elebutterfly: I'm not a godfather, by the way. Just putting that out there.
Juuuuuust what a godfather would say! dun dun dun
I don't really put a lot of stock in you/joe being GF. Yes, Joe was behaving mysteriously in a way that might draw a cop, but so was flub, so was I, etc. Lift has been chasing LHF all game. Damn and Ele both lurky, etc.
It feels like Wyrm is really putting a lot of eggs in this basket in a way that's...interesting. Could be town!gut (right/wrong), could be town!tunneling, could be nefarious.
I would kind of expected scum!wyrm to morph to an alternate array of options but WIFOM aside presumably there are many but perhaps not.
Anyway, I have to get out the door to training, but something occurred to me last night trying to sleep that people who are around today and do like if x then y stuff....
I said it earlier, but go back and look at Joe's two wagons with fresh data and the range of options narrows. I forget who piled on the second time but the first time was:
yogs (generally town cleared)
off wagon were:
bler (generally town cleared)
ele (pretty much has to be town if scum!Joe)
If town!Joe
bler / SPF both had a chance to hammer. ele / damn both not present. Joe not hammering himself is NAI. But you'd need at least one maf in those 5, probably two.
If, as wyrm is proposing,
GF!Joe look again. Ele can't reasonably be GF is Joe is, so not maf in this scenario, bler not maf. That would either mean scum team is Joe/SPF/Damn, or perhaps two of those and one of zfr/trent/lift is bussing.
So I guess wyrm and yogs and others I'd suggest poking at that.