Posted July 29, 2018

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom

Registered: Oct 2011
From Belgium
Posted July 29, 2018
Seriously though, I can't believe we didn't lynch a single mafia. Well played, mafia. And I'm hanging my head in shame as a townie..!

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted July 29, 2018

Uh oh, GOGbear appearance. Did GOG have some servers on the GOGlactica?
Post edited July 29, 2018 by SirPrimalform

"New" "User"
Registered: Jan 2010
From Other
Posted July 29, 2018
Night 1 PMs:
With the Commander gone, nobody seems to know who’s in charge anymore. Sure there’s a chain of command, but it seems to be more of a guideline than a rule. You’ve not let the situation pass you by, and you’re taking full advantage of the chaos. With nobody signing off on the duty rosters, you can practically write them yourself.
You head to flubbucket’s quarters. “Sounds like they frakked up the duty rosters, you’re pulling a double tonight. Don’t complain. Come on, shift’s starting.”
flubbucket has been blocked.
yogsloth Night 1
The wake over and nobody the wiser about your true motives or identity, you retire to your quarters to execute the next stage of your plan. You pull the transmitter out from under your bunk and begin broadcasting.
Minutes later, you hear the confirmation signal.
You have successfully recruited Damnation.
As if it wasn’t bad enough that you had to spend hours arguing over who killed your most recent victim, you then had to spend an entire meal pretending that you liked the man. How tedious. Well, time to do it all again.
There’s been talk amongst the crew that Dr Baltar has created a Cylon detector. That won’t do, not at all. And he was looking at you oddly as you ate. Does he know? You’re not sure. At any rate, he needs to be silenced before he can do any more harm. You walk calmly towards his lab and open the door. He turns towards you but before he can say anything, you shoot him in the head. Job done.
You have killed Vitek.
Despite the merriment at the Commander's wake, things seem tense. You suspect that whoever did him in will be after you next. Your quarters are too obvious, you need a better place to go, somewhere nobody would think to look...the laundry room. You didn't even know there was one until recently. I mean, logically there had to be one, right? You just hadn't thought about it much before. Dirty uniforms go in the dirty pile, and you get a clean one from the closet. You spend a bit of time finding it, but it's pretty much what you'd expect: dirty piles of laundry in baskets. It doesn't seem like anyone's been cleaning them since the Commander was killed. You slip yourself into a pile of soiled outfits. It smells a bit, but it's comfy. You drift off into a dreamless sleep.
You wipe a tear away as your old friend is put to rest. Damn fine ceremony, Bill woulda been proud. Unfortunately, you’re only afforded a minute to grieve and say farewell. Nobody’s doing their damn jobs. You’re supposed to be in charge around here, but everyone seems to be doing whatever they feel like. Buncha amateurs.
After a few hours yelling at people to get back to work, you head to your quarters and pour yourself a drink. Next, you pull out an odd-looking machine from your desk. Adama wasn’t sure about Dr Baltar, so he had a duplicate Cylon detector made. After he was killed you made sure to appropriate it before anyone else found it. Seems like all you need is a sample and the machine spits out an answer. How hard can it be?
You leave your quarters and slip into the medbay. You’re fairly certain elebutterfly just had blood drawn for a routine physical. You find the sample and load a disc into the machine.
Sure is taking its time. You’re not sure if it’s working, but you’ve heard it takes a while. You didn’t realise just how long.
You wait.
And wait.
...And wait.
Finally. You’ve barely slept, but you’ve got your answer.
Green. Human.
elebutterfly is Crew-aligned.
As the Commander's wake finishes you retreat back to your lab, glad that nobody asked you anything too probing. You try to resume your work, but a persistent feeling of dread lingers over you. You're just being paranoid, you tell yourself. Nobody suspects you.
As you're finally starting to get some work done you hear the door to the lab open. The last thing you see is a figure standing in the doorway with a gun.
You have been killed.
As the festivities of the wake die down, you begin to follow Lifthrasil, ready to fight anyone who would attempt to harm them. You try to keep your distance so as not to be noticed, but you get distracted by a lost crewman trying to find their post. You quicken your pace, heading in your target’s last known direction, and you catch sight of your mark entering Dr Baltar’s lab. Moments later you hear a shot ring out.
Unbidden, your legs start to move and you walk yourself the threshold of the lab. In front of you, you see Lifthrasil standing over the corpse of Dr Baltar. Your eyes drift from the lifeless form of the doctor to the eyes of his killer, and you just stand there staring at them as if in a trance.
