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I'm still getting scummy vibes from ele and Book(s) and would vote for either. Not so sure about ZFR any more. Flub is a mystery, but a distinctly suspicious one and I'm still not sure about this current cristi wagon.

My gut says cristi is townie and adalia's vote strikes me as opportunistic, and since I have him as scum it fits with my town feelings of cristi.

adaliabooks: I'd be willing to vote ele

Let's see then. Vote elebutterfly.
flubbucket: To out yourself as vanilla town in order to save yourself is not the best town play.
I see what you mean, but I didn't out myself in order to save myself. Quite the opposite, at that time there were 2 wagons, myself and SPF, and with Hypersomniac saying he won't let it go to no-lynch it was between SPF and me. I thought my vanilla claim would just clinch my wagon if anything.
I'm game if anyone else is.

Unvote cristigale
Vote elebutterfly
Emergency post having read nothing: I'm back, sorry about that absence. I had a job sprung on me and it ate more time than I thought it would. Back now. Settling down for a nice cup of tea and a read...

Hey, that tickles!

Good grief that was good timing! I honestly hadn't seen what was going on before I arrived, the forum was on page 13 where I got up to last time when I posted the above. Anyway. I'm here now. Commencing catch-up read.
My last post of the game

Unvote cristigale

good luck all
Note: As of the above post, trentonlf has requested a replacement.
trentonlf: My last post of the game

Unvote cristigale

good luck all
The "generic error #6201" votecount:


cristigale - 3 (flubbucket, Lifthrasil, bler144)
HypersomniacLive - 3 (ZFR, elebutterfly, Damnation)
elebutterfly - 2 (SirPrimalform, adaliaBookwyrms)
Lifthrasil - 1 (cristigale)


flubbucket - 2 (SirPrimalform, ZFR)
trentonlf - 1 (elebutterfly)
HypersomniacLive - 1 (Lifthrasil)

With 12 active players, it takes 7 votes to reach a consensus.
Oh my god I am trying to hard to post and the forum is just not letting me. >:[
elebutterfly: Oh my god I am trying to hard to post and the forum is just not letting me. >:[
If it's letting you post this, but not a big post you've assembled with lots of quotes it usually means a formatting error... sorry. D;
elebutterfly: Oh my god I am trying to hard to post and the forum is just not letting me. >:[
Are you using Chrome? The forum seems to be behaving very badly on Chrome at the moment. Perhaps try a different browser.
Ele's super monster mega catch-up post of doom. Thanks SPF - I had deleted all my beautiful post links because of a screw-up somewhere that I am too tired to find, so... sorry about that. I tried!


Quickfire to Lift's accusations:
Lifthrasil: elebutterfly's re-read was more interesting: she attacks trent (and all others) for not finishing off ZFR. But she didn't do so herself and instead tried to re-vive the stalled SPF wagon. Also she accuses trent of being psychic because he warned about the danger of no-lynch. Really? Being aware that no-lynch is a danger when there are competing trains close to the deadline is a sign of scumminess now? That's a bit much. Last but not least she has a grand total of one post today. That is a bit little. One could say lurky. So, I have her leaning scum.
I did state pretty clearly in post 509 that I did not think ZRF was a good lynch and was one I could not support in good conscience. C.f. Vitek in post 552. The two previous votes for SPF were trenton in post 491 and flub in post 503. I voted SPF before I left for the night in post 509 and put him at L-1: that hardly counts as "reviving the stalled SPF wagon". I'm... somewhat bemused that you could misread something as clear as voting order quite as badly as that.

trenton was also the first to unvote SPF (post 533), and the first to start the wagon of doom on cristi in post 562. Given some of the subtle scumhinting I've seen in other games, I am tempted to read these posts as hints to the rest of his team. If he was more actively getting on people's cases about not voting, while lamenting a nolynch, then I might consider it more towny.

As for the lurking, other than at the time you posted this was consistant with my previous posting average of once every 24 hours, due to me being on holiday at the moment. I was away last week with the family and I'm city-hopping this week. I'll be back home on 21st July. (This almost-48-hours was a blip for which I apologise, on Monday afternoon I was given a freelance editing job on no notice whatsoever, deadline this evening, and had to juggle up all my plans.)


