viranimus: With my old account I had to fix it every time I got a new card but they would by default restrict transactions to certain countries the US does not have the best relations with. Cyprus being one of them. Which is AIR where GOGs primary payment location.
Might have changed in the last say 3 years, but something like this might be what you are tripping on with your bank.
Yeah, I'm not sure that it was actually gog this time. When I tried it with the customer service rep on the line and it was declined, she said no attempt was received on their end, and thus they didn't decline it. So, I just assumed it the problem was on gog's end.
Later, I checked my email, and I had an email from BoA saying something about suspicious transactions or something and asking me if I had made a purchase. It was a purchase my son had made the day prior (I had given him my card to get gas for his car). Perhaps it was marked as suspicious because I've been bed bound since Sep 2020 and thus hadn't bought gas in years lol. I dunno, but when I clicked "yes" that it was a legit purchase, maybe that cleared it up and it's why I then was able to later purchase.
Sorry gog, my bad. I may have blamed you on this one when it wasn't you. But this has happened before and it was you, as evidenced by an email I got from you saying it was your "internal security" that had caused the issue before. That and the lady on the phone saying no attempt was made left me believing it had happened again. But I don't think it was gog this time. Sorry again gog.
ADDED: Hey, I just fiddled with some more, got tired of waiting for the spinning cursor to stop, and closed it. Yet it still cleared the blue dot. So maybe you don't have to wait. Just click and close, despite spinning cursor. That speeds things up quite a bit.