The next thing you know you’re waking in your bunk. You feel...different. After years of confusion, everything has become clear to you.
You have awakened.
Your role is now Cylon Sleeper Agent (Mafia Goon).
[NB: New role PM received at this time.]
With the Commander gone, nobody seems to know who’s in charge anymore. Sure there’s a chain of command, but it seems to be more of a guideline than a rule. You’ve not let the situation pass you by, and you’re taking full advantage of the chaos. With nobody signing off on the duty rosters, you can practically write them yourself.
You head to flubbucket’s quarters. “Sounds like they frakked up the duty rosters, you’re pulling a double tonight. Don’t complain. Come on, shift’s starting.”
flubbucket has been blocked.
yogsloth Night 1
The wake over and nobody the wiser about your true motives or identity, you retire to your quarters to execute the next stage of your plan. You pull the transmitter out from under your bunk and begin broadcasting.
Minutes later, you hear the confirmation signal.
You have successfully recruited Damnation.
As if it wasn’t bad enough that you had to spend hours arguing over who killed your most recent victim, you then had to spend an entire meal pretending that you liked the man. How tedious. Well, time to do it all again.
There’s been talk amongst the crew that Dr Baltar has created a Cylon detector. That won’t do, not at all. And he was looking at you oddly as you ate. Does he know? You’re not sure. At any rate, he needs to be silenced before he can do any more harm. You walk calmly towards his lab and open the door. He turns towards you but before he can say anything, you shoot him in the head. Job done.
You have killed Vitek.
Despite the merriment at the Commander's wake, things seem tense. You suspect that whoever did him in will be after you next. Your quarters are too obvious, you need a better place to go, somewhere nobody would think to look...the laundry room. You didn't even know there was one until recently. I mean, logically there had to be one, right? You just hadn't thought about it much before. Dirty uniforms go in the dirty pile, and you get a clean one from the closet. You spend a bit of time finding it, but it's pretty much what you'd expect: dirty piles of laundry in baskets. It doesn't seem like anyone's been cleaning them since the Commander was killed. You slip yourself into a pile of soiled outfits. It smells a bit, but it's comfy. You drift off into a dreamless sleep.
You wipe a tear away as your old friend is put to rest. Damn fine ceremony, Bill woulda been proud. Unfortunately, you’re only afforded a minute to grieve and say farewell. Nobody’s doing their damn jobs. You’re supposed to be in charge around here, but everyone seems to be doing whatever they feel like. Buncha amateurs.
After a few hours yelling at people to get back to work, you head to your quarters and pour yourself a drink. Next, you pull out an odd-looking machine from your desk. Adama wasn’t sure about Dr Baltar, so he had a duplicate Cylon detector made. After he was killed you made sure to appropriate it before anyone else found it. Seems like all you need is a sample and the machine spits out an answer. How hard can it be?
You leave your quarters and slip into the medbay. You’re fairly certain elebutterfly just had blood drawn for a routine physical. You find the sample and load a disc into the machine.
Sure is taking its time. You’re not sure if it’s working, but you’ve heard it takes a while. You didn’t realise just how long.
You wait.
And wait.
...And wait.
Finally. You’ve barely slept, but you’ve got your answer.
Green. Human.
elebutterfly is Crew-aligned.
As the Commander's wake finishes you retreat back to your lab, glad that nobody asked you anything too probing. You try to resume your work, but a persistent feeling of dread lingers over you. You're just being paranoid, you tell yourself. Nobody suspects you.
As you're finally starting to get some work done you hear the door to the lab open. The last thing you see is a figure standing in the doorway with a gun.
You have been killed.
As the festivities of the wake die down, you begin to follow Lifthrasil, ready to fight anyone who would attempt to harm them. You try to keep your distance so as not to be noticed, but you get distracted by a lost crewman trying to find their post. You quicken your pace, heading in your target’s last known direction, and you catch sight of your mark entering Dr Baltar’s lab. Moments later you hear a shot ring out.
Unbidden, your legs start to move and you walk yourself the threshold of the lab. In front of you, you see Lifthrasil standing over the corpse of Dr Baltar. Your eyes drift from the lifeless form of the doctor to the eyes of his killer, and you just stand there staring at them as if in a trance.
The next thing you know you’re waking in your bunk. You feel...different. After years of confusion, everything has become clear to you.
You have awakened.
Your role is now Cylon Sleeper Agent (Mafia Goon).
[NB: New role PM received at this time.]
Post edited July 29, 2018 by PoppyAppletree