Scattered notes as I read:
SirPrimalform: I'm wondering why [Bookwyrm] left his vote on an a wagon that obviously wasn't going anywhere when he wasn't planning to come back before the end. That was basically a vote for a no lynch. /snip
Good point.

trentonlf: /snip
Thanks for the comprehensive reply - to 3) my issue is more with the timing of your vote switch, rather than cristi being a "bad" lynch or an incomprehensible switch on your part. Also, I don't think of Vitek's wording in the post you reference to be "starting a wagon":
Vitek: I still find cristi to be optimal lynch here but I don't have any support at all so...
G'night I guess.
That's not exactly a call to arms...
(The objection I had to 4) has been tossed about by Joe and Lift quite comprehensively, I'm not going to beat that one any further.)

Damnation: /snip
Again thanks for the comprehensive reply - will digest later. No hard feelings about being tired, that wasn't meant as an attack.

HypersomniacLive: /snip
How do you know that my post #606 was RIGHT on the deadline?
I... What? Why are you asking me this? It's an empirical fact that your vote post 606 came two posts after the EoD post. Even with no timestamps, given the consistant countdown reminders from Poppy it's not a stretch to infer that the three posts happened within seconds of one another, especially given Joe's subsequent begging for an extension in the grounds that you could change your vote, which strongly suggests you were still showing as online at the time. I'm not sure what this question was meant to achieve... could you explain? Does anyone else find this a strange question?

JoeSapphire: Ele - Did you ever vote ZFR? I thought I remembered you had. (I could check Hyper Soh's detailed vote list but it might lose everything I've written so far, so I'll do it after I've posted. Do you reckon ZFR is worth lynching today?
I don't believe I did vote him-- *checks spreadsheet* Nope I didn't. My D1 votes were for bler (46), Bookadalia (304) and SPF (509). I actually was late enough to the party that I didn't make an RVS vote, I just got stuck straight in trading punches with bler.
I think the ZFR ship has sailed, to be honest. I believe he's town, and I believe because of the mess of the end of D1 that the wagon of a lynch now won't reveal much of use, unless new information comes to light. His enthusiastic explosion at Damn and Hyper for failing to push the lynch through, even if it was himself and even if he was genuinely town, won him a bunch of town points in my book.

On a related note, I really got shivers with adalia asking why ZFR didn't vote for himself in post 664, since that amounts to putting words in his mouth and is a really odd question for a townie to ask. Everyone knows voting for yourself serves no purpose... right? I am thinking in particular of xyem's self-hammer back in game 8. That was a mess. :)

cristigale: With the way things are going so far today, no, I'm not overly concerned. So far, I've liked the discussion as far as moving forward. I'm concerned about the possibility of another last minute wagon day. But I hope we learned our lesson. So here's what I'm thinking, Once I am caught up and some exchanges, if I am still a likely lynch candidate, perhaps it's best I claim with 24-48 hours to spare. I've waffled on this, so I'd like some input. If enough players (not in my scum pile) thinks it is best, I'll claim.
Anticipated by bler in 762, but I agree with him: again we don't have to leave it so late. We shouldn't wait until the deadline to lynch just because it's a deadline! D:
And bler - the feeling is mutual..! :S

trenton: I hope all's well at home... :( best wishes.

Also - look at that shift to me! Look at it! What is going on, why did the cristi wagon stall? It's happening again! Argh!

More tomorrow... my vote on Hyper is going nowhere, and despite bemoaning the lack of unified pressure on a subject, I don't have enough strength of feeling to lynch cristi at the moment. But tomorrow I will be reading trying to find a reason not to, since others apparently have strong enough feelings to go to L-2.

Leaning scum: too many to be viable at this point. I want to argue more with/read more of with cristi, Lift, SPF, flub, Hyper and adaliaWyrm (and trenton, but I'm witholding that one until the replacement goes through. No hard feelings at all, but it renders my case thus far entirely useless).
Leaning town: I would be inclined to trust bler, Joe and ZFR.
Leaning against a wall: Damn

SPF and adalia! You both vote for me based on "vibes".... that doesn't give me much to work with.
FIRSTLY I just realised that tomorrow I'll probably have little time to spend on gog, and the day after none at all. WHICH is deadline day. bums. I'll see what I can do about getting full-time access to a mate's smartphone or some other awkward solution.

