RWarehall: The spreadsheet project is over.
Today I was doxxed by Cambrey and PoppyAppletree who revealed my full name to the forum. This is the second time I have been doxxed by social justice idiots since I've been here, the first being Vainamoinen.
And instead of apologizing I get a lippy PoppyAppletree telling me how it's not really doxxing because looking up my real name is too easy since I use the same handle elsewhere and its okay because she remembered my name from when Vain doxxed me anyway and was just confirming it. This was followed by InkPanther PMing telling me it was all my fault and PoppyAppletree did nothing wrong after posting exactly how someone can look up my information. PoppyAppletree followed up with PMs demanding an apology for criticising social justice when this self-centered idiot goes around the forum calling people "Broflakes". I'm sick and tired of this bullshit.
The three of these losers is why I will not longer maintain the spreadsheet, if you have a problem with it, take it up with these jerks. My privacy has been violated and these morons are the ones to blame and I'm no longer linking my personal accounts here lest some other jerk thinks it also gives them permission to doxx me too.
I was wondering when you'd post some ridiculous spin to the forums. I approached you privately afterwards to state that I had no ill intent, and that your name had been used previously on these forums - I believe by you, in fact. As such, I had no reason to believe it would be objectionable for me to acknowledge that another user was addressing you by name. In light of the fact that you apparently do find it to be, I would have apologised, but you proceeded to make all-manner of libellous accusations. I offered to publicly apologise if you issued a public retraction. You responded with expletives, so I blocked you.
But let's not take my word for it, let's just have the PMs instead. You can find it attached.
If you weren't so busy attempting to attribute malice to people, you might find people would respond to you a lot better.