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JoeSapphire: Conversely, a perfectly presented and ordered post format might help a mafioso avoid crucial slip-ups.
ZFR: How so? A slip-up in a shoddy post might be overlooked or written off as a careless mistake. A slip-up in a well-presented post stands out more.
A post that has been thoroughly considered and checked for mistakes is less likely to contain a slip-up: It would have been edited out. Is my thinking.
No-body except cristi has even attempted to guess a scum team. I'm not asking you to get it right, but is no-one even keen to try? Just think of the accolades in the end game if you're correct! (like me).
I didn't and I won't. I don't believe in making statement like "A, B and C are most likely scum" or "D is 75% scum" because you can't be "most-likely" or "75%" of scum/townie. You either are or you aren't. Instead I make hypotheses and if-then statements and then see which come out true and which don't and base my deductions on that.

Making "I think X, Y and Z" are scum statements are not good because they lead to tunneling. They create biases. If you already have a pre-conceived result you're more likely to selectively interpret facts in such a way that makes your result true. This was for example seen in our previous Secret Hitler game where everyone ganged up on RWarehall being scum, refusing to see multiple facts which pointed otherwise.

And before you say this is me again shutting down discussion, this is me townie/mason saying this to a fellow townie/mason in my previous mafia game (Link).
JoeSapphire: hmmm part of my post vanished.

No-body except cristi has even attempted to guess a scum team. I'm not asking you to get it right, but is no-one even keen to try? Just think of the accolades in the end game if you're correct! (like me).
I don't do lists, not a fan of them. If I suspect someone I don't want to clue them in so they can change their behavior or stop doing what has pinged my radar. Now if I find that I see someone as scummy I will say so and vote them and if I find that I see someone as town I will say so and not vote them, and that's about as far as I will go with a list.
JoeSapphire: A post that has been thoroughly considered and checked for mistakes is less likely to contain a slip-up: It would have been edited out. Is my thinking.
Hehe. Because a scum has the mafia-police standing behind his back to ensure his shoddy-looking post hasn't been thoroughly considered and checked for mistakes?

This is not an in-person mafia game. Any post, no matter how "spontaneous" it looks could be carefully constructed and should be treated as such. I know because I purposely slipped grammatical mistakes in my Secret Hitler game to make it appear as if I lost my cool.

So, no. Bad formatting makes it more difficult for town to read and makes it easier for scum to hide mistakes.
ZFR: And before you say this is me again shutting down discussion,
This isn't you shutting down discussion, this is you engaged in discussion. And I love it.

Fair point about tunnel vision... don't have much to say about that other than I promise to remain vigilant. Once you cristi and ele have been eliminated of course. (ha ha ha)


boo no-one likes predictions you're all boring.

Joe - just reminding you that I'm here.
ele - slight mafia vibes, but doubts.
bler - town vibes still. Agreed with me but questioned my flim-flamming. Reassuring. SUDDEN DOUBTS??
littlerabbit - lurker 1. mafia vibes.
vitek - voice of reason, what would we do without him?
damnation - uhhh... can't remember? I recently went back and re-read your posts because I couldn't remember anything you'd said. Now I can't again. Voting for me! Argh!
hypersomniac - lurker 2.
bookwyrm - starting to bring me round to using the brig. Reasoning has all been convincingly town perspective, which gives me town vibes, but I guess we can't expect a mafioso to blunder in screaming "it would be great for us if we jailed the town doc!"
sirprimalform - low read/weak read/uncertain.
flubbucket - as ever.
zfr - beginning to think we just have clashing styles. Maybe that's all it is. MAYBE NOT?? Has been known to break his orthographical style in order to appear more town! I like your brain.
cristigale - going to stick with my random guess for now. I'd like to be right. Remind me to not get tunnel-vision later in the game please.
trenton - Like your style. Want you to be town. Town vibes.
elebutterfly: Actually I mentioned it was also a vote-block in post 58, but curiously nobody noticed. Not to mention it's in the rules. Good to know we're all reading thoroughly...!
Oh whoops, sorry. I did read your post, but if it was early in my catch-up I had probably forgotten by the time I started writing. Well at least I was reading the rules. :P

I just felt like people were focusing entirely on the roleblock part of the mechanic. Anyway, we've discussed the brig a lot now so I'll move on.