Elewagon - not really a wagon with two votes, but it got a reaction. A somewhat playful panicky reaction. hmmm... dangit again I guess town and mafia both feel panicky when they start rackin up votes.

Lifthrasil - Rabbit had to abandon the game quickly because life overwhelmed her hence no notes from her to you. bookwyrm and adalia had the ol' switcheroo planned from before the game began, and bookwyrm is hoping to return to the role, hence lots of notes. I don't think you should read too much meta into it.

THOSE who attended Marrakesh University: Is a Chair Flexibility Day considered something to be avoided? Scum tactics? Often useful?

okay a few people have used this format

lunchwagons I could get behind:
Cristi Gee
Ele Bee
Hyper Soh
Lifthra Sii
Flubby Boo Buckyboi

lunchwagons I'd rather avoid:
Bler (although what have you done for me lately? Man I'm pants at this mafia hunting.)
ZFR (feeling more and more confident with this one actually.)
Trent (Also Known As ???)

POE - (which, as we probably all already know, stands for Presently Only Existing, and refers to people you know are playing the game but can't say anything either way about them.)

Acrually I'm moving Dam and Bler to 'fine to lunch' also.

which means I've got seven top suspects....

Yes I can see benefits to giving it a bit of

brig Flubbucket

it'd be good to see what SirP can night do without that distraction.

sleepy can brain no more goofnight
cristigale: The time doesn't matter, it's just a gauge to try to prevent what happened yesterday. I think bler's vote put me at L-2. If another person votes or expresses their intention to vote. I will claim tomorrow (Tuesday).
There's no way town is that indecisive again! That's crazy talk.

(skips ahead to current vote count) Hmmm...ok, I guess you have a point there.

adaliabooks: I happen to have him down as slightly town, but I can't help but feel he's just flub that talks more.
Really? That' interesting POV. I would agree that he has a lot of humor and filler, but...that seems a stretch. Would you care to cite specific examples/posts that you think are actually representative of his play overall?

adaliabooks: I get the feeling he's talking a lot to avoid actually saying anything... and pocketing us all as he does so.
Pocketing maybe, but I think you need to actually put some oomph into your case here if you want it to be more than shade.

SirPrimalform: Hello,

Sorry for the absence yesterday. I'll be catching up today, see you soon!

Lots of love,
Hugs and kisses to you too!


cristigale: I'm not so sure of myself that I'd continue to assume there was no roleblocker - based on me guessing what PoppyAppletree was thinking - while we have somebody saying "I'm a roleblocker".

I'm fairly confident SirP is some form of blocking power, because it's a silly thing to falseclaim.
So you're thinking not roleblocker then, but maybe like...commuterblocker, jesterblocker, or cockblocker?

Hmmm...interesting. I hadn't considered all the possibilities.

SirPrimalform: Wow. Even expanded I don't understand the idiom. The only explanation I can think of is a racist one. =/

Actually, my dying wish was not for him to be lynched and he wasn't even my biggest scum-read. I simply wanted to make sure he wasn't let off the hook if I wasn't there to remember it.
I'd already laid out my scum reads earlier in the day, the reason I was so insistent about Flub is because he was a much more recent ping on my radar and I wanted to make sure someone picked up on it.
Since I'm alive, I am able to follow it myself and it's the reason I blocked him and proposed to brig him.
1) Yeah, that's the one. It's an American thing. It's why I shorten it to just "Fire drill." One of the few cases where I avoid the acronym. :( The car version is, of course, mostly done by white people who have no idea what the origin of the saying is but don't mind a little light racist humor.

2) Which hook are we not letting him off, exactly? I mean, he's like entiiiiiiirely off the hook.

And I do appreciate your singlet vote, I seems a bit like you aren't all that perturbed by the fact that it has no traction considering he appears to have no lynch votes and 1 brig vote, and not a lot of energy around the group of changing either of those things. Indeed, ironically if cristi were to get lynched, her singular attempt to try and push him were almost certainly the core of that.

This is where you lose me.

SirPrimalform: To everyone: No love for the Frig Blubb movement?
Oh, nevermind - I just hadn't gotten there yet. Ok then.

will catch up, don't wait for me everyone else who's here posting furiously right now.