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted July 29, 2018

"New" "User"
Registered: Jan 2010
From Other
Posted July 29, 2018
Night 2 PMs:
So, this is what the Brig is like. It's very...monotone. There's not much to see, so you sit down on the bed. It's not very comfortable, but a bed's a bed. You think over the events of the day, trying to make sense of what went on.
Maybe shouting "well why don't you just throw me in the Brig then?" wasn't such a good idea.
You can't believe your luck. You bumped off the "good doctor" and the idiots blamed his deputy for it. Seems this is going to be easier than you thought.
This evening's soireee apparently finished, you begin to stalk your next victim. Apparently aware that he's being followed, he tries to run and you give chase. He leads you right to his quarters. Moron. You throw open the door and begin to scan the room. You quickly find him cowering under the bed. He starts pleading for his life or something, but you tune it out. You grab him by the neck, haul him up, and push him down on the chair. You draw your gun and dispense your target with a couple of shots.
You have killed flubbucket.
What a mess. First Dr Baltar, now Lieutenant Gaeta. If only you could have stopped things getting out of hand. You begin to walk back to your quarters to think over the day.
As you're walking you hear footsteps behind you and quicken your pace, breaking into a run. You open the door, frantically trying to think what to do. Hide? Fight? Your head's a mess. You squeeze underneath your bunk and start to pray for your life. Less than a minute later, the door is opened violently. Someone enters. If only you had a gun. They crouch down beside the bed and you come face to face.
"You? I can't believe i-"
Your words cease as the figure grabs you by the throat. Inhumanly strong, they pick you up effortlessly, throwing you onto your chair. Gasping for air, you try to get up, but it's all over too quickly.
You have been killed.
You didn't think it would ever come to this. Someone you knew and trusted, a Cylon? That doesn't matter now though. The Commander's death has to be avenged. You take a drink to steele your nerves and fetch your gun.
As you walk through the halls to your destination, you repeat the same thing over and over in your head.
He's a Cylon. He killed the Commander. He has to die.
Opening the door to his quarters, you find him sat in his chair, back to the door. He's probably looking over some notes. Good, that makes things easier.
You unload the clip into the back of the chair then run out the room crying, discarding the gun as you go.
flubbucket has been killed. Your ability has been used up.
Another day, another night spent in the medical bay. It's certainly convenient that Adama ordered those physicals. The old man must have had a plan.
JoeSapphire, JoeSapphire...where's that sample?
You pull out JoeSapphire's sample, and prepare it for the machine. As you insert the sample, a thought occurs to you: don't medical bays have alcohol for wounds? That'd certainly help pass the time. You search the cabinets and find what you're looking for.
You prop yourself against a wall and begin drinking it. It's not great, but it'll do. You prepare yourself for another long night.
Sometime later, you hear the door screech open. You look up and see a shiny chrome toaster pointing a weapon at you. You get up to run, but you smack into another one. This can't be the end. You try to pull your sidearm, but it's too late.
You awaken, your heart pounding. "Just a damn dream," you mutter.
You look over and see that the machine is showing a green light.
JoeSapphire is Crew-aligned.
You find trentonlf in the washroom, trying to wash blood off their hands.
"Look," you say. "We all make mistakes. I think you need to take your mind off things. Tell you what, let's go play cards and slam a few drinks, whaddya say?" They agree emphatically, and you both head over to the rec room.
"Here, let me get you a drink." The first of many.
The night draws on, and trentonlf slumps out of their chair. It's safe to say they won't be doing anything else with their evening.
