mchack: Nor do I have the literary competence to write concise sentences in english (not sure about german, but definitely (I think this is the first time I wrote that word correctly) not english) so my flavor would have nearer semblance to said regurgitation than a well told story.
moonshineshadow: Well I'm sure that there are people out here who would be able to help you with that, so don't let that stop you ;-)
heh. Thanks :) nice of you to say that. Guess there's more silent spectators than I thought :D
yes I think with enough time to prepare even I could get a bit of flavor done and maybe have it proof read by someone more fluent in english...
And about the balancing I figured (after posting) that I could just use one of the [url=]open setups[/url] on - They should be balanced enough
So yes I shouldn't right out dismiss the thought of moding a game, but it'll take some time until I'm confident enough to actually do it (and I should co-mod a few games beforehand anyway) so yeah the seed is planted but it'll take time...
DIPS on Westworld! (oh and red dwarf! :D) -- and by dips I mean, please someone make a westworld (/or red dwarf) themed game.