Posted September 16, 2017
low rated
Tried to buy Absolver as a gift for my friend so I 'd have somebody to play with, and have him download Gog as well. But then Gog tells me i can't buy gifts unless I wait 3 months after my last purchase. So I purchase some wallet credits thinking I could use those. Afterwards, it gives me the same error, have to wait three months, now I don't want that wallet money anymore. I try to contact support, and every time the page loads in Chrome it won't go to the page saying it's not safe and people could be trying to hack my account or whatever, so I can't even contact support, so I'm stuck here in the forum. Well guess what, I was trying to give Gog a chance but now I don't see the point beyond playing Gwent. I still bought the game, but guess what, I did it on Steam without a single hitch. Congrats Gog, not only did you lose out on the money, but also on having an extra customer download your program, and you managed to disenfranchise an existing user you are likely now going to lose. As for me, I want my Gog wallet money back, and if that doesn't happen, it will certainly be the last $30 I ever spend on Gog.