You have blocked trentonlf.
So, this is what the Brig is like. It's very...monotone. There's not much to see, so you sit down on the bed. It's not very comfortable, but a bed's a bed. You think over the events of the day, trying to make sense of what went on.
Maybe shouting "well why don't you just throw me in the Brig then?" wasn't such a good idea.
You can't believe your luck. You bumped off the "good doctor" and the idiots blamed his deputy for it. Seems this is going to be easier than you thought.
This evening's soireee apparently finished, you begin to stalk your next victim. Apparently aware that he's being followed, he tries to run and you give chase. He leads you right to his quarters. Moron. You throw open the door and begin to scan the room. You quickly find him cowering under the bed. He starts pleading for his life or something, but you tune it out. You grab him by the neck, haul him up, and push him down on the chair. You draw your gun and dispense your target with a couple of shots.
You have killed flubbucket.
What a mess. First Dr Baltar, now Lieutenant Gaeta. If only you could have stopped things getting out of hand. You begin to walk back to your quarters to think over the day.
As you're walking you hear footsteps behind you and quicken your pace, breaking into a run. You open the door, frantically trying to think what to do. Hide? Fight? Your head's a mess. You squeeze underneath your bunk and start to pray for your life. Less than a minute later, the door is opened violently. Someone enters. If only you had a gun. They crouch down beside the bed and you come face to face.
"You? I can't believe i-"
Your words cease as the figure grabs you by the throat. Inhumanly strong, they pick you up effortlessly, throwing you onto your chair. Gasping for air, you try to get up, but it's all over too quickly.
You have been killed.
You didn't think it would ever come to this. Someone you knew and trusted, a Cylon? That doesn't matter now though. The Commander's death has to be avenged. You take a drink to steele your nerves and fetch your gun.
As you walk through the halls to your destination, you repeat the same thing over and over in your head.
He's a Cylon. He killed the Commander. He has to die.
Opening the door to his quarters, you find him sat in his chair, back to the door. He's probably looking over some notes. Good, that makes things easier.
You unload the clip into the back of the chair then run out the room crying, discarding the gun as you go.
flubbucket has been killed. Your ability has been used up.
Another day, another night spent in the medical bay. It's certainly convenient that Adama ordered those physicals. The old man must have had a plan.
JoeSapphire, JoeSapphire...where's that sample?
You pull out JoeSapphire's sample, and prepare it for the machine. As you insert the sample, a thought occurs to you: don't medical bays have alcohol for wounds? That'd certainly help pass the time. You search the cabinets and find what you're looking for.
You prop yourself against a wall and begin drinking it. It's not great, but it'll do. You prepare yourself for another long night.
Sometime later, you hear the door screech open. You look up and see a shiny chrome toaster pointing a weapon at you. You get up to run, but you smack into another one. This can't be the end. You try to pull your sidearm, but it's too late.
You awaken, your heart pounding. "Just a damn dream," you mutter.
You look over and see that the machine is showing a green light.
JoeSapphire is Crew-aligned.
You find trentonlf in the washroom, trying to wash blood off their hands.
"Look," you say. "We all make mistakes. I think you need to take your mind off things. Tell you what, let's go play cards and slam a few drinks, whaddya say?" They agree emphatically, and you both head over to the rec room.
"Here, let me get you a drink." The first of many.
The night draws on, and trentonlf slumps out of their chair. It's safe to say they won't be doing anything else with their evening.
You have blocked trentonlf.

