amok: let me tell you a story about me partner. She has been playing games since the early 90's, through Sega machines and later PC's. Her favorite games are Sonic, Diablo II, Warcraft III, Caesar III and Heroes of Might and Magic series. However, especially in the last 10 years, she had problem with some games and felt alienated by them due to the portrayal of women in them - it feels weird to her, she can not relate to them and at worst it was very annoying (for example she really enjoyed Mass Effect 2, but every now and then you could hear this groan "god, they are pushing Miranda's ass in my face again" - she had to ignore those parts to find that enjoyment), and would like it if there were more games catered to her preferences as well. She voiced her feelings, got told how her feelings are wrong (how can that be?) and branded a SJW....
so... even though she likes many different games and plays games a lot - apparently she is not a gamer.... go figure...
edit - might add that due to those experiences, she is not willing to touch a gaming forum with a 10 foot pole ever again. so.... yeah.... job well done, I guess.
edit 2 - having lived with her for many years now, and experienced games through her eyes as well, I guess I am a SJW also now, as I agree with her.... and I have been playing games since the mid 70's, but I am also now suddenly not a gamer anymore.

neojames82: I have to say, I do feel a bit sorry for you both. Even if I would be sorta on the other side of the argument, I would also like to think that you and your lady would at least engage in a healthy debate about it. Or at least, I would be willing to debate you two about it and not be an asshole about it. I mean, that seems to be one of the root problems with the whole pGG vs aGG thing, both sides and the lead people the rep both sides? Never really got together to actually debate the whole women being portrayed in gaming. If some actual and civil dialogue was exchanged this shit would have pretty much died a long time ago.
I too have a girlfriend that has been a heavy gamer and even though she isn't as critical about women in gaming she herself has issues with it from time to time and she can at least argue her points in an intelligent way and not come off as scolding school teacher :D. Pretty sure that I would like to think your partner would also be the same, as would you.
Again, this kind of me, regardless of what side you try and defend, it is getting old. I just want ALL of us to just enjoy games again.
pGG vs aGG isn't really about how women are portrayed in video games. It started out being about ethics in gaming journalism, then it became angry gamers versus the media accusing them of being scum, and now it's a minefield of a fight between an extremely aggressive segment of feminists on one side and equally aggressive "culture warriors" on the other.
And at this point it really doesn't have anything to do with "gamers" anymore, if it ever did.
That said, as a non-SJW, non-feminist, liberal, atheist, gender-egalitarian male gamer, who has been playing PC games since I got my first PC back in 98, I have to say that the portrayal of women in video games also annoy me at times. So many pretty faces that have no character, no personality, no depth. I can totally identify with people who would offer that criticism.
But what some times bother me senseless is that those people don't seemingly have a similar problem with the portrayal of males in video games. Aside from the crazy muscle-bound protagonists who aspire to a life of never-ending fedex duty, look at who gets to be the random goons thrown into the meat grinder for entertainment? Why, they're almost all males. Heck, Borderlands 2 bandits are all male and you get a bonus when you've murdered enough of them. You get. A bonus. For murdering. Males? This is something that should have given Sarkeesian and others a *head asplodes* moment, isn't it?
So yeah, women are for looking at and not much more, which is a bit lame, but men are for murdering without a second thought and maybe with a smile on your face. Is that any better? But it is what it is, and I'm not that offended after all, as long as the game is at least fun. Borderlands 2, for the record, was fun.
I wish that people would cut out the ideological and political rubbish and just focus on the cold, hard details, without all that culture war garbage. At lot of video game characters are borderline insulting, male and female. Video game story writing and character portrayal isn't really an area where devs tend to invest all that much effort. Is that good? Is that bad?
Or is it merely something we should accept, acknowledge, and maybe take into account when deciding which games we like to buy and which we games we skip? And then try not to be offended when someone makes a game that isn't specifically designed to be exactly what you or I or someone else wanted?
Regardless of what one feels, however, there is a sensible conversation to be had about modern day gender culture, but it cannot be had under the headline of "gamergate". Nothing good can come from going into "gamergate". It is a lost cause with entirely too much vitriol and hatred and burning gasoline and powder kegs. As such, I reckon GOG did the right thing backtracking on that tweet.