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SirPrimalform: I make that 7 votes, but can we have a votecount to make it official?

Ok, I'll switch to cristi as soon as it's confirmed. I agree with all the points that her flip will be informative even if town.
Once ZFR is confirmed as being in the brig don't forget, as I almost did, that it will take six to lynch and once you move your vote to cristi she will be at L-1
trentonlf: Once ZFR is confirmed as being in the brig don't forget, as I almost did, that it will take six to lynch and once you move your vote to cristi she will be at L-1
Yeah don't worry, I said the same to you in a post above. :P
I should refresh before posting.

Anyway, welcome yogsloth.
trentonlf: Once ZFR is confirmed as being in the brig don't forget, as I almost did, that it will take six to lynch and once you move your vote to cristi she will be at L-1
Seven to lynch, since you dopes no-lynched D1.
yogsloth: Seven to lynch, since you dopes no-lynched D1.
A brigged player doesn't count towards to total active players, so the majority is 6.
yogsloth: Seven to lynch, since you dopes no-lynched D1.
SirPrimalform: A brigged player doesn't count towards to total active players, so the majority is 6.
Point to that.
PoppyAppletree: The gameplay is mostly normal, however I have added a brig mechanic to fit the theme of the game, whereby a player is thrown into the Brig. Brigging a player is a non-lethal action, allowing players to make consensus actions which are weaker than lynches. Brigging a player does not end the day, and multiple brig/unbrig actions may be taken in the course of a day phase. A player may be thrown in the brig if a majority of players vote to brig them. A player in the Brig may be released if a majority of players vote to unbrig them. Ties will not resolve in an action until the tie is broken. Players in the brig cannot vote on lynch or brig actions, but may otherwise continue to make arguments. Additionally, brigged players cannot use any role abilities (including faction kills) they may have, and Cylon players in the Brig may not talk to other Cylon players. However, players in the Brig are not immune to the effects of abilities or to lynches. Only one player can be in the Brig at once. If there are below five players, it will no longer possible to brig other players. If the Crew end the day with the last Cylon in the Brig (thereby preventing further nightkills), this will count as all threats being eliminated.
He can't vote, but it doesn't say he doesn't count for majority.

But then again, I'm so used to not needing maj to lynch, that anything about it seems screwy to me.
yogsloth: Point to that. He can't vote, but it doesn't say he doesn't count for majority.

But then again, I'm so used to not needing maj to lynch, that anything about it seems screwy to me.
Aha, well, there you go.

I guess having actually read the game provides some sort of advantage.
yogsloth: Aha, well, there you go.

I guess having actually read the game provides some sort of advantage.
The original question bookwyrm asked actually is out specific situation:
yogsloth: Aha, well, there you go.

I guess having actually read the game provides some sort of advantage.
You're doing surprisingly well considering. :P
yogsloth: Aha, well, there you go.

I guess having actually read the game provides some sort of advantage.
SirPrimalform: You're doing surprisingly well considering. :P

Has vote on SFP

SFP says am doing well


Trentonlf, I'm going away for a bit but I'll be back to check for a votecount before I go to bed.

SirPrimalform: You're doing surprisingly well considering. :P
yogsloth: ...

Has vote on SFP

SFP says am doing well


Surprisingly well, not well. :P
SirPrimalform: You're doing surprisingly well considering. :P
yogsloth: ...

Has vote on SFP

SFP says am doing well



At first glance I thought I'd opened the wrong thread. awesome

supposed to be working from home for another hour, but...will probably procrastinate instead and catch up in a few.
bler144: OMGOMGOMG!
Heya, Prof. Little Blue Monkey.

Get off yer stupid scum-infested wagon.