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@flubb: why did you repeat your statement that brigging might be abused by scum to paint a towny as scum, even after Bookwyrm explained to you why that scenario is impossible? Normally I would suspect you of not having read Bookwyrm's post. But you replied to it directly and therefore you have read it. But still you held on to your impossible scenario. Why?
BTW, as I know Littlerabbit outside of the forum I emailed her to check she was ok. She is, she just drastically underestimated the speed at which this game would move and how much free time she had. To be honest, I forgot quite how many posts can be generated in a day but I am at least (mostly) not at work through the summer.

SirPrimalform: Wait, crap. Did I ruin something? If yes, say nothing and blink twice.
Damnation: *blinks thrice and says everything*
You didn't really ruin anything, you just pointed out my intention. Reading it through my phrasing is just to your benefit, no?
I was pointing out your intention because Bookwyrm seemed to be almost intentionally misunderstanding it. It's one of the things that made me vote for Bookwyrm.

Since apparently hardly anyone else finds Bookwyrm scummy enough to vote, I'll
unvote Bookwyrm and
vote ZFR

Lifthrasil: But Bookwyrm hat one little sentence that might be read as slip: "You can't brig us all!" ... who is US in that sentence, Bookwyrm?
Really, what post is that? I'd like to see the context surrounding that.

Vitek: Makes me even more reluctant to go with ZFR.
Is this a case of you not thinking ZFR is scummy, or simply that your other reads are stronger?

How do you feel about Bookwyrm lately? I think I saw ZFR winking at them at one point.
JoeSapphire: And yet earlier you told damnation that you weren't baffled by it, but rather "what the ever loving crap?" A VERY telling inconsistency!!

Ah... this joke makes no sense. Damnation said you might be showing "baffled concern" so I can see now how maybe you were deliberately quoting baffled, but omitting the concern. If you were I found it very amusing.
Bookwyrm627: Oh good. I started an eye roll/face palm with the first line, and had a "whew, he's not being serious" moment with the second.
I aim to please.

SirPrimalform: Speaking of which, how do other people feel about Bookwyrm?
I get town vibes from him. I don’t see his argument with damnation as necessarily defending zfr, but trying to sort out damnation’s misunderstandings, and getting into the debate. As I say, I too was tempted to try and detangle it. Perhaps me and bookwyrm think in similar ways, god help him.

ZFR: Just a reminder that time is running out, everyone. And no one is even at L-3 if my count is correct. We need to wrap it up lest we get a no-lynch.

Maybe a quick roll call on whose wagon you're willing to jump?
Myself, SirPrimalform and bler.
Glad that you’re willing to join your own wagon. Very decent of you :p
Is the deadline still tonight? Heck I’ve been composing this on-and-off for three hours now (I’m at work! lololol) We’re still close to deadline.

Lunches I’m keen to join in on:
ZFR, SirP, Flubbucket.

Lunches I would join:
Any! Never turn down a lunch that’s my motto.

ZFR: SPF for a meta reason I'd rather not mention, and HSL because his style of questioning seems scummy to me (though I really can't put my finger on why).
[… ]

Littlerabbit seemed role-fishing, which according to people here is scummy? I don't know.
The meat-reason that you’d rather not mention has been addressed by other people since, but I marked it also to say woah that’s not a particularly useful thing to say!

Is there a strict definition of meta/meat? I’d taken it to mean based on impressions you have of their characters outside of the mafia game but maybe it’s more complex?

And secondly – mafia want to know what the town’s roles so they can nightkill/block them. Town generally want to keep their roles secret because 1- they don’t know what the other roles are, and (power roles) don’t know if they’ll be safe if they claim and (non-power roles) don’t know what power roles they can protect with group anonymity.

Generally trying to find out what power roles people have, and what power roles people think there might be (which might be influenced by knowledge of their own role) is something scum should do and town shouldn’t.
There are theories that it’s more beneficial to town to claim early but (1) I’m not convinced and (2) it doesn’t really seem in the spirit of the game.

JoeSapphire: […]
bler144: Yeah. The risk of smurfholery is strong. His whole thing at this point is AtE in terms of saying he's misunderstood and asking for clarifications, which is...not much for clearing, and arguably what an inexperienced toaster should do in his shoes with no real alternative wagons to push in this particular D1.

