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Bookwyrm627: [...] the initial interest in Flub's avatar (was she trying to lynch or out a PR on D1?) [...] I didn't like the PR hunt aspect, [...]
cristigale's claim/argument since the beginning has been that she thinks flubbucket's current avatar (and previous ones, as per post #206) were AI. You felt/thought that she was PR hunting. Do you think she's lying about her motive of looking into the flubbucket avatar business? How certain are you that you're not projecting your own take on the matter?

If you think that scum!cristigale is PR hunting here, that would mean that you think flubbucket's town. Would that be because your starting thought is "scum!cristigale is PR hunting", or is there something about his play that supports it? If the latter, could you point out what it is you see as such? This very post suggests that you don't, so that brings me back to why you're so convinced that she's PR hunting.

SirPrimalform: 1 and 2 are both reasonable things to assume but assuming too much is generally a bad thing in a closed set up.

3 is unlikely but not unreasonable. [...]
You're not actually answering his questions #2 and #3.

elebutterfly: [...] To answer the original, for what it's worth: I read sharing reads on everyone freely, à la Joe, as town because it leaves a clear paper trail of suspicion pattern and indicates independent thought is going on about every player, rather than sliding along with whatever wagon is moving. [...]
*reads elebutterfly's reply, checks back the original comment & question; reads bler144's comment on the patented bler144-dodge; rereads elebutterfly's reply*

I think we can agree that you did pull a bler144-dodge here after all.

Could you go back to my post #347 and reread the relevant part, then give answering another try?

bler144: [...] Lots of madness, but...maybe some method?
adaliabooks isn't playing.

bler144: [...] He has greater attention to detail than the average bear, so he will invariably ask you about some minor detail you barely remember from 18 days earlier that you said off the cuff and barely remember even saying and he will demand you explain every facet of what you were thinking. [...]
Sounds like a PITA to play with; will avoid at all cost.

bler144: [...] 1. Yeah, I wasn't particularly worried about that early in D1 though. For one, in these games I end up being wrong even when I think I have a heavily researched, thoroughly considered argument. For two, if I can't clear/defend myself as town based on that out of the gate D1 and most of the day still to play, I probably deserve to get lynched, and at least I feel confident I'd leave a good wagon behind. [...]
Except that I'm not limiting it to D1, or give D1 things a pass.

bler144: [...] she didn't hound the person who said they thought they knew what the claim was for details, [...]
Is this something you'd expect scum!cristigale to do assuming she was PR hunting? I wouldn't.

bler144: Please, the patented bler144-dodge is to address the question with an answer that is true yet completely dissatisfying to the asker. The bler144-answer contains 8 pages of details and detritus you would rather not have bothered with.

Based on your embedded quotes, she just didn't answer. [...]
Well, judging by the answer she gave in post #374, it looks like the way your patented dodge works wasn't lost on her.

JoeSapphire: [...] As Hypersomniac says, everybody's been playing a but scummy... [...]
[emphasis added ]

Excuse me, sir, I believe I never spoke of rear ends, misspelled or otherwise.
Bookwyrm627: Of the existing wagons:
-I'm quite content to ride this Primal wagon all the way to lynch. If/when he flips scum, I think we'll have some good leads on other scum.
What are the leads? What do we lean if he flips town?
cristigale: Okay, step back...

@flubb - Help me understand this "Orange Pylon of Justice"
googling it only comes up with this website. I'm not sure it's anything other than flubbucket.

I know you asked flubb but I'm not expecting him to give you a useful answer

which is maybe for the best, as you're really asking him to tell you about his role.
JoeSapphire: My favourite to lunch is still ZFR. It looks like lots of people are waiting to see if someone else will budge first. It's very exciting!!
Fine. I'll budge. ZFR still isn't my top choice. Flubb would be better, I think, since he has a good chance of being scum and even if he isn't we learn something since he is connected to cristi and to a lesser degree (perhaps only in my perception) to Damnation. But although many seem to suspect flubb as well, apparently no one is willing to join me on that wagon - and I have to go to bed. Tomorrow will be an exhausting day. But I don't want to riks a no-lynch. My second choice, Damnation, is even less likely to get lynched in time, so I guess I'll have to fall back to my third choice ZFR. Sorry, if I'm wrong, ZFR.

unvote flubbucket
vote ZFR

And good night!
SirPrimalform: 1 and 2 are both reasonable things to assume but assuming too much is generally a bad thing in a closed set up.

3 is unlikely but not unreasonable. [...]
HypersomniacLive: You're not actually answering his questions #2 and #3.
Really? I thought #4 is the only one I didn't explicitly address and even then I felt it was covered.
cristigale: Okay, step back...

@flubb - Help me understand this "Orange Pylon of Justice"
JoeSapphire: googling it only comes up with this website. I'm not sure it's anything other than flubbucket.