Registered: Oct 2011
From Belgium
Posted July 29, 2018

"New" "User"
Registered: Jan 2010
From Other
Posted July 29, 2018
Night 3 PMs:
What a day. You park yourself down on your bunk and try to sift through everything that's happened. First your father, and now the President? You're not sure how the fleet's leadership and the future of its democracy can recover from the cataclysmic shock they've received. And more than that, you've lost a friend. Hopefully sleep will ease the overwhelming sense of loss that you feel.
You retrace your steps, trying to find where you discarded your gun, but there's no sign of it. Frak! What are you going to do now? You've got a target on your back and no way of defending yourself. You decide there's nothing else you can do besides hide and pray that they don't find you. As stealthily as you can, you make your way to the laundry room, and find a suitably large pile of clothes to hide in. It's a restless night, but eventually morning comes, and you're pretty sure you're still alive.
Your plan is almost complete. The situation has been chaotic, but unless you finish the job the fleet will start to recover. Once you've picked off the remnants of its leadership, you can initiate the final phase of your scheme: the total destruction of the Galactica.
You've received word that your operations team has managed to secure a nuclear warhead from the Galactica's weapons bay. All they need are the arming codes and they will be ready to strike on your command. Good thing you know just where to get them: that dullard Tigh announced to everyone where he'd been spending his evenings.
Deftly excusing yourself from the wardroom, you make your way to the medical bay and lie in wait for the man who is ostensibly in charge of the ship to arrive. You don't have to wait long before his smell greets you: he's sodden with drink. You step forwards, gun at the ready.
He doesn't even manage to get a word out before you open fire. He crumples to the ground, blood spluttering from his mouth as he takes his last pathetic gasps. You step over his corpse, leaning down to remove the codes from his pocket as you go.
You have killed bler144.
You leave the wardroom as soon as you can and fetch a bottle of drink from your office. You're not sure how long you can keep doing this. Everyone's dropping dead around you, and there's nothing you can do about it. You're supposed to be in charge, damn it. All you can do is operate that frakking Cylon detector, and for all you know it might not even work!
You finish the bottle and toss it into the trash. Time for another long and possibly fruitless night. You wander down to the medical bay, swaying slightly as you go. Too much, you drank too much Saul, you think to yourself. You need to cut down on the booze, you know that, but it's the only thing keeping you going at this point.
You open the medbay door, ready to test your next sample. There's something fishy about Starbuck. She's always been insubordinate, but she's loyal. Now though, you're just not sure about her. You're about to grab the sample when you hear a footstep behind you. You start to turn round.
You're vaguely aware of the shots entering your body, but everything feels numb. You're going into shock. You try to gasp for breath, but instead you cough out blood. The last thing you see are your killer's boots before you black out.
You have been killed.
The Brig. You didn't think you'd ever be here again. You wonder what your fellow Cylons are planning.
You whistle to the guard.
"C'mon, let me out. You know I'm not a Cylon."
"No can do sir, Commander's orders."
You sit back down on the bunk, hoping you'll be free tomorrow.
Role PMs will be posted shortly.
What a day. You park yourself down on your bunk and try to sift through everything that's happened. First your father, and now the President? You're not sure how the fleet's leadership and the future of its democracy can recover from the cataclysmic shock they've received. And more than that, you've lost a friend. Hopefully sleep will ease the overwhelming sense of loss that you feel.
You retrace your steps, trying to find where you discarded your gun, but there's no sign of it. Frak! What are you going to do now? You've got a target on your back and no way of defending yourself. You decide there's nothing else you can do besides hide and pray that they don't find you. As stealthily as you can, you make your way to the laundry room, and find a suitably large pile of clothes to hide in. It's a restless night, but eventually morning comes, and you're pretty sure you're still alive.
Your plan is almost complete. The situation has been chaotic, but unless you finish the job the fleet will start to recover. Once you've picked off the remnants of its leadership, you can initiate the final phase of your scheme: the total destruction of the Galactica.
You've received word that your operations team has managed to secure a nuclear warhead from the Galactica's weapons bay. All they need are the arming codes and they will be ready to strike on your command. Good thing you know just where to get them: that dullard Tigh announced to everyone where he'd been spending his evenings.
Deftly excusing yourself from the wardroom, you make your way to the medical bay and lie in wait for the man who is ostensibly in charge of the ship to arrive. You don't have to wait long before his smell greets you: he's sodden with drink. You step forwards, gun at the ready.
He doesn't even manage to get a word out before you open fire. He crumples to the ground, blood spluttering from his mouth as he takes his last pathetic gasps. You step over his corpse, leaning down to remove the codes from his pocket as you go.
You have killed bler144.
You leave the wardroom as soon as you can and fetch a bottle of drink from your office. You're not sure how long you can keep doing this. Everyone's dropping dead around you, and there's nothing you can do about it. You're supposed to be in charge, damn it. All you can do is operate that frakking Cylon detector, and for all you know it might not even work!
You finish the bottle and toss it into the trash. Time for another long and possibly fruitless night. You wander down to the medical bay, swaying slightly as you go. Too much, you drank too much Saul, you think to yourself. You need to cut down on the booze, you know that, but it's the only thing keeping you going at this point.
You open the medbay door, ready to test your next sample. There's something fishy about Starbuck. She's always been insubordinate, but she's loyal. Now though, you're just not sure about her. You're about to grab the sample when you hear a footstep behind you. You start to turn round.
You're vaguely aware of the shots entering your body, but everything feels numb. You're going into shock. You try to gasp for breath, but instead you cough out blood. The last thing you see are your killer's boots before you black out.
You have been killed.
The Brig. You didn't think you'd ever be here again. You wonder what your fellow Cylons are planning.
You whistle to the guard.
"C'mon, let me out. You know I'm not a Cylon."
"No can do sir, Commander's orders."
You sit back down on the bunk, hoping you'll be free tomorrow.
Role PMs will be posted shortly.
Post edited July 29, 2018 by PoppyAppletree