I have definitely seen town get stuck in this rut, I'm just...surprised.


Flub gets away with that writing style because...well, there's really no rational explanation for it. He just does. Krypsyn and vitek get away with it at times because they know when to bring the noise, and people expect they will.
A)hmm can’t remember what I was going to say to your first paragraph here. I guess I in agreement that zfr’s a bit scummy. (I think that’s what you’re talking about but I deleted my quote and now I can’t remember what it was THANKS JOE YOU’RE SO CLEAR AND HELPFUL.

B) Yeah flub. Fluminious… Fluminious….
Oh Master F Bertram Bucket…..

bler144: I was waffling when I started reading, but I'm staying on ZFR, period. This isn't a matter of new player misunderstanding game mechanics. Read these two sentences back to back:

"No semi-intelligent scum would vote someone without justification. Nor say "I have a reason but I won't tell" and expect to get away with it. Any scum worth his salt would have a justification, whether good or bad, for his vote."

and then his follow-up

"By my logic they needn't be scum. "Needn't be scum" is not equivalent to "must be town". Not-scummy is not equal to towny. It could be NAI."

They mean exactly the opposite, and when pressed on these discrepancies he says people misunderstand him or that maybe he was ambiguous but he's literally saying the opposite of what he said unless I am literally losing my mind. His early wagon was weak, but this is just anti-town. I have no qualms about defending this vote now.

Looking around the table everything looks fractured - some good exchanges and information, but...
again, agreement here. Perhaps I’m expecting too much of ZFR since he’s established himself as attentive to detail and all that, but yeah the illogical logic doesn’t sit right with me either.

bler144: ...
ZFR: OK, I see what you mean now. Yes, I believe my read on this was way off here.
Whoops! Can’t even remember who said this or what we’re going on about…. Takes a big human to admit they’re wrong? Let’s assume that’s why I thought this was worth noting.

JoeSapphire: Regarding damnation & bookwyrm, I seem in minority having an urge to do just as bookwyrm did and start pulling apart the huge mess of misunderstandings and false conclusions that was damnation's post 281
Damnation: My question is here: Why haven't you done so?
I think it fairly safe to say that post 281 is very open to critique, no?
Two reasons – it occurred to me that maybe it was ZFR’s battle and I had faith that he could answer the charges himself and me getting involved might just muddy the waters. And Bookwyrm had addressed it to my satisfaction already.

Hello Lifthrasil!

Lifthrasil: So, here's my first observation: HSL depends on electricity. Did you see that? He had a power outage and immediately fell silent. So he must be a toaster! ;-)
Oh lol. We do have fun.

Lifthrasil: Same with JoeSapphire. I really can't place him and I don't know if that 'slightly scummy' vibe is just my paranoia in relation to a mostly unfamiliar player or whether there is something more. elebutterfly and Vitek don't give me any vibes so far. So they are neutral for me for now.
Have we not played together? some time in 2014?... not that it matters really...


I think I had a thought that if someone's scum then it implicates Vitek... but I can't remember now.

I'm leaving work now, but I'll be back later for definite! I'm not missing the deadline!
Friendly note for UK players: As we are currently in British Summer Time, we are UTC+1. This means that the deadline is 01:00 BST.
Post edited July 11, 2018 by PoppyAppletree
SirPrimalform: Speaking of which, how do other people feel about Bookwyrm?
JoeSapphire: I get town vibes from him. I don’t see his argument with damnation as necessarily defending zfr, but trying to sort out damnation’s misunderstandings, and getting into the debate. As I say, I too was tempted to try and detangle it. Perhaps me and bookwyrm think in similar ways, god help him.
It's not just that though. I get a bit of a coaching vibe from Bookwyrm -> ZFR. It might just be friendly advice to a semi-newbie or it might be coded "Don't blow the gig!". Then there's the fact that me voting Bookwyrm seemingly caused ZFR to jump on me. I did it to see if ele flinched, but ZFR did instead.

JoeSapphire: Glad that you’re willing to join your own wagon. Very decent of you :p
Is the deadline still tonight? Heck I’ve been composing this on-and-off for three hours now (I’m at work! lololol) We’re still close to deadline.
Get back to teaching those students!

JoeSapphire: Is there a strict definition of meta/meat? I’d taken it to mean based on impressions you have of their characters outside of the mafia game but maybe it’s more complex?
I usually take it to mean any read based on anything from outside of the current game. Whether that be what you know of the person's behaviour in different games, or as themselves in real life, etc.