I know you asked flubb but I'm not expecting him to give you a useful answer

which is maybe for the best, as you're really asking him to tell you about his role.
Yes, you are right. He probably won't and shouldn't. Trying to break possible tunnel vision. If I am wrong and he is actually hinting this, I want to scream. I did google it, BTW.
SirPrimalform: Really? I thought #4 is the only one I didn't explicitly address and even then I felt it was covered.
The patented bler144-dodge seems quite popular around here...
cristigale: You have a penchant for pushing the grey areas. You chose to hide the real reason you voted (which turned out to be OK). I could tell that your answer was evasive.
True, true, and not surprising. I was evading and refusing to answer plenty of questions about my investigation.

cristigale: I don't believe you believe this. 'It's a coincidence'...You are not that naive. 'Flub not knowing...', I don't buy this either given flub's reaction. I think you are trying to create reasons to discredit me.

OMGUS aside, this and the role fishing feels more than someone purposefully trying to discredit me. I will vote Bookwyrm if there is enough to lynch.
Believe what you like.

I acknowledge in that very quote that Flub may know that traffic cones are sometimes known as pylons. I do not accept the idea "Of course Flub knows that another name for traffic cones is pylons". I've never heard that name for them before in my life, and nothing I've seen him say indicates to me his knowledge of the terminology one way or the other. I don't know what he calls the stupid things in normal conversation, and at this point I no longer care.

I've already stated my personal interpretation of Flub's avatar, and I have nothing else I wish to say about it right now.

I object to your accusation that I've done any role fishing. I have avoided role fishing thus far.

JoeSapphire: I'm surprised that bookwyrm says he's not interested in ZFR despite recieving warning bells. Does 'not interested' mean you don't want zfr's lunch? Why not?
Not today, not the way it has built. I may be more open to a ZFR lynch in the future.

JoeSapphire: What's the good of warning bells ifyou're not alarmed by them?
I'll worry about the fire alarm once the fire right in front of me has been contained or extinguished.

I've watched Primal quietly try to turn the lynch to anyone except himself, and I think a few other players have subtly tried to help him.
My thoughts for a scum team

cristi, SirPrimalform, Lift

I think Lift is trying to cast shade on flub today for a possible lynch of flub tomorrow while going after the easy lynch today of ZFR

cristi, has not done much today except concentrate on flub for his avatar instead of actually focusing on how people are playing and trying to scum hunt

SPF, This is more of a gut feeling from his overall posts and behavior throughout the day. He seems to want to appear town more so than truly behave as town. Not sure I'm explaining that corrrectly
SirPrimalform: Really? I thought #4 is the only one I didn't explicitly address and even then I felt it was covered.
HypersomniacLive: The patented bler144-dodge seems quite popular around here...
Can you be more explicit about what you think I missed out?
Unvote cristigale
Vote Sirprimalform

Brig cristigale
Bookwyrm627: I've watched Primal quietly try to turn the lynch to anyone except himself, and I think a few other players have subtly tried to help him.
My scum team is you, ZFR and ele. Clearly you guys are the only other players in the game, thus "anyone but myself".
The only newcomer to the lynches I'm willing to support is flub for the bizarre anti-logic he keeps pushing.
Bookwyrm627: I object to your accusation that I've done any role fishing. I have avoided role fishing thus far.
No, I didn't mean you were role fishing, the case you made that I was role-fishing.

You, Damnation and ZFR are all on the same wagon (at last vote cote). Any thoughts on that given the exchanges yesterday?
Brig Flubbucket

Not confident enough to lynch but I feel whatever he's up to can't be good.
JoeSapphire: [...] I could lynch SirP although everything I've seen of his behaviour is pretty much consistent with his character, albeit not particularly useful for hunting scum. [...]
[emphasis added]

Does the part I highlighted mean in any way that it's NAI, or that you don't see him as (particularly?) scummy? If the latter, is the only reason you're willing to lynch him to avoid No-Lynch?

trentonlf: My thoughts for a scum team

cristi, SirPrimalform, Lift

I think Lift is trying to cast shade on flub today for a possible lynch of flub tomorrow while going after the easy lynch today of ZFR

cristi, has not done much today except concentrate on flub for his avatar instead of actually focusing on how people are playing and trying to scum hunt

SPF, This is more of a gut feeling from his overall posts and behavior throughout the day. He seems to want to appear town more so than truly behave as town. Not sure I'm explaining that corrrectly
The Lifthrasil slot has quite a few issues (wasn't exactly impressed by his posts, but since we're giving him some slack Today, I'll refrain from going into specifics). SirPrimalform isn't exactly pure himself either in my eyes.
What throws me off with the two of them being on a scum team is what I noticed (and nobody commented on) about them hopping on the ZFR wagon in consecutive spots (which is again the case, just in reverse order) at the time it happened (leading wagon being the JoeSapphire one). Any thoughts on this?

SirPrimalform: Can you be more explicit about what you think I missed out?
Noticed how his questions are framed. Then reread your answers.