I've been running Linux Mint full time for over a year now, it's a very good distro for newcomers and (to me at least) it gave me an easy learning curve into the world of Linux.
Some people may still be under the influence of the old Linux ways which included heavy use of the terminal where doing things required you to be a guru, That's no longer the case though as it has matured a lot since then. Nowadays you can find many GUI programs that replace terminal commands.
GOG has made great progress on Linux in this year too, I hope they will someday provide the missing versions for some games. Otherwise I can only say, superb job :-)
vanchann: Talking about GOG and Linux, I just reinstalled
Hammerwatch and it's still the old version, without the desert campaign.
Is there any chance that GOG will get the latest Linux build?
I was always under the impression it was v1.31 but I went just extracted the game to check and it's still v1.23. In any case I sent an email to the dev, hopefully they won't take too long to send an updated build.