Lebostein: Hundreds of stupid forum games, political discussions, lots of off topic:
IS the topic. And forum games being "stupid" is your opinion.
Lebostein: Every day it gets heavier to find game relevant news and announcements from GOG.com here. The amount of off topic threads is exploding. All other gaming specific informations and threads are lost in that jumble...
As somebody said earlier in the thread: simply look at the news posts on the front page for the most recent official announcements regarding releases, promos, contests, major site changes, etc. (or subscribe to the RSS feed...although I don't know if they ever fixed the problem with all posts from all different-language versions of the site being mixed into one feed). Also, it's not really that hard to just scan down the first couple pages of General discussion, looking for "blue dot" posts that start with "NEWS: ".
(Also, I've been here more or less regularly for well over two years, and I haven't seen any serious difference in the amount of non-gaming-related topics in all that time. There's a bit of ebb and flow, of course, but overall, I'd say it's been pretty constant.)
Lebostein: I understand "General Discussion" as a discussion about GOG, about games, about prices, about gaming news, about Steam (for my sake), gaming deals, game reviews....
Then you misunderstand.