Posted July 20, 2018
high rated

A tweet was posted. It was a mistake. Big deal. They didn't realize it was a Gamergate reference and took it down, whatever, problem solved, end of story. But no, by sheer luck, the poor sods picked the singular most divisive topic, because as we all know, anything they do can now and forever not be good enough for anybody. Two lovely options:
A) If they knuckle down and leave up a mistake, they're siding with the pro-GGers and are now racists, sexists, bigots, etc. Nevermind the fact it was taken from the game itself and one tweet doesn't make a whole company.
B) If they take it down, suddenly they're giving in to the SJW, bullying, degenerate scum and deserve worse than death because they're traitors turning their backs on their "true" fanbase, as if most gamers even give a crap about this stuff.
Lo and behold, GOG is now pinned in a lovely tug-of-war whereby they now MUST pick a side, otherwise, ooohhhh noooo, they'll lose the "true" fans! They'll be on the "wrong side of history" and suffer for their sins!
Did it ever occur to some of y'all that they maybe posted a tweet they didn't understand by accident, realized their simple mistake, and then decided to revoke it because they didn't want to get involved with the exact political storm in a teacup everyone's trying to raise? If you're suddenly deciding that GOG no longer deserves your money because of either of these things, you never cared about this place to begin with. Please, for goodness' sakes, stop trying to mix politics and gaming, for your own health and sanity, and stop acting like the companies you pay money to represent your moral values. Just play the games you want, how you want to.
To GOG or any employees reading, I advise you ignore this mess and any other nonsense happening on Twitter, Reddit, or wherever. It's a minority of users that are vocal, and your worst-case scenario if this thing blows up is that you get free publicity. Most people don't even know what GOG is anyway. Ride that wave, don't get involved, and keep on keepin' on.

"Games journalism - commited suicide Aug. 28th 2014"
and now read the headlines from that day:
. 'Gamers' don't have to be your audience. 'Gamers' are over. Exclusive[2] Leigh Alexander Gamasutra Aug 28, 10:00am
An awful week to care about video games[3] Chris Plante Polygon Aug 28, 1:21pm
The death of the “gamers” and the women who “killed” them[4] Casey Johnson Ars Technica Aug 28, 5:00pm
A Guide to Ending "Gamers"[5] Devin Wilson Gamasutra Aug 28, 7:57 pm
We Might Be Witnessing The 'Death of An Identity'[6] Luke Plunkett Kotaku Aug 28, 8:00pm
Gaming Is Leaving “Gamers” Behind[7] Joseph Bernstein Buzzfeed Aug 28, 8:29 pm
Sexism, Misogyny, and online attacks: It's a horrible time to consider yourself a gamer[8] Patrick O'Rourke Financial Post Aug 28, 9:33pm
It's Dangerous to Go Alone: Why Are Gamers So Angry?[9] Arthur Chu The Daily Beast Aug 28, time unknown
The End of Gamers[10] Dan Golding Tumblr Aug 28, time unknown
But you are right GOG takes a hit whatever they do now.