Posted July 23, 2018

It's all about freedom, not our freedom to do what we want, but your freedom to restrict what we want, and to demand what we want. Others need to understand that what we want is a variable set of demands which if not met will require justification. We aren't just here to work our asses off, we are here to see our needs met, and it's about time the "Elise" met our demands.
I can go on, and will go on if needed, because this is impotent, it's about gamers needing something they aren't getting, wont get, and are hurt by it.
Once upon a time, long ago and far, far away, the culture war came into being in the American polity, and in a short span of time it became it's defining characteristic. Why did this happen? Because monarchy was dying and being replaced with quasi-representative forms of governance, allowing for outcomes that were considerably more uncertain -- which was troubling to those of privileged status. So they devised a means by which electoral politics would outwardly appear to be "representative", while being extremely consistent with respect to financial and foreign policy.
How did it work? Three ways, primarily.
1) Political campaigns are horse races that are chiefly won by successful fundraising and vote counting.
2) Elite institutions like the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission train those deemed most suitable in the nuances of "public service".
3) The public is bamboozled with demagoguery re issues like abortion, race, gender, communism, drugs, etc.
Fast forward to today, and we see almost everything becoming increasingly politicized, and by consequence, polarized. So Gamer Gaters = alt. right, and SJW's = "progressive" Democrats. And yes, it's very, very serious to those who buy into this "real life" drama; but so, too, for those of us who don't, as we are all impacted by this massive and hugely successful psyop.
Post edited July 23, 2018 by richlind33