Current thoughts -

ZFR: hard to read so far. Could just be overwhelmed by sudden increase in complexity compared to previous games.
littlerabbit: not much to go on, hopefully some more posts soon
bler144: very slightly scummy, "We're going to disagree on everything, aren't we? ;)" strikes me as subtle distancing from ele
flubbucket: 75% sure flub is flub but unsure how to read into the avatar thing
JoeSapphire: nice long posts, always hard to get a read on. Not sure about his take on ZFR.
HypersomniacLive: no read, needs more electricity
elebutterfly: very slightly scummy, getting the impression of trying to start a wagon with plausible deniability (note: this might just be the OMBUS talking)
Damnation: Not seen enough so far. Mostly brig analysis and
trentonlf: No idea so far
Bookwyrm627: Lots and lots of brig-talk. Someone mentioned Bookwyrm focusing on mechanics was his scumtell, but yes it is an unusual mechanic which merits some discussion.
cristigale: Seems townish because ??
Vitek: a mystery wrapped in an enigma inside a cadbury's creme egg

That being said, unvote cristigale

Vote bler114
capitol letters! that"s what i like to see:

think we can all agree that booklyn 'bookwyrm' davihulme has just proven allegiance to town +++
As several players have noted HSL and littlerabbit's absence due to real life situations, I have contacted them to see if they require temporary substitutes.

(Incidentally, this is post 144 of this thread and at present my rep is 400. I apologise in advance to littlerabbit for this squarepocalypse.)
Post edited July 07, 2018 by PoppyAppletree
I was just reading the endgame of game 11. Vitek mentioned that he'd never been lynched on gog. Is that still the situation?
bler144: 1 has major flaws
2 / 4 have minor logic flaws
7 presumes a lot
Bookwyrm627: Analogies are imperfect, and yes, I'm glossing over particular scenarios while trying to broadly outline the advantages.

Broadly I'm looking at the brig as a sort of lynch/tree-stumping that can be undone. It has all the dangers and advantages of a lynch, except that it doesn't reveal alignment and it can be reversed. If you had two lynches, would you use them both?
Would depend on context, though generally yes. But again, this isn't a lynch, which has pros and cons, but one of the major factors here is that it gives no flip. So not only is it, broadly speaking, more likely to hit town than scum as the lynch is, but there's really no upside to it when you're wrong that I can see.

That said, while pondering it this morning, I got a better sense of where you might be coming from making that post as town!wyrm.

JoeSapphire: 4 - I see sense in this. I slightly doubt that a town would be given a jailer/roleblocker AND the brig though... Still it's an appealing thought.

hmm... maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea. I have awful images in my head of getting to the end game and mafia saying "ha ha ha, if you hadn't put whatsisname in the brig it would have been so much harder for us." But perhaps my imagination is too morbid. It could easily be "If you hadn't brigged whatsername on day one we might have won"... well maybe not EASILY...

Conversely, a perfectly presented and ordered post format might help a mafioso avoid crucial slip-ups.
On your first point, I see the logic, but I'd be a bit careful esp. since the brig isn't just town's tool to use here... With that preface I'm not sure how you can answer more than perfunctorily, but do you assume mafia then does not also have an RB type role?

On the second point, I totally hear that. I'm way more careful to hyper edit my posts as wolf. As town I tend to be sloppier as well, so hey.

bler144: On your first point, I see the logic, but I'd be a bit careful esp. since the brig isn't just town's tool to use here... With that preface I'm not sure how you can answer more than perfunctorily, but do you assume mafia then does not also have an RB type role?
hum, I hadn't thought much about mafia power roles. If I were designing the game I'd probably give the mafia some powers to make the brig more exciting. And as it could be super useful for town I'd expect a more-powerful-than-average-mafia. But I didn't make the setup.

Wild speculation is interesting but it's hardly useful really...

BUT while I'm here. I predict a three mafia team with a role cop, a block and a ninja. (zfr = block, ele = cop, crist = ninja.

Did I get it?)
OK, things are mostly back to normal now (nothing major since afternoon; finally had a decent home-cooked meal, and a nice hot shower, yes!).

