devoras: That's a contradiction in many ways. If someone is a sjw in gaming, they're typically more concerned with arbitrary things like representation and diversity in games instead of the quality of the games themselves. If someone is a sjw in other aspects but keeps it out of gaming, I wouldn't consider them an sjw in the context of gaming, and could accept that they are a gamer. However I don't know of any sjws that don't try to apply their insanity towards literally everything, and I'm not sure you can be a gamer AND a sjw at the same time. You can be a sjw that plays games, but that's not the same thing.
amok: let me tell you a story about me partner. She has been playing games since the early 90's, through Sega machines and later PC's. Her favorite games are Sonic, Diablo II, Warcraft III, Caesar III and Heroes of Might and Magic series. However, especially in the last 10 years, she had problem with some games and felt alienated by them due to the portrayal of women in them - it feels weird to her, she can not relate to them and at worst it was very annoying (for example she really enjoyed Mass Effect 2, but every now and then you could hear this groan "god, they are pushing Miranda's ass in my face again" - she had to ignore those parts to find that enjoyment), and would like it if there were more games catered to her preferences as well. She voiced her feelings, got told how her feelings are wrong (how can that be?) and branded a SJW....
so... even though she likes many different games and plays games a lot - apparently she is not a gamer.... go figure...
edit - might add that due to those experiences, she is not willing to touch a gaming forum with a 10 foot pole ever again. so.... yeah.... job well done, I guess.
edit 2 - having lived with her for many years now, and experienced games through her eyes as well, I guess I am a SJW also now, as I agree with her.... and I have been playing games since the mid 70's, but I am also now suddenly not a gamer anymore.
Strange, I never noticed that they were pushing Miranda's ass on the player more than other characters. I'm pretty sure they had strategic camera shots of all the characters. I didn't notice the ones where they focus on the male characters, bending over working on things or camera shots that accentuate their upper body strength. I found that it was all subtle enough to flow into the normal gameplay. Men and women like different things, having some visual stimulation in the game for the men helps the game, and having some emotional stimulation and conversations for women helps the game too, you don't need to take one or the other out of the game. I'm not upset when characters have too much conversation between them or have moments where they talk about their feelings. All the characters in the game are super idealized because it's fantasy, that includes physical perfection.
The irony is Miranda is a fairly strong female character, and a very attractive one too. I don't see how that can be annoying to women. You can't really win though, can you? If you make a strong, attractive female character it's sexist because it hurts women's self esteem, they compare themselves with that character; but if you make a weak, unattractive female character it's sexist because it portrays women in a bad light. There's no winning that no matter what stance you take, they are overall irrational arguments, the only winning move is not to play.
I'm all for MORE games that she can relate to, but I strongly object to the need to change CURRENT games. If there's actually a market for a type of game that nobody is satisfying, it would be a gold mine. I don't want someone to take away my ability to enjoy the Miranda's in gaming(though as a character she was far from my favorite), if they don't like it they don't have to buy that particular type of game. If a game's market is primarily male, it makes no financial sense to change the game so it doesn't market to men.