Posted July 19, 2018

Registered: Sep 2008
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language geek
Registered: Jul 2014
From United States
Posted July 19, 2018
Correction: there is one thread (this one), plus a pre-existing game release thread with only a tangential relation to this brouhaha, but which has nonetheless been taken over by both turd sandwiches and giant douches. :P

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
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Posted July 19, 2018
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oNe BuTToN tO rUleZ TheM aLL
Registered: Dec 2012
From Croatia
Posted July 19, 2018

Some game journalists f*d up and rather than take the blow, they said NO, NO apology to those unsufferable people who play games. We fight them and take them down - all of them, Tooth and Nail. Our weapons are deflection and misinterpretatiion.
And it was, so is said, that every critic, every insult thrown at one of those journalists became an attack of the gender, an attack of the political views of the journalist, an attack on humankind - and counterattacks of the journalists were not directed but just blown into the ether in articles, tweets and forum posts directed at gamers as a whole. This got a lot more people angry who just got catched in by the gamer phrase and were not angry about the Quinn/Grayseon incident. It became political, it became about gender, about harrassment. Or better said it was made to be about that.
So the critics and gamers were labeled rightwingers, nazis and misogonysts...
Well there were some idiots on both there always are.

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Registered: Feb 2014
From Estonia
Posted July 19, 2018
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This situation makes GoG come across as both spineless and uniformed, which is not a winning combination.
Gaming journalists are incredibly corrupt and harmful for the gaming industry, so seeing GoG apologize to them makes me want to avoid the service out of spite. Which to be fair isn't a big loss, I have only recently been using GoG in preference to Steam and not a lot at that.
Gaming journalists are incredibly corrupt and harmful for the gaming industry, so seeing GoG apologize to them makes me want to avoid the service out of spite. Which to be fair isn't a big loss, I have only recently been using GoG in preference to Steam and not a lot at that.

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Registered: Apr 2012
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Posted July 19, 2018
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Post edited July 21, 2018 by LePeureux

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Registered: Dec 2012
From Argentina
Posted July 19, 2018
Whe need something like The Celebrity Shame Pool but for gaming, we place our bets on who will get hounded over a rather inocuous tweet in the next couple of months and the participant who wins gets the pot.
I'm betting 50 whole (pesos) on whatever Twitch streamer is most popular right now.
Also, dont throw devs under the bus, thats a d*ck move GOG.
I'm betting 50 whole (pesos) on whatever Twitch streamer is most popular right now.
Also, dont throw devs under the bus, thats a d*ck move GOG.

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Registered: Apr 2012
From Brazil
Posted July 19, 2018
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It's truly a shame how quickly Gog, caved in to game journos and the SJW cult and their love for outrage, This want a thing until Gog removed the tweet and made it one.
The apology said GOD doesn't support hate which is ironically it's exactly what they did by deleting the tweet and apologizing for it.
At least I expected neutrality and professionalism not the near groveling I saw.
The apology said GOD doesn't support hate which is ironically it's exactly what they did by deleting the tweet and apologizing for it.
At least I expected neutrality and professionalism not the near groveling I saw.

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Registered: Jul 2014
From Poland
Posted July 19, 2018

But it's at least interesting the negative correlation that appears to be between the number of games in a critic's library and how vocal said critics are about this issue and how many veiled threats they throw about not giving any more money to GOG.
EDIT: The same goes for the rep number[*]. The more offended someone is and the more someone seems to care about GOG, the lower their participation in GOG's community seems to be. :P
[*] Which yes, I know it can be -and it is- abused to no end, so it isn't always a good proxy for community participation.
Post edited July 19, 2018 by muntdefems

🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦
Registered: May 2010
From Germany
Posted July 19, 2018
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(1) "SJW" is a fascist enemy figure and incorporates the exact same bullet points the Untermensch of the nazis did, including even the communist conspiracy and the degenerated art.
(2) If you take your info off Ian Miles Cheong videos, you're clearly bonkers. It's a shitty little man trying to leech off far right idiots. He's never had an original idea in his life and stole all his news from reddit.
(3) gamergate was a movement of misogynist retards who employed the exact weaponry of instrumentalized conspiracy theories, clear cut lies prescribed as alternate facts, and incitement to hatred that later brought Donald Trump the presidency.
(4) In the same vein, "it's about ethics in journalism" is and always was yesterday's "The sentence should have been I don’t see any reason why I wouldn’t". No one in their right mind believes either silly justification for despicable behaviour.
(5) If GOG officials were so morally corrupt and legally insane that they used gamergate's fascist journalism and journalist subjugation memes in order to ... I don't really give a shit what they did this for ... they deserve that their platform goes to hell in a bread basket.
(6) Calling gamergate an "abusive movement" actually is an understatement. I'm thankful for attempting to set this right, but I do wonder how much setting right can actually be done. And how it could ever be enough.
(2) If you take your info off Ian Miles Cheong videos, you're clearly bonkers. It's a shitty little man trying to leech off far right idiots. He's never had an original idea in his life and stole all his news from reddit.
(3) gamergate was a movement of misogynist retards who employed the exact weaponry of instrumentalized conspiracy theories, clear cut lies prescribed as alternate facts, and incitement to hatred that later brought Donald Trump the presidency.
(4) In the same vein, "it's about ethics in journalism" is and always was yesterday's "The sentence should have been I don’t see any reason why I wouldn’t". No one in their right mind believes either silly justification for despicable behaviour.
(5) If GOG officials were so morally corrupt and legally insane that they used gamergate's fascist journalism and journalist subjugation memes in order to ... I don't really give a shit what they did this for ... they deserve that their platform goes to hell in a bread basket.
(6) Calling gamergate an "abusive movement" actually is an understatement. I'm thankful for attempting to set this right, but I do wonder how much setting right can actually be done. And how it could ever be enough.
Post edited July 19, 2018 by Vainamoinen

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Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted July 19, 2018
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I wouldn't had cared if they just had removed the tweet. But they not only kissed the butt of lying game journos they also called GG "an abusive movement". And where did they go to explain this? To ResetERA!
Sorry, but I will not spend any more money on GoG until the person responsible apologized to the so called "abusive movement".
Sorry, but I will not spend any more money on GoG until the person responsible apologized to the so called "abusive movement".

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Registered: Jul 2014
From Poland

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Registered: Sep 2009
From Ireland
Posted July 19, 2018
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I was so disappointed that GoG removed the tweet. Game journos who consistently force their politics into game and show staggering amounts of unethical collusion and back patting each other with their anti-gamer nonsense killed any desire to continue purchasing PC gaming magazines.
I can't imagine any other medium in which the critics hate their audience as much as game journos.
GoG, the people who are pissed at you aren't your customers or your friends or consumers. Gamers are your audience. We support our hobby by buying from the likes of you. Side with us and not the pathetic, shrieking harpies who see imagined racism, sexism etc etc everywhere.
I can't imagine any other medium in which the critics hate their audience as much as game journos.
GoG, the people who are pissed at you aren't your customers or your friends or consumers. Gamers are your audience. We support our hobby by buying from the likes of you. Side with us and not the pathetic, shrieking harpies who see imagined racism, sexism etc etc everywhere.

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted July 19, 2018
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I'm not going anywhere GOG! Going to keep buying! 953 and counting!