Right, at the office making my last post for this game day - I won't have time to check in later.
trentonlf: Don’t quit, try for at least one meaningful post a day if at all possible. Just think Buzz lightyear, Never give up never surrender.
I could stay in the game, sure, but I won't be able to do that. My activity will more likely than not drop during subsequent game days.
Next week's schedule allows for Tuesday to be set aside of this game. When I agreed to join, my schedule during week days was relatively empty, but a lot of things have picked up at work, so I don't have much spare time.
bler144: Not often someone is distraught with a smiley face. What are you distraught about? I mean, in the end it is a game.
I stress about it mostly just because over time it takes over my brain. And sure, i claimed partly so I wouldn't feel singly responsible for town losing if we do, or for trying to crack the game all by my lonesome.
Smiley face - sarcasm. I'm being serious that I'm distraught, but I'm still able to laugh about it.
I'm distraught because I really do feel like I detract from this game because of my inactivity, and it annoys me a lot. I is a game, sure, but it's a social game, and there are other people depending on you playing it with them.
bler144: It sure would be nice if Dangnation would share whatever he's got.
I wanted people to ask for it because it seems quite a few have me pegged as scum, and my role might just end up muddying the situation more.
Anyhow, since you (and Joe indirectly) asked, here goes:
MY day 1 post against ZFR was a (I admit) shakey gambit, but it went like this (I do not consider it successful, however):
Pick a player who was appaearing town. I, like a few others, saw ZFR's hiccups as those of a newbie, or someone at least not quite accustomed to the game yet, and thereby appearing town to me.
My thoughts were then to construct a very poor attack on said person, in order to either elicit a reaction from that person - or let someone start scumhunting on me - to cause a large rift.
My initial plan was to escalate it quite a bit, but never push for a lynch. I got what I hoped for, when Bookwyrm jumped in. He, at the time at least, elicit a town-vibe to me, which was perfect.
If I could appear slightly scummier than my "opponent", but both of us get enough spotlight, I was hoping to have the toasters react to it and attempt to nightkill one of us in order to throw shade at the other.
I feel this failed, however, as I ended up not packing enough punch towards Bookwyrm as I should have.
My plan, if this would occur, would be to prevent that.
I am
Karl 'Helo' Agathon, Crew Protector (Town Doctor).
At the end of the day, though, a lot of things happened that ended up getting me to doubt if I should continue to pursue this (Especially with things having died a bit down between me and Bookwyrm).
Then there was littlerabbit's post asking me directly if I thought flub was the cop, coupled with Lift doing the exact same thing, only more aggressively, got me worried. Two players with the same slot got to the same conclusion.
Most surely wrong now (I have no reason to doubt bler - well, maybe on sanity, given flavor, but that's not hard enough evidence I'd say), I thought this was Lift seeding out a potential false-claim setup for scumbuddies (From what he would see) because he could counter claim - ergo, he was the Cop, OR it would be scum trying to sow discord.
I decided the former was most likely, and protected Lift N1. Nothing happened. Flavor-wise I followed him in the night, ready to beat up anyone trying anything. Curiously, Lift was near Baltar's lab.
Night 2 I didn't feel I had a lot to go by, so I went to protect SPF - I still think him town, especially if there's a Vig in this game who can kill every night.
I'll stay since you guys want me to, so no requesting modkills (And request a replacement was never my first thought, given the very reason you guys state as well). At least this means bler should be safe tonight, no?
I'll use whatever time I can steal at work to keep up with you guys, but I can not promise anything more than that.