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In this "General Discussion" it is hard to find game relevant threads or threads about GOG and game news/releases because this is full of off-topic threads, forum games and political discussions. It would be better to split this... game relevant news and release informations are lost in all that daily junk....

Post edited July 12, 2016 by Lebostein
The front page lists announcements, they all have links to their respective forum topics.
Post edited July 12, 2016 by omega64
Marquette County is electing a new police chief today. I'm a little worried about both of the candidates, which reminds me, that was one hell of a Euro Cup Final, and complete the following lyric, "Walk right in, it's around the back..."
high rated
This IS the off topic section.
Wouldn't mind a split into General Gaming Discussions and Off-Topic Discussions just like at

Off-Topic threads, especially political ones, tend to be extremely toxic at GOG since nobody is really moderating the forum.
Post edited July 12, 2016 by ShadowOwl
high rated
We have an on-topic section?
An non-gaming section would be great. General discussion forum should be about games. It also badly needs moderators to get rid off all the off-topic comments in threads where people ask or wishes to discuss something specific.GOG is looking for a Community Specialist which hopefully will improve the forums sometime in the near future.
I just found it odd he can't find news of the site....on the front page.
Bouchart: We have an on-topic section?
Touché! :D
ShadowOwl: (..) especially political ones, tend to be extremely toxic at GOG since nobody is really moderating the forum.
You can just ignore these type of threads. ;)
Lebostein: In this "General Discussion" it is hard to find game relevant threads or threads about GOG and game news/releases because this is full of off-topic threads, forum games and political discussions. It would be better to split this... game relevant news and release informations are lost in all that daily junk....

That may be true, but creating new sub-fora wont change anything and would in fact most likely make things even worse because there is established history here in the use of the forums and they're almost completely unmoderated except for egregious problem cases that arise. If new sub-fora were created a small few people might even notice and start using it while the existing inertia would continue right here in the General Discussion forum. Discussions opened outside of General Discussion would see very little readership/responses because most people would never step foot in there due to history. It wouldn't stop discussion from occurring here in the general thread due to momentum, so people would then have to look in two places.

The existing community who is quite happy with the way things are now would be ticked off about the change and probably ignore it and go on business as usual, and others who like the change would argue with them and flamewars would erupt about the whole thing that in the end would result in only having even more noise in both the existing general discussion forum as well as whatever new sub-fora were created. The "divide" group would then call for GOG to moderate the forums and force people police-like to move their discussions around to try to bring order forcibly to something that is inherently not. GOG would stand nothing themselves to gain from this as they'd be seen as the bad guy just about everybody.

In the end both groups of people would be upset with GOG for making the changes and for them not being effective at solving any actual problems and in fact creating new problems. It would fracture the community that has built up over the years and result in worse problems in the forums than they've ever had. There would be customer fallout as many people including long time loyal GOGlins would abandon ship under the premise that the divided communit is "the next bad move by GOG".

In the end, nothing would be actually accomplished for the better. GOG themselves aren't foolish to spontaneously attempt to do such a thing whimsically and surely they know that attempting to do something like that would be dancing with fire and that they would have nothing to gain and everything to lose in the community eye. The likelihood they would put themselves in a vulnerable position like that when they've had such a hands-off unmoderated fora to date is extremely unlikely any time soon.

The existing forum layout may not be the best, but this is Rome and when in Rome...

If people want to stay up on game specific announcements, use the existing game-specific forums for that, that's what they're there for. For the rest, expect a smorgasbord.

Aside from that, they haven't made any major changes to the forums in years now and there are much much much greater problems that need addressing which they could potentially actually do.

Even if they did want to do something like this however (which I highly doubt), they most likely have about 1000 higher priorities that will be addressed long before that.

People are of course now free to argue amongst themselves about all of this but realistically nothing will come of it in terms of the fora changing any time soon IMHO.
high rated
I would personally love it if GOG created a Witcher sub forum. That way people would stop coming into the regular forum and asking questions about Witcher 3 without even bothering to mention what game they are talking about. :D

Wait, what? There is a Witcher sub forum? Well that explains why no one does what I just described.

On topic would be for games. Every game series has its specific sub-forum. Not gogs fault those aint got really used.

And considering how often topics for a game swings in on direction and topics for other stuff back to games it would just be creating moderating effort for the sake of it.

When something new gets released it usually stays on forum page one for a while anyway. Unless it sucks and nobody talks about it. Besides being announced and the first thing to see at the main game page AND (with some delay apparently) the latest entry in the "NEW" section.
Post edited July 12, 2016 by anothername
tinyE: I would personally love it if GOG created a Witcher sub forum. That way people would stop coming into the regular forum and asking questions about Witcher 3 without even bothering to mention what game they are talking about. :D
Give up that will never happen.
Even if it had casino style, blinking, bright letters, people would still miss it.
In real life these types break glass doors/walls all the time, because they thought there was nothing in there when they were walking.
tinyE: I would personally love it if GOG created a Witcher sub forum. That way people would stop coming into the regular forum and asking questions about Witcher 3 without even bothering to mention what game they are talking about. :D
almabrds: Give up that will never happen.
Even if it had casino style, blinking, bright letters, people would still miss it.
In real life these types break glass doors/walls all the time, because they thought there was nothing in there when they were walking.
You know, now that I think about it, I haven't seen one in a couple of weeks.