Just skimmed the current page, and I read this:

JoeSapphire: [...] I guess it's becoming urgent for us to hear more from hypersomniac and littlerabbit, I think you're our biggest lurkers. [...]
*squints eyes*

You take that back this instance, mister!

Yeah sorry, I'm not a lurker; the people I've played with can confirm that under normal conditions I don't lurk as either alignment. However, and contrary to (I assume) most of you here, I'm a real dinosaur, and don't have a smart phone. Still, after I informed you about the power outages issue yesterday, I borrowed my sibling's (back up) phone to at least try to follow the game, and perhaps attempt to partake if all went well but... #@$%&!! I gave up after 10 mins of carefully tapping and zooming in & out, and still ending up on all the wrong places; what a PITA.
How the frak do you people manage to browse here on a regular basis using your phones, let alone post, and remain sane??

On a side note, could you please try to remember to write my name with a capital "H"?

First order of business before I start catching up properly (and boy, have you lot been chatty):

Unvote trentonlf

Unbrig cristigale

And a couple of questions to the people I've not played with before:


You all said that you last played here 4yrs ago. Have you been playing forum/online mafia anywhere else since? If yes, do you mind sharing where?
And have you observed/followed any of the games that took place after you stopped playing here?
Also, have you been playing mafia in the physical world? If yes, do any of you play together?

Now off to read what you all have been talking about.
SirPrimalform: bler144: very slightly scummy, "We're going to disagree on everything, aren't we? ;)" strikes me as subtle distancing from ele
elebutterfly: very slightly scummy, getting the impression of trying to start a wagon with plausible deniability (note: this might just be the OMBUS talking)

Vote bler114
Lol - think I'm distancing from ele, and you quote my little winky joke instead of ...citing her actually VOTING FOR ME? ;)

First off, I disagree with lots of people (and I presume you do as well) - that doesn't mean I can't be teammates with them. Trent and I rarely engage directly because esp. as T/T we historically end up with one of us yelling at the other. I disagree with him on lots of things. I totally disagree with his theory on why making reads lists is bad for town. We've talked about it. The fact that we disagree on strategies and/or reads doesn't make us teammates or not teammates either way. The time we actually were w/w teammates, I think we also just avoided directly addressing each other. Total NAI, in my opinion. But yes, it's probably safe to say neither of us is attempting to buddy the other, for whatever that's worth.

I will also probably winky face at pretty much everyone before the game is over. I'd have to go back through, but I know I also winked at Vitek, and probably a few others already. FWIW.

Her voting for me if we were teammates, now that would be actual legit distancing in your w/w theory. "I vote BLER b/c ele is distancing from the smurf!" would be weak, that why you didn't frame it that way?

I wrote a longer response, but I guess I can see one angle you might be working if town. So if that's what you're doing I won't derail it at this stage, but if you're approaching this as a valid head-on vote, your theory is a) wrong, and b) flawed.

So...I will say you've piqued my curiosity.
JoeSapphire: boo no-one likes predictions you're all boring.
Ok, now that HSL has shown up for enough to have a superficial read, I'll bite (with a bit of OMGUS): ;)

Flub is mafia
Ele!mafia votes me to distract from flub wagon getting rolling before others show up and laugh it off as flub being flub anyway
SPF!mafia votes me to distance lightly from ele, while somehow twisting the evidence to make it look like I'm the more likely scum of the two.


But seriously, that last is actually a good technique if you can pull it off. My entire technique in Lift's game was based around always finding Leonard (and then trent) scummy, but always having a better reason to keep them in the 2nd/3rd slot and someone else above them.

But realistically, D1 guessing generally brings more shame than glory.

Wait...someone named Damnation is playing in this game? I'm posting it this way for humorous effect, but I had literally forgotten about them. No offense.

PoppyAppletree: As several players have noted HSL and littlerabbit's absence due to real life situations, I have contacted them to see if they require temporary substitutes.

(Incidentally, this is post 144 of this thread and at present my rep is 400. I apologise in advance to littlerabbit for this squarepocalypse.)
Lol at the second part. I have a better sense of rabbit than Damnation, personally, I don't recall what issues rabbit said s/he was having. HSL appears to be resolved.

Out for the afternoon, probably.