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low rated
monkeydelarge: When someone just tells you "I AM ON MAC" repeatedly, all you can do is assume... And it's not logical to assume someone is using Linux because Linux is not the #1 choice for gamers(at this point in time).
hedwards: I'm pretty sure that the vast majority of people who say that they're on a mac are using OSX. There's few old world systems in regular use at this point, and most of the people who do by a mac are running OSX at least part of the time.
Yeah, you are right. So either the GOG support guy screwed up or the OP bought a Windows only game.
low rated
monkeydelarge: When someone just tells you "I AM ON MAC" repeatedly, all you can do is assume... And it's not logical to assume someone is using Linux because Linux is not the #1 choice for gamers(at this point in time). Most PC gamers use Windows.
JDelekto: Some of us are just on "Mac & Cheese" as a staple food source, you might have to be more specific at times.
The game- StarFlight.
Im not a fucking moron that would download a windows only game for mac
It was CLEARLY labeled for Mac- OSX.
low rated
monkeydelarge: When someone just tells you "I AM ON MAC" repeatedly, all you can do is assume... And it's not logical to assume someone is using Linux because Linux is not the #1 choice for gamers(at this point in time). Most PC gamers use Windows.
JDelekto: Some of us are just on "Mac & Cheese" as a staple food source, you might have to be more specific at times.
When dealing with support, you should be specific because if not, people can only make an assumption based on what they know is usuall the case.
JDelekto: Some of us are just on "Mac & Cheese" as a staple food source, you might have to be more specific at times.
sjleader: The game- StarFlight.
Im not a fucking moron that would download a windows only game for mac
It was CLEARLY labeled for Mac- OSX.
I was wrong abou you. Sorry. I just found it extremely hard to believe, GOG support could be that bad.
Post edited August 29, 2015 by monkeydelarge
JDelekto: Some of us are just on "Mac & Cheese" as a staple food source, you might have to be more specific at times.
sjleader: The game- StarFlight.
Im not a fucking moron that would download a windows only game for mac
It was CLEARLY labeled for Mac- OSX.
I don't think you're a moron, in fact, I think you have good taste in games.
Because that's gonna work alright. They'll surely respond to someone who's harassing them on Facebook.
sjleader: I have harassed them on Facebook, still no reply.

Issue me my damn refund!
Smannesman: Your giant e-peen both impresses and terrifies me.
low rated
monkeydelarge: I do not understand a word you are saying.
JDelekto: Who was the first person who had to look up the word 'Dictionary'?
Dude, go fuck yourself with your Edward Nygma Riddler style trolling.

Riddle me this.
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
Post edited August 29, 2015 by monkeydelarge
l0rdtr3k: Because that's gonna work alright. They'll surely respond to someone who's harassing them on Facebook.
sjleader: I have harassed them on Facebook, still no reply.

Issue me my damn refund!
Now was sexual harassment involved? That's where things get dicey.
sjleader: The game- StarFlight.
Starflight, DosBox game, so I guess first suggestion was to run the graphics setup tool?
monkeydelarge: Riddle me this.
Someone who got a hold of the ASCII art generator. :)
low rated
monkeydelarge: Riddle me this.
JDelekto: Someone who got a hold of the ASCII art generator. :)
Why don't you fly away and shit somewhere else, bird boy?
Post edited August 29, 2015 by monkeydelarge
sjleader: The game- StarFlight.
Well there is another user who seemed to have had a similar problem with the game on Mac that you indicated as well but unfortunately it seems like they never got a response in the game specific forum.
Post edited August 29, 2015 by stg83
low rated
Never mind.
Post edited August 29, 2015 by monkeydelarge
Throwing a temper tantrum and harassing GOG on Facebook isn't going to help you with them, and it isn't going to make your case seem any more convincing with us. When I see someone behaving like you are, my first instinct is to think that you're in the wrong, rather than GOG. Take a deep breath, relax, and post the contents of the emails. If you're going to claim that GOG is going against their own return policy, you have to at least try to provide some evidence.

Before seeing the emails, I will ask this just to be safe: When downloading the game, did you choose the Mac installer? It looks like you're new to GOG, so accidentally downloading the Windows installer could be a simple mistake. If you didn't manually choose what OS installer to download, then you probably have the Windows one.
JDelekto: Someone who got a hold of the ASCII art generator. :)
monkeydelarge: Why don't you fly away and shit somewhere else, bird boy?
Oh, don't be so crass, us birds are so considerate of the monkey boys.
JDelekto: Who was the first person who had to look up the word 'Dictionary'?
monkeydelarge: Dude, go fuck yourself with your Edward Nygma Riddler style trolling.

Riddle me this.
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
Apparently it wasn't you. Thank you for inventing sign language, Helen Keller would be proud.
Post edited August 29, 2015 by JDelekto