then the browser argument is totally valid. If it doesn't, then the "there is no DRM free steam game" argument is wrong.

The only real difference between Steam and GOG is that on Steam it's a lottery while on GOG we can be quite sure that the game runs DRM free.

ps: What would also be wrong, would to think of me as a Steam fan, I'm just being realistic without calling anything invalid that I don't like. Only blind haters ignore arguments.
Post edited October 04, 2023 by neumi5694