Oh, and @PoppyAppletree, 00:00 UTC is 01:00 the in UK currently, right?
SirPrimalform: Oh, and @PoppyAppletree, 00:00 UTC is 01:00 the in UK currently, right?
Yep, my bad.
Post edited July 11, 2018 by PoppyAppletree
PoppyAppletree: Yep, my bad.
SirPrimalform: Oh, and @PoppyAppletree, 00:00 UTC is 01:00 the in UK currently, right?
Yes. 00:00 UTC is 01:00 BST. Not 23 as our gracious host stated.
SirPrimalform: Oh, and @PoppyAppletree, 00:00 UTC is 01:00 the in UK currently, right?
ZFR: Yes. 00:00 UTC is 01:00 BST. Not 23 as our gracious host stated.
Let it be noted that my melting point is 20'C. :D
ZFR: Yes. 00:00 UTC is 01:00 BST. Not 23 as our gracious host stated.
PoppyAppletree: Let it be noted that my melting point is 20'C. :D

One day not refreshing before posting in mafia is going to get me modkilled.
SirPrimalform: It's not just that though. I get a bit of a coaching vibe from Bookwyrm -> ZFR. It might just be friendly advice to a semi-newbie or it might be coded "Don't blow the gig!". Then there's the fact that me voting Bookwyrm seemingly caused ZFR to jump on me. I did it to see if ele flinched, but ZFR did instead.
This is why I was previously interested in ZFR mentioning that Bookwyrm was advicing before ZFR's first game.
Because I ceratinly felt some coaching from BW toward ZFR and this could explain it in other than scummy way.
That he was used to giving him some advices and perhaps felt responsible for him a bit so he defended what he saw as fellow townie in troubles.
I am not sure at all it's that way, but it could be possible explanation.

As for your question about ZFR and Book, I haven't see much wrong with Wyrm so far but when others started to mention him, I went and looked at some of his previous mafia game and he seemed different to me here. So I don't have much reasons to vote BW.
ZFR certainly did some scummy things but some of them could be attributed to newbiness and he is also the subject of attention of several my main suspects and that makes me very unwilling to support it.
I also thinks he is quite easy target and his wouldn't provide us with that much info.
Except that if he flipped mafia it would strongly implicate BW.

JoeSapphire: I think I had a thought that if someone's scum then it implicates Vitek... but I can't remember now.
Well, someone's certainly scum so I guess I am implicated.
I am here all day today, my daughter was released from the hospital late yesterday and I brought her home with me since no one could stay with her at her house (her fiance is out of town working). Everything is looking good for her so far :)

Welcome Lift to the game!
To answer your question on the cop statement from your predecessor I totally missed it, I think I've missed several things the past few days :( and me ranting about it now would just be a distraction that is not needed.

I still think our best option for lynching scum today is cristi and that is my preference for a lynch. If that is someone that a consensus can not be reached on the only other person I would be willing to vote for at this time is SirPrimalform.

Right now my vote is on crist and I'm leaving it, but if I need to change it before the day ends I will.
Lifthrasil: @flubb: why did you repeat your statement that brigging might be abused by scum to paint a towny as scum, even after Bookwyrm explained to you why that scenario is impossible? Normally I would suspect you of not having read Bookwyrm's post. But you replied to it directly and therefore you have read it. But still you held on to your impossible scenario. Why?
At work attempting to use tablet to post, so please excuse me.

I wish you would show actual post so I can see what I'm misunderstanding.

My thoughts are you are scum and brig me for the night. You then decide with your team to perform No Night Kill.

Next Day accuse brigged player of being scum since No Night Kill occured.

How is this impossible ??

Vote: Lifthrasil
Vitek: Thanks but damn you! You made me remember how much I love hosting a game and now I have the urge to do it soon.
Not sure I should sign up for it, then. I'll probably roll Mafia Roleblocker, claim Town Cop, and get lynched for it.

Bookwyrm627: If you actually care about Bler's dodge, then you try prodding him
elebutterfly: I don't, at the moment... which is why I didn't prod him. :P
elebutterfly: vote bookwyrm

3)) points out bler dodging a question in #231 but doesn't prod further.
Heh. Neither of us are interested in pushing Bler on the dodge, but that I find it noteworthy enough to at least comment on it is apparently scummy.

