steelblade5858: If I was taking it out on others, I would be cursing excessively, disregarding all rules, but I am not.
Some just take things out on others(when they do) on targets they feel deserve it rather than just indiscriminately doing so at everyone. I can get where you may be coming from if you're upset a Gog and taking it out on me, but lying about it isn't going to solve anything.
I considered you might just be mad at me by a misunderstanding at what I wrote, but after explaining why I wrote as I did and not seeing results it seems my idea that you are mad at Gog might not be so unfounded.
If you are mad at Gog, again I understand(I have been in the past as well).......
(And on the small chance you really were mad at me I already explained myself and again am not trying to troll so if you want to be mad at me go ahead...but don't be fooled into thinking this doesn't make you look like a turd for doing so.)