Not that it matters much, since a) most regulars of these forums don't care about twitch and probably don't follow GOG's channel and b) streamers of the stream team (other than the channel manager) don't keep up with what happens in the forums (and I don't blame them, really).
Kind of hard to pick just one, I think a couple of the streamers are pretty awesome, I don't think any of them are downright awful, there are just some that either stream at a time I'm not able to watch or tend to stream games I'm not interested in.
I do love dizzy, but I couldn't care less about strategy games, so I basically only tend to watch his Wednesday streams, when he covers horror/exploration/walking sim games. I'll watch the occasional strategy stream of his just because I like him and there's no one else streaming at the time.
I like DarkSaber2k a lot, too; he's forthcoming and won't shy away from pointing both positives and negatives about the games he streams, which is a plus. It's generally a good time, for me, but, of course, YMMV, different strokes for different folks, and all that.
BraxtonWise is another one I'd put on the list, he's nice and chill and tends to play a lot of games I like or am interested in (he's also practically the only one doing release streams, since everyone else and their mothers keep doing entire series, when, in my humble opinion, the purpose of the channel would have been to showcase new and lesser-known games to boost sales, instead of spending month upon month doing old cRPGs that may bring in views to the channel, but definitely don't move any sales, since the people who watch those streams tend to be fans of the games, and those people already own them on every possible platform/storefront)..
I used to love RetrogradeTom's and VideoGameCarnage's streams on GOG, but both of those left the team a long while ago.
I really like ArvanEleron, but I get bored with his PnP/D&D/Tabletop streams, plus, I don't think they make much sense, considering the GOG ecosystem (sure, GOG sells D&D video games and Talisman + a bunch of DLC/expansion packs, but, come on...). Those streams don't tend to be very engaging, either, because everyone is "in character" and they won't engage with chat, which, I mean... is kind of the point of twitch? Other than that, when he does stream actual video games and acknowledges/interacts with chat, he has some pretty awesome streams.
I think Kilg0re is... an acquired taste. I've had my issues with the man and had to stop watching his streams, but he always brings in the views, so he clearly is doing something right. I get what you said, and I mostly agree with you, but I guess it's all kind of subjective; lots of people seem to like his style of streaming, and that's totally fine.
I haven't watched much of Inanda's streams, but from what I've seen I guess she would be the least interesting streamer, for me.