Bookwyrm627: In the meantime, I recalled a few labels of her as scummy and not many people labeling her as town. Maybe some more people would emerge if her wagon became viable. [...]
HypersomniacLive: [emphasis added]

That's exactly my point though. Was here wagon more viable during the time Vitek had a vote on her, hence yours would be the second on it, or after he moved his vote elsewhere and yours was the first one?

trentonlf, bler144, and Vitek made it quite clear that JoeSapphire wasn't on the table quite earlier in the game before Vitek moved his vote. The labelling you mention is also from around the same time (I have to go back and check for specifics).
I had Joe as higher chance of being scum than Christi, and he had a larger wagon than Christi (or anyone else I considered scummy). Before ZFR moved off, I still had some hope that maybe Joe's lynch would be able to happen, but when the wagon dropped to me and Damnation, who was also talking about leaving, I accepted that the wagon was dead.

Bookwyrm627: If the lie is some other point, then I'll be curious to hear what it was.
cristigale: The lie occurred BEFORE you revealed that you had a list of numbers to pick from. You didn't clue the rest of into the numbers list until later. When you first revealed you picked CSPVG, I asked why. You said: *shrug* I wasn't exactly drowning in extra information at the time. When I pressed you about it, you said: It came down to something like "Eenie, meenie, minnie, moe". If you are expecting awesome powers of deduction led me to this choice, then I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you this time .
You are correct that I didn't mention picking among numbers until later, since I didn't want to tell mafia that I was a cop if they did indeed have copies of town roles.

I wasn't drowning in extra information when I chose CSPVG. I didn't even know who I was choosing at the time I made the choice! I had four numbers, and his is the number I happened to choose. I used pretty close to an "Eenie, meenie, minnie, moe" method of choosing that number, since I had nothing to give any clue as to which number belonged to whom.

I stand by my statement that I didn't lie. I didn't even lie by omission since I explicitly refused to give details on how my power worked.

bler144: 3. Why did it seem weak? I thought it was pretty sharp, as apparently so did flub himself. I don't get how it's weak if it's correct according to the only person who could say with certainty.
Did Flub say she was correct? If so, why aren't you already on his wagon for admitting to being a Cylon? :P

It being weak: I'm not inclined to lynch someone simply because they chose an avatar that shows a picture of an object that has one name that happens to rhyme with the flavor name of the bad guys, especially when I have other reasons for why such an avatar might be chosen. Do we even know that Flub knew the traffic cone as a pylon? He's like 25897352897 years old, so he might have heard about it at some point in his life, but to me it was a brand new name for the object.

bler144: I tend to believe her that she was pursuing alignment ... but I disagree with your interpretation there.
(I believe) I've made my position clear, including that I'm going to step back and reconsider her. You are free to agree or disagree with me as you like, of course. :)

bler144: @wyrm - see, trent's on it.
Sure, after I've already decided to re-evaluate and left her wagon. :P

bler144: ...Can't we just lynch both SPF and ZFR? Please. I don't want to have to choose here. I'd like both, now more than ever.

(sorry, couldn't resist)

Damnation: Good, so I understood your statement quite clearly. And I'm not distorting it, really. It's interesting you'd think that.
Perhaps I'm having a clarification issue here, but I'm saying the same thing as you are, just not that lynch would be my go-to resolution. Do note I at no point excluded any other result of such a claim in any of my posts.
I used the modifiers 'serious' and 'likely' for a reason. You dropped them in your reply and questioned why I'd think someone claiming to be scum would get lynched. With modifiers, the answer is self-explanatory: "They claimed to be scum". Without modifiers, the likely consequence depends on the circumstances of the claim.

Damnation: On the town strategy I'm referring to, and the one I've always used; I'm going to be nice here: Town should hunt scum, nothing else. They should not care if they appear scum.
Sure, there are details that go into that - such as not make yourself the prime target for a lunch, etc..
If not for the details line, I'd strongly disagree. Town does need to care about whether they appear town so they have the reputation to help convince other players to lynch scum and so they aren't the one being lynched/vigged/roleblocked/etc.

This looks like another round of us being more-or-less in agreement, except for semantics.

