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The "I don't think they know about second breakfast" vote count.


ZFR - 3 (JoeSapphire, trentonlf, littlerabbit)
JoeSapphire - 2 (Damnation, Bookwyrm)
SPF - 2 (bler114, Vitek)
flubbucket - 1 (cristigale)
Damnation - 1 (flubbucket)
bler114 (ZFR)


Bookwyrm - 1 (Vitek)
elebutterfly - 1 (Bookwyrm)

(With 13 active players, it takes 7 votes for a consensus to be reached.)
Post edited July 09, 2018 by PoppyAppletree
bler144: .............

Care to compile the 4 of you by, say, word count (if quantitative) or depth of argument (if qualitative)? ;)
No. Too much work.

Now comparing and contrasting avatars would be an interesting and valuable task to undertake.

bler144: Well...I have this feeling flub is going to shoot me in the face at some point in this game.


bler144: ...........
I'm getting on the wagon with SPF, and the rabbit, and probably flub eventually based on his scumlist enthusiasm for SPFwagon? Anyone?

Is this buddying??

I have the creeps.

Unvote: Damnation
@damnation, my response to bler had nothing to do with the meta of SPF. As I said, I’m just not sure if he’s trying to hard to appear town or not.

@vitek, I have cristi as my #2 but I’m on the fence about SPF. What has set off your scum radar about SPF?

@everyone, I will do my best to post more today but no guarantees. My oldest daughter is having surgery to remove a large cyst from one of her ovaries and his while she’s pregnant. If all goes well, and it should, I’ll be back on later today.
JoeSapphire: damnation - uhhh... can't remember? I recently went back and re-read your posts because I couldn't remember anything you'd said. Now I can't again. Voting for me! Argh!
Damnation: Of course I'm voting for you! Plus, I haven't found a reason yet to unvote you...
Ahahaha I'm hilarious. Considering I've got no idea what I'm talking about in half of these ancient posts I'm surprised you guys put up with me at all. I appreciate it a lot x

JoeSapphire: I predict a three mafia team with a role cop, a block and a ninja. (zfr = block, ele = cop, crist = ninja.
Damnation: That's an awfully specific prediction. Are you jealous that you got the mafia vanilla while your scumbuddies got shiny powers?
the more specific the prediction the more glory If I get it right! I like to think that I would be ballsy enough to post my mafia team's specifics just to imagine the looks on their faces when they read it, but that's not what happening here.

JoeSapphire: . Those that know it as pylon; is it very common to call it so?
bler144: It's moderately common in the U.S., possibly a regionalism. It's not the word I use, but as soon as she said it I knew what she meant by it, and don't think it's accidental. Which flub has basically confirmed anyway when he said "clever girl", making the question a bit moot, no?
My thinking is if it's less common it's therefore more cryptic, and a more cryptic puzzle is more likely to be directly related... but again I'm trying to second-guess the most brilliant mind of the twenty-first century.

flubbucket: And for the record flubbucket has 16 (now 17).
Damnation: Ooooh, I know! I'll make short, uninformative posts too, to artificially bloat my vote count and appear less lurky that way!
Good point, well made.

Vitek: EBWOP:
I personally ahve Joe as slightly scummy but given the fact that current votes against him are not convincing at all, I am not going to support that wagon.
surely this is wrong! Hmm... I don't know but this doesn't seem right to me at all... If you think someone's scum why would you ever be opposed to their lunch?

hahaha lunchwagon!
trentonlf: @everyone, I will do my best to post more today but no guarantees. My oldest daughter is having surgery to remove a large cyst from one of her ovaries and his while she’s pregnant. If all goes well, and it should, I’ll be back on later today.
I hope everything goes well. Is it too early to say "Good luck, gramps"?


Since people aren't particularly interested in Joe, then I'm willing to kick off a different wagon.

Unvote lynch Joe

Vote lynch Cristi
flubbucket: Now comparing and contrasting avatars would be an interesting and valuable task to undertake.
Hey you're the one who sets up the puzzles! Don't mock us for undertaking them.
Why are you trying to put us off, Bucket? Are we getting too close to THE TRUTH??

trentonlf: @everyone, I will do my best to post more today but no guarantees. My oldest daughter is having surgery to remove a large cyst from one of her ovaries and his while she’s pregnant. If all goes well, and it should, I’ll be back on later today.
All the best. x
and congratulations too!
trentonlf: @everyone, I will do my best to post more today but no guarantees. My oldest daughter is having surgery to remove a large cyst from one of her ovaries and his while she’s pregnant. If all goes well, and it should, I’ll be back on later today.
I hope everything goes well for both of them!
Post edited July 09, 2018 by PoppyAppletree
Damnation: @everyone, I will do my best to post more today but no guarantees. My oldest daughter is having surgery to remove a large cyst from one of her ovaries and his while she’s pregnant. If all goes well, and it should, I’ll be back on later today.
PoppyAppletree: I hope everything goes well for both of them!
How did you mess up that quote? It isn't even on the same page with 50 posts/page! XD
PoppyAppletree: I hope everything goes well for both of them!
Bookwyrm627: How did you mess up that quote? It isn't even on the same page with 50 posts/page! XD
I have absolutely no idea how the forum manages to break in the ways that it does.
trentonlf: @vitek, I have cristi as my #2 but I’m on the fence about SPF. What has set off your scum radar about SPF?
I mentioned it all before: opening the game with vote and lamenting there was a murder as a good concerned mafia with town moustache, almost no scum-hunting at all (only discussing brig mechanics), reads-list where he has only 2 people as "very slightly scummy" to not alienate anyone (I haven't mentioned this one before), convenient placing of vote on ZFR wagon and now you can add the distancing from that vote he did in his last 2 posts.

trentonlf: @everyone, I will do my best to post more today but no guarantees. My oldest daughter is having surgery to remove a large cyst from one of her ovaries and his while she’s pregnant. If all goes well, and it should, I’ll be back on later today.
I wish you it all goes as smoothly as possible.