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland
Posted July 29, 2018
Yes. So sadly I can't take any bragging credit. I mean if my later prediction turned out correct I'd be all "The previous one doesn't count!!!!".

"New" "User"
Registered: Jan 2010
From Other
Posted July 29, 2018
Role PMs:
1. SirPrimalform
You are Kara “Starbuck” Thrace, Cylon Disruptor (Mafia Roleblocker).
During the night phase you may target a player, causing any attempted actions to fail for the current night phase. The targeted player will receive a private message from the moderator informing them that their action has been blocked.
Should you wish, you may perform the factional night-kill instead, and you have access to the faction chat (linked below).
To perform an action, PM the mod with your chosen action. Only one action may be taken per night.
You win if at least one member of your group is alive and all other players are dead (or if nothing can prevent the same).
The faction chat may only be used during the night phase, but you can say hi before the game:
2. ZFR
You are Laura Roslin, Crew Regular (Vanilla Town).
You are a regular member of the Crew. You have no special abilities.
You win if all threats to the Crew are eliminated and at least one Crew-aligned player is alive.
3. Lifthrasil
You are Billy Keikeya, Cylon Agent (Mafia Goon).
You are a regular member of the Cylons. You have no special abilities, but you may perform the factional night-kill, and you have access to the faction chat (linked below).
To perform an action, PM the mod with your chosen action. Only one action may be taken per night.
You win if at least one member of your group is alive and all other players are dead (or if nothing can prevent the same).
The faction chat may only be used during the night phase, but you can say hi before the game:
4. bler144
You are Saul Tigh, Crew XO (Town Cop).
During the night phase you may target a player to investigate their alignment. If successful, you will receive a PM stating whether that player is Crew or Cylon aligned.
To perform an action, PM the mod with your chosen action. Only one action may be taken per night.
You win if all threats to the Crew are eliminated and at least one Crew-aligned player is alive.
5. flubbucket
You are Chief Galen Tyrol, Crew Regular (Vanilla Town).
You are a regular member of the Crew. You have no special abilities.
You win if all threats to the Crew are eliminated and at least one Crew-aligned player is alive.
6. JoeSapphire
You are Cally Henderson, Crew Hothead (Town One-Shot Vigilante).
During the night phase you may target a player to be killed. This action may be performed only once.
To perform an action, PM the mod with your chosen action. Only one action may be taken per night.
You win if all threats to the Crew are eliminated and at least one Crew-aligned player is alive.
7. yogsloth
You are Leoben Conoy, Cylon Leader (Mafia Recruiter).
During the night phase you may target a member of the Crew to be awakened as a Cylon Sleeper Agent (Mafia Goon). This action may be performed only once. That player will be messaged to inform them of their new role, and will join the Cylon faction.
Should you wish, you may perform the factional night-kill instead, and you have access to the faction chat (linked below).
To perform an action, PM the mod with your chosen action. Only one action may be taken per night.
You win if at least one member of your group is alive and all other players are dead (or if nothing can prevent the same).
The faction chat may only be used during the night phase, but you can say hi before the game:
8. elebutterfly
You are Sharon “Boomer” Valerii, Crew Regular (Vanilla Town).
You are a regular member of the Crew. You have no special abilities.
You win if all threats to the Crew are eliminated and at least one Crew-aligned player is alive.
9. Damnation
You are Karl “Helo” Agathon, Crew Protector (Town Doctor).
During the night phase, you may target a player to be protected. This will protect them from one kill for one night. The targeted player is not informed that they were protected. You will not be informed if you protected the player from a kill.
To perform an action, PM the mod with your chosen action. Only one action may be taken per night.
You win if all threats to the Crew are eliminated and at least one Crew-aligned player is alive.
Your role is now Cylon Sleeper Agent (Mafia Goon).
You are a regular member of the Cylons. You have no special abilities, but you may perform the factional night-kill, and you have access to the faction chat (linked below).
To perform an action, PM the mod with your chosen action. Only one action may be taken per night.
You win if at least one member of your group is alive and all other players are dead (or if nothing can prevent the same).
The faction chat may only be used during the night phase; as such, you must wait until the next night phase to communicate with your fellow conspirators:
10. trentonlf
You are Anastasia “Dee” Dualla, Crew Regular (Vanilla Town).
You are a regular member of the Crew. You have no special abilities.
You win if all threats to the Crew are eliminated and at least one Crew-aligned player is alive.
11. Bookwyrm
You are Lee “Apollo” Adama, Crew Regular (Vanilla Town).
You are a regular member of the Crew. You have no special abilities.
You win if all threats to the Crew are eliminated and at least one Crew-aligned player is alive.
12. cristigale
You are Felix Gaeta, Crew Lieutenant (Town Deputy).
You are a regular member of the Crew. However, upon the death of the previous investigator, you will acquire the following ability:
During the night phase you may target a player to investigate their alignment. If successful, you will receive a PM stating whether that player is Crew or Cylon aligned.
To perform an action, PM the mod with your chosen action. Only one action may be taken per night.
You win if all threats to the Crew are eliminated and at least one Crew-aligned player is alive.
13. Vitek
You are Gaius Baltar, Crew Betrayer (Town Miller).
