Posted July 22, 2018

Play on trump slogan... normally wouldn't be a problem, but timing was that there was a lot of screeches that anyone pro trump was a nazi :D
anyway, here's an article about whole mess
Honestly Id have no issue if they didn't deliberately ride antifa train and tried to cool the mess down.

P.S. I googled the Wolfenstein thing and assuming you were referencing the talk between the two guards I think that's hilarious. It's an exaggerated, fictional message like in Indiana Jones, not a declaration of war. Similar to how many great 80's classics had an exaggerated anti-corporate message (which sadly had zero effect).
among many by those people..
Also resetera is a damn den of those harssers, and gog just went to bow down to them ?
It means gog cares about superfluous appearances and is not beyond smearing a movement just to virtue signal.
Post edited July 22, 2018 by ashtonx