Posted July 14, 2018

Please, I'd like to think that my scum-game is a tad better than getting all frozen, and not bus one of my scum-buddies if it looks like one's going down. Think about it for a moment - if ZFR, cristigale and I were the mafia team, and they were in the limelight for the better part of D1, why would I do something so stupid at EoD that I'd end up not only getting suspicion but also clearly connected to them?
/in b4 Lifthrasil comes back with WIFOM and all that

I didn't wait until after the deadline to 'vote', as you (and GOG's crappy forum software) would have everyone to believe. You weren't even here at the time, so allow me to rebuilt the timeline for you.
In post #548, the mod told us we had 45min left. At that time:
- ZFR (post #550) starts a lynch-wagon on flubbucket who was sitting on exactly 0 votes at the time;
- Bookwyrm627 (post #553) wants to CFD elebutterfly (who as himself had already pointed out had received a single RVS vote) yet not only doesn't he start that wagon but also unbrigs her and brigs cristigale in her place even though he's been on her rear end for the better part of D1, and finally pulls a Pontius Pilate while bringing the use of the brig mechanic forth again.
From there and until the 30min mark (post #564), crstigale, sitting on Vitek's lonely vote (post #403), receives one from trentonlf (post #562), and between that and the 15min mark (post #583), another one from flubbucket (post #569) and one more from ZFR (post #571), bringing her to L-3, while Damnation and JoeSapphire discuss ZFR's claimed flavour name.
At the 10min mark (post #589), I'm still debating with myself where to put my vote. I tell JoeSapphire that I'd go either way but that we need another vote (post #590), and Damnation replies to me that he prefers cristigale, but is also willing to go for ZFR (post #593).
Around, or just before, the 5min mark (post #595) cristigale makes post #594, which I read as her alluding to a claim that she expected to get her off the hook. Damnation hops on her wagon with that eyebrow-raising preface (post #597), which flubbucket and I commented on, but she refuses to progress the game until someone plans to put her at L-1 (post #598), the wording of which is interesting, and more on it later.
I like none of this, so after commenting on Damantion's post #597, I quickly decided to go for ZFR and voted him (post #606) without refreshing, seconds (I assume based on the timestamps at the time and the sequence of our posts) after JoeSapphire (post #605) moves to cristigale, while the EoD has already been declared (post #604).
GOG's crappy forum software doesn't take one to their post like it used to, and when I scrolled down, I noticed that the mod declared the EoD in post #604, while all of posts #602-606 had the "now" timestamp.
You could probably ask how I can be so certain about those timestamps - it's because I couldn't believe my eyes at the time, and was kicking myself through the next day (Thursday) for taking too long to make up my mind; I really thought those last 3-4min hadn't expired yet when I placed my vote.
I understand ZFR self-preserving on cristigale (the attempt to get a flubbucket wagon rolling not so much), I also understand, up to a point, trentonl'f and flubbucket's votes, but the attempt to make a viable crisitgale wagon with something like 15min left, and cristigale's allusion to her wagon's fail at the 5min mark...
This isn't MU, there's no "the player with the most votes is served for lunch" mechanic, and neither our culture nor the crappy GOG forum software lend themselves to such plays that close to deadline.
Say we got her to L-1 in time. She claimed something some of us believed; we unvote her. What then? Wouldn't we be exactly where we ended up being? Worse, we didn't believe her, lynched her, and she flipped whatever she had claimed. Would that have been better?
As I already said, I have a fair share in that epic fail, but I don't think I'm not the only one.
Moving on to other posts (haven't refreshed yet).