You are a regular member of the Crew. However, you will appear as a Cylon to investigators.
You win if all threats to the Crew are eliminated and at least one Crew-aligned player is alive.
1. SirPrimalform
You are Kara “Starbuck” Thrace, Cylon Disruptor (Mafia Roleblocker).
During the night phase you may target a player, causing any attempted actions to fail for the current night phase. The targeted player will receive a private message from the moderator informing them that their action has been blocked.
Should you wish, you may perform the factional night-kill instead, and you have access to the faction chat (linked below).
To perform an action, PM the mod with your chosen action. Only one action may be taken per night.
You win if at least one member of your group is alive and all other players are dead (or if nothing can prevent the same).
The faction chat may only be used during the night phase, but you can say hi before the game:
2. ZFR
You are Laura Roslin, Crew Regular (Vanilla Town).
You are a regular member of the Crew. You have no special abilities.
You win if all threats to the Crew are eliminated and at least one Crew-aligned player is alive.
3. Lifthrasil
You are Billy Keikeya, Cylon Agent (Mafia Goon).
You are a regular member of the Cylons. You have no special abilities, but you may perform the factional night-kill, and you have access to the faction chat (linked below).
To perform an action, PM the mod with your chosen action. Only one action may be taken per night.
You win if at least one member of your group is alive and all other players are dead (or if nothing can prevent the same).
The faction chat may only be used during the night phase, but you can say hi before the game:
4. bler144
You are Saul Tigh, Crew XO (Town Cop).
During the night phase you may target a player to investigate their alignment. If successful, you will receive a PM stating whether that player is Crew or Cylon aligned.
To perform an action, PM the mod with your chosen action. Only one action may be taken per night.
You win if all threats to the Crew are eliminated and at least one Crew-aligned player is alive.
5. flubbucket
You are Chief Galen Tyrol, Crew Regular (Vanilla Town).
You are a regular member of the Crew. You have no special abilities.
You win if all threats to the Crew are eliminated and at least one Crew-aligned player is alive.
6. JoeSapphire
You are Cally Henderson, Crew Hothead (Town One-Shot Vigilante).
During the night phase you may target a player to be killed. This action may be performed only once.
To perform an action, PM the mod with your chosen action. Only one action may be taken per night.
You win if all threats to the Crew are eliminated and at least one Crew-aligned player is alive.
7. yogsloth
You are Leoben Conoy, Cylon Leader (Mafia Recruiter).
During the night phase you may target a member of the Crew to be awakened as a Cylon Sleeper Agent (Mafia Goon). This action may be performed only once. That player will be messaged to inform them of their new role, and will join the Cylon faction.
Should you wish, you may perform the factional night-kill instead, and you have access to the faction chat (linked below).
To perform an action, PM the mod with your chosen action. Only one action may be taken per night.
You win if at least one member of your group is alive and all other players are dead (or if nothing can prevent the same).
The faction chat may only be used during the night phase, but you can say hi before the game:
8. elebutterfly
You are Sharon “Boomer” Valerii, Crew Regular (Vanilla Town).
You are a regular member of the Crew. You have no special abilities.
You win if all threats to the Crew are eliminated and at least one Crew-aligned player is alive.
9. Damnation
You are Karl “Helo” Agathon, Crew Protector (Town Doctor).
During the night phase, you may target a player to be protected. This will protect them from one kill for one night. The targeted player is not informed that they were protected. You will not be informed if you protected the player from a kill.
To perform an action, PM the mod with your chosen action. Only one action may be taken per night.
You win if all threats to the Crew are eliminated and at least one Crew-aligned player is alive.
Your role is now Cylon Sleeper Agent (Mafia Goon).
You are a regular member of the Cylons. You have no special abilities, but you may perform the factional night-kill, and you have access to the faction chat (linked below).
To perform an action, PM the mod with your chosen action. Only one action may be taken per night.
You win if at least one member of your group is alive and all other players are dead (or if nothing can prevent the same).
The faction chat may only be used during the night phase; as such, you must wait until the next night phase to communicate with your fellow conspirators:
10. trentonlf
You are Anastasia “Dee” Dualla, Crew Regular (Vanilla Town).
You are a regular member of the Crew. You have no special abilities.
You win if all threats to the Crew are eliminated and at least one Crew-aligned player is alive.
11. Bookwyrm
You are Lee “Apollo” Adama, Crew Regular (Vanilla Town).
You are a regular member of the Crew. You have no special abilities.
You win if all threats to the Crew are eliminated and at least one Crew-aligned player is alive.
12. cristigale
You are Felix Gaeta, Crew Lieutenant (Town Deputy).
You are a regular member of the Crew. However, upon the death of the previous investigator, you will acquire the following ability:
During the night phase you may target a player to investigate their alignment. If successful, you will receive a PM stating whether that player is Crew or Cylon aligned.
To perform an action, PM the mod with your chosen action. Only one action may be taken per night.
You win if all threats to the Crew are eliminated and at least one Crew-aligned player is alive.
13. Vitek
You are Gaius Baltar, Crew Betrayer (Town Miller).
You are a regular member of the Crew. However, you will appear as a Cylon to investigators.
You win if all threats to the Crew are eliminated and at least one Crew-aligned player is alive.