I have to admit, though, that I always thought you are cca 20 years old so this shattered my vision of this world. :-)

JoeSapphire: surely this is wrong! Hmm... I don't know but this doesn't seem right to me at all... If you think someone's scum why would you ever be opposed to their lunch?
I am not opposed to your lunch. In fact I want you to give it to me right now!

Vitek: EBWOP:
I personally have Joe as slightly scummy but given the fact that current votes against him are not convincing at all, I am not going to support that wagon.
When I find someone very slightly scummy (I have like 5 better candidates) and people forming his wagon have very flimsy or non-serious reasons I don't go thinking, 'oh, great opportunity to lynch him, let's do this', I think 'nah, that's not good wagon, I amgoing to wait and see if he turns to be really mafia and then form proper wagon'.

SirPrimalform: Lies!
You lied to me!
I just found out you were mafia 3 times in the past, not twice, and you lost one of those games. I feel cheated.
I thought we were soulmates. *sobs*
Ok, catching up with ZFR's posts from last night and today I don't feel much has changed and I'm comfortable with: revote ZFR. I wanted to make sure there was no sudden pile on while I was at work and before I had a chance to catch up.

ZFR: I know. I hope the other Town players don't end up too mad at me for my "doing newbie things" and getting lynched.
However, the fact that you specifically mentioned that lynching me won't give town any info on D2, makes me think you're creating in advance an excuse for yourself. Especially since only a bit later you jumped on the wagon.

Vote bler
Something's not quite right here. As far as I can tell bler isn't on your wagon. Misplaced OMBHS I guess? According to the count it's Joe, Rabbit and the river Trent.

trentonlf: @vitek, I have cristi as my #2 but I’m on the fence about SPF. What has set off your scum radar about SPF?
At risk of getting meta, Vitek always suspects me, to the point where it's a running joke that I referenced in the sign up thread (or was it the admin thread?).

trentonlf: @everyone, I will do my best to post more today but no guarantees. My oldest daughter is having surgery to remove a large cyst from one of her ovaries and his while she’s pregnant. If all goes well, and it should, I’ll be back on later today.
Don't worry about the game, your daughter is way more important than a game. I hope everything goes smoothly.

Bookwyrm627: Vote lynch Cristi
Err... nothing to add? I realise this isn't completely out of the blue, but could you summarise?

Vitek: lamenting there was a murder as a good concerned mafia with town moustache,

Vitek: almost no scum-hunting at all (only discussing brig mechanics)
While I happily admit I got caught up in the brig mechanics discussion, define "no scum hunting"? Your scum hunting != all scum hunting. I like to play with Reckless Abandon™ and throw my vote around wildly. I find vote pressure and seeing how people respond to it to be most effective for my way of thinking. I'm not one of those players who keeps spreadsheets or anything, sorry.

Vitek: You lied to me!
I just found out you were mafia 3 times in the past, not twice, and you lost one of those games. I feel cheated.
I thought we were soulmates. *sobs*
I did!? I must have missed one, which was it? And no, I thought Joe was your soulmate. I'm more of a comic-relief-nemesis with no face.
SirPrimalform: Something's not quite right here. As far as I can tell bler isn't on your wagon. Misplaced OMBHS I guess? According to the count it's Joe, Rabbit and the river Trent.
bler144: Eh...I think most likely, if there's no notable change in the game state, I'm probably getting on the ZFR wagon tomorrow. So unofficial L-2.
bler144: Eh...I think most likely, if there's no notable change in the game state, I'm probably getting on the ZFR wagon tomorrow. So unofficial L-2.
Yeah, but bler isn't yet voting for you and may never. I feel like you might be overreacting, but it's part of the reason I feel comfortable putting my vote back on.
Bookwyrm627: Vote lynch Cristi
SirPrimalform: Err... nothing to add? I realise this isn't completely out of the blue, but could you summarise?
Bookwyrm627: All I'm seeing [in the analysis of Flub's avatar] is Cristi hunting for a potential PR. Between this and the sleeper cylon question, my hackles are raised.
Bookwyrm627: Since people aren't particularly interested in Joe, then I'm willing to kick off a different wagon.
flubbucket: Good News. [...]
*sigh* More like Good News™unfortunately. We've been with no power for the better part of Sunday. A maintenance/faults crew showed up three times yesterday (3rd one around 22:00), talking about burnt fuses and fiddling around for hours in two different places around my place. They came back this morning, and dug up a good chunk of the pavement across the road.

@Vitek - is your place big enough for me to move in until this mess is fixed for good? I promise that I won't even ask for a turn with the Nintendo.

On a serious note, the situation has started to irritate me quite badly, and if they don't fix this for good within the next couple of days, it might be better for both me and you all if I subbed out; fingers crossed it doesn't come to that.

trentonlf: [...] @everyone, I will do my best to post more today but no guarantees. My oldest daughter is having surgery to remove a large cyst from one of her ovaries and his while she’s pregnant. If all goes well, and it should, I’ll be back on later today.
My thoughts are with you all; I'm confident all will go well, and best wishes for a swift recovery. And congrats on the new family member that's underway!

*goes to dig back into the game*