Damnation: And nope, I haven't. Yes, I've commented theorizing on how I perceive your reaction once (Hint: I haven't shared my concrete read). The post I'm thinking you're referring to as the first time speaks of reactions in general, then thanking you for jumping to his defense. You jumping to his defense is not the only thing there is in a reaction.
My point in the previous post was relatively simple: You have attempted to outright tell me how I should perceive your reaction. Maybe I agree with you and do think you simply got very confused and felt you had to have some answers as to why, maybe I don't. I'm choosing to keep my cards to myself here.
You commented on my reaction in 286, 288, and 292, just off hand.

Semantics: I told you what my reaction was, not how you had to perceive it. :P

Damnation: And you went from crazed questioning to guano insane questioning now? Is that escalation now, or do you consider the two terms the same? I certainly do not.
Word choice can be important. Crazed townie, guano insane question. There's a difference; a crazed townie might get better.

Bookwyrm627: 3) If you had a chance to slow (or stop!) scum collaboration, would you use it? There is no chance of hurting town on this point, but NOT using the brig means we have no chance of hurting scum in this area. And if scum have day chat?
Lifthrasil: I know the issue has been discussed back and forth, but I'm new so here's my two cents: "There is no chance of hurting town" is such a blatantly wrong statement.
BRAKE! Let me stop you right there. You've cut off the end of that phrase (emphasized by me, here), thereby changing the meaning significantly. That same post you are quoting already includes your counter argument. Much like Ele clipping part of a line and asking me why I would rather Brig on Day 1 than lynch, you're cutting out an important part of the line to launch a counter argument. Why is that?

As far as we know, brigging a townie does not hurt town's communication in any fashion. We know that brigging a scum will hurt scum communication by blocking access to scum chat. As far as we know, town simply cannot be hurt by use of the brig when it comes to communication. (Maybe it would hurt mason communication or something, but the mod hasn't commented on that in any fashion, and the public-at-large doesn't know whether there are any masons at all).

Lifthrasil: Or if it is a recruiter that would mean we have a cult-like game and I think (hope) our Mod would have warned us about such shenanigans beforehand.
Mod refused to say.

Lifthrasil: But Bookwyrm hat one little sentence that might be read as slip: "You can't brig us all!" ... who is US in that sentence, Bookwyrm?
Those of us corrupted by yog: Kill! Kill! Kill!

Based on the context, who did you think it referred to? :P
Vitek: This is why I was previously interested in ZFR mentioning that Bookwyrm was advicing before ZFR's first game.
Since some people seem to be so interested, let me copy/paste how that conversation started. Note the time stamps.

ZFR 11.10.2017, 13:17
So I'm thinking of giving in and actually giving Mafia a try here...
I've read about it on wikipedia, but problem is, I still don't understand half what's written in the mafia threads.
Is there a tldr version of what I have to read so I can jump into a game here?

Bookwyrm627 11.10.2017, 13:27
Uh. Let me think for a moment about how best to summarize it.

We chatted about forum mafia on and off over the course of about 5 hours, according to the timestamps.

By now, I don't know what ZFR does and does not know. I do know he's played very games with us on GOG. I also know he's quite smart, and you should already be aware that he's done research of his own. Primal mentioned thinking ZFR maybe got rattled by Primal's vote on me. Considering I've seen ZFR leave a mason buddy at L-1 for hours, I think Primal is in for a rude awakening.

FWIW, I've also answered questions for ZFR about several different video games. Master of Magic, Heroes of Might and Magic, Might and Magic, Magic Carpet, and probably a few others that may or may not have Magic in the name.

flubbucket: I wish you would show actual post so I can see what I'm misunderstanding.

My thoughts are you are scum and brig me for the night. You then decide with your team to perform No Night Kill.

Next Day accuse brigged player of being scum since No Night Kill occured.

How is this impossible ??
Such an accusation is not impossible, merely foolish.

1) We brig a player.

2) Everyone knows that player can't take any action at night.

3) If that player was the last scum, then game would have ended.

4) Game did not end, so at least one scum is alive and not brigged.

5) If there is no NK, then the non-brigged scum either held the kill or were prevented from killing. The brigged player cannot have performed any action, and in fact could not have communicated with scum that Night at all. No NK is no reason to assume the brigged player is or is not scum.

Anyone who believes the NK was blocked by the brig are ignoring steps 3 and 4.