Registered: Oct 2011
From Belgium
Posted July 29, 2018
Phew! Thanks for the game Poppy. One question - how come Bookwyrm and Joe got a PM during N3 when they took no actions..?

"New" "User"
Registered: Jan 2010
From Other
Posted July 29, 2018

One last thing...
Cylon discussion topics:
Observer thread:
I'll share my thoughts on the game and the setup later, possibly tomorrow.
Post edited July 29, 2018 by PoppyAppletree

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted July 29, 2018
I see my team mates also noticed my distinct lack of hammering Joe.
In the end I couldn't bring myself to do it. I didn't want to win by leaping out twiddling my moustache and laughing evilly. I didn't think it would be so hard to secure a genuine mislynch and thought it might buy me some town points. :P
In the end I couldn't bring myself to do it. I didn't want to win by leaping out twiddling my moustache and laughing evilly. I didn't think it would be so hard to secure a genuine mislynch and thought it might buy me some town points. :P

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted July 29, 2018

As I was on the train I thought "that's why trent & sirp doesn't work! night 2 block!" ah well... too late now. I knew I should've piloted Goglactica into a black hole.
Frak y'all of yuhs. Frak my Day 3 frakups. Frak forum mafia!
Hooray for hiding-in-the-laundry-when-you've-nothing-better-to-do!
Thanks PoppyAppletree for the amazing game! I don't know if it was cylon-favouring or if we were just frakking awful, but it was loads of fun, and felt appropriately doomladen. Really nice flavour too, great atmosphere.
Who's up for another game?

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland