Posted July 25, 2018

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted July 25, 2018

He is that kinda guy, even as a baddie.
I'm just trying to still figure out if you are just a delusional tonwie or if you are scum trying to get me mislynched at some point.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted July 25, 2018

OMGUS aside, theoretically, what concerns do you have about me other than me suspecting you? Looking through your D3 posts I'm not really seeing a case for scum!Bler other than your theory that I'm buddy-protecting SPF, which is of course also dependent on scum!SPF which may or may not even be true.
And now that theory also stretches towards scum!SPF+scum!bler+scum!Joe since we could have done the ol' "Whoopshammer!" (aka, the Yogsloth), and if that's the team do you think I call the dogs away from lift and onto Joe for his lack of voting only to turn around and ...defend Joe?

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted July 25, 2018

OMGUS aside, theoretically, what concerns do you have about me other than me suspecting you? Looking through your D3 posts I'm not really seeing a case for scum!Bler other than your theory that I'm buddy-protecting SPF, which is of course also dependent on scum!SPF which may or may not even be true.
And now that theory also stretches towards scum!SPF+scum!bler+scum!Joe since we could have done the ol' "Whoopshammer!" (aka, the Yogsloth), and if that's the team do you think I call the dogs away from lift and onto Joe for his lack of voting only to turn around and ...defend Joe?

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted July 25, 2018

OMGUS aside, theoretically, what concerns do you have about me other than me suspecting you? Looking through your D3 posts I'm not really seeing a case for scum!Bler other than your theory that I'm buddy-protecting SPF, which is of course also dependent on scum!SPF which may or may not even be true.
And now that theory also stretches towards scum!SPF+scum!bler+scum!Joe since we could have done the ol' "Whoopshammer!" (aka, the Yogsloth), and if that's the team do you think I call the dogs away from lift and onto Joe for his lack of voting only to turn around and ...defend Joe?

And you feel this certain despite preceding it with "Last thing I have is anything figured out."?

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted July 25, 2018

And you feel this certain despite preceding it with "Last thing I have is anything figured out."?

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted July 25, 2018

And you feel this certain despite preceding it with "Last thing I have is anything figured out."?

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted July 25, 2018

When I wrap up laughing, let me go back and look at the Ele thing.

I find the prospect unlikely, since that would be a game less about solving and more about scum guessing which names are unclaimed, but I don't find it particularly damning for either player to wonder either.
meanwhile, though, I hesitated to bring this up when I first read it, but the more I sit on it I'm reminded this is exactly the slip you made in Yog's Dungeon game that I likewise didn't make a fuss over and then regretted. What exactly were you doing here:

Layered in WIFOM, of course, but you basically just claimed not=cop, and probably not=VT, but you're not counter-claiming SPF even though you're throwing shade at him, so no one should be surprised when you're not tonight's NK because you're really Stump or something and no one will be surprised when mafia try to NK somewhere else.
Good thinking.
I enjoy playing with you because it's never dull.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted July 25, 2018

Nobody hammering who had the chance is what's more alignment indicative - If Joe is mafia, his buddies need to derail the wagon. If he's Town, those who logged in (SPF, bler) and didn't hammer probably aren't Mafia either.


Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted July 25, 2018

EBWOP: To clarify, I would lynch Lift lacking any reason to not not lift lynch, I just think all the arguments are meh. He's low hanging fruit, and even if I disagreed, I would say adalia pushed as hard/harder for cristi lynch than Lift did, but even as someone arguing against the cristi wagon yesterday I don't think the wagon on cristi makes much of a case against anyone since there were effectively 9 players willing to vote there.
Or maybe I just tune Lift out better, IDK.

2) I was struck by Joe and Bler both starting Day 2 basically hard siding ZFR as town...because. Joe's about face is distinctly sharper, while Bler leaves himself slightly more of an out. Feels like they maybe decided to shift focus away from ZFR, since he's VT -> "Why lynch VT when you can try to out more PRs and maybe get a lynch on one of those?"
3) Some specific problem posts:
-Bler in 811 and 812 accuses Adalia of providing no reasoning for Adalia's cristi vote. Counter examples: Adalia's 627 (his opening post, no less) and 662. Looks like Bler also questions Adalia on Ele; Adalia mentions Ele in 794.
4) -Plenty of shade in Bler's 1058. Also, bringing up the doctor as a 'counter claim' to a RB rubs me wrong.
--Joe later grabbed the doctor bit and pushed it a bit farther with that poll.
5) I do have this question for you, Bler:

Apparently I'm alone on this point and everyone else if they were town protection would just chill and not worry about Town!Roleblocker just hanging out with a secondary protection role, doin' his thing despite all the balance problems that would exist in that world, rather than, like, making sure to attack a high% toaster and then making analysis off that.
As a digression, I think too many players have expressed attitudes that are way too reliant on PRs winning the game. I know it has happened, but it's really not a reliable method and the game is supposed to be solved, ultimately imo. Though perhaps that makes me a hypocrite for not rushing to just lynch unopposed claims on Town PRs. IDK
3) I looked, I have no idea what you're talking about.
2) At risk of getting myself LALed, I'm going to go off memory here - the reason to hard-sort ZFR is the same meta thing you mentioned, which is the very set of posts I linked to yogsloth after he joined. For one, I'm kinda uncomfortable "solving" the game on that basis even if it's true, and two, while it's very good, it's not absolutely beyond fake-able. Maybe he was scum goon and found that dull, or maybe he hadn't considered he couldn't switch but created a great anecdote around it. As you say, he's a pretty smart, clever guy who would have had a full week to think about that exchange.
But this is one reason I favor a Trent lynch - unlike you I don't see an HSL/ZFR connection, considering ZFR never went past L-2 by my count, HSL couldn't have hammered there anyway. Even had the day been extended Joe shifting to cristi would have made ZFR L-3. So that part of your argument was also flawed. scum!trent definitely and maybe scum!HSL (your jump to SPF after I pushed ZFR to L-2) are really the only things I see that point to a possible scum!ZFR.
That said, I'm back on ZFR partly because I'm town - Joe I think is town despite the votederp, if yogs is town...either ZFR ain't, or everybody was on the wagon. That's just how it looks from my chair. The other ZFR problem I mentioned is that we wasted most of D1 deciding would we/wouldn't we on ZFR, and he's already claimed. So the only reason to go back to him is new evidence, like, say scum!trent.
1) My distaste for being scum would probably have emerged after 3 RL days, and even back then I usually hit a lull around 2 weeks and then hit the wall completely around 3-4. On top of that, I have a very different job and set of life responsibilities than I had the last time I played. So sure, I'm tired and some days frakking suck. I don't remember which day exactly, but about 10 nights back was in a fight here that made me think we were bound for divorce (not me and you -I would never leave you, bookwyrm483!) and with colleagues dropping around me, I don't feel like I have the greatest job security and bought a house at the top of the market that we can barely afford even if we stay married and we'd be lucky to sell level (with a loss on transactions fees), and...yeah, my life is a frakshow, and I probably should not have agreed to play and in many ways would prefer to wrap up the game.
But I'm definitely (trying) to work for townvictorycondition!
Funny story, but I came into the game with a rough idea of how I wanted to WIFOM my level of towniness/scumminess in terms of balancing how to either draw/deter NK and then ran into Ele and SPF who reminded me that people who haven't played with me don't know how to read that, and all that went out the window, since getting lynched for being myself wouldn't be so helpful for town.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted July 25, 2018
EBWOP - I probably should've edited that before posting. A few of those sentences are barely in English. See me address ZFR here:
The other major "energy level" issue I expressed openly D2 is a topic for post-game so...I kinda view that as a cheap shot, frankly.
You also raised the issue earlier of my reads on you D3 vs. D1 -
Bookwyrm627: (am I really back to null because I'm replaced for a Day? Did your Day 1 interactions with me suddenly count for nothing?) I addressed that with adalia D2.
I find the swap problematic in general, and you're asking me to remember reads on you as distinct from how your slot has been occupied for a week+ of active play. But if you look back to what I'm pretty sure was my last reads list D1, here's where you were:
"Null, will likely sort through play later. Highly unlikely to vote in current gamestate:
So...I'm not even sure what you're arguing. I had you as null as of 7/10. So even swap aside, if your role had just not existed for 14 days and then blinked back to life, I listed you straight up as null, so I'm wondering what you want me to count for/against you given that fact.
adalia certainly piqued my interest in your slot D2, but I re-read the both of you N2 and had mostly dialed you back to null, but D3 now I find you quite interesting.
Can you clarify in detail how exactly your proposed scum!ZFR + scum!HSloth theory works? The evidence I can see really doesn't seem to support that. Nor does logic seem to hold for your theory on town!SPF + town!trent. I don't think these are merely differences of viewpoint.
The other major "energy level" issue I expressed openly D2 is a topic for post-game so...I kinda view that as a cheap shot, frankly.
You also raised the issue earlier of my reads on you D3 vs. D1 -
I find the swap problematic in general, and you're asking me to remember reads on you as distinct from how your slot has been occupied for a week+ of active play. But if you look back to what I'm pretty sure was my last reads list D1, here's where you were:
"Null, will likely sort through play later. Highly unlikely to vote in current gamestate:
So...I'm not even sure what you're arguing. I had you as null as of 7/10. So even swap aside, if your role had just not existed for 14 days and then blinked back to life, I listed you straight up as null, so I'm wondering what you want me to count for/against you given that fact.
adalia certainly piqued my interest in your slot D2, but I re-read the both of you N2 and had mostly dialed you back to null, but D3 now I find you quite interesting.
Can you clarify in detail how exactly your proposed scum!ZFR + scum!HSloth theory works? The evidence I can see really doesn't seem to support that. Nor does logic seem to hold for your theory on town!SPF + town!trent. I don't think these are merely differences of viewpoint.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted July 25, 2018
Dammit, I really should be editing. EBWOP:
"scum!trent definitely and maybe scum!HSL (your jump to SPF after I pushed ZFR to L-2) are really the only things I see that point to a possible scum!ZFR. "
That should say "scum!trent definitely and maybe scum!Wyrm" which should be apparent given the 'you' in the parenthetical is Wyrm, not HSL.
Off to bed I guess, since I met my quota of posts/words for the eve and no one seems to be around.
"scum!trent definitely and maybe scum!HSL (your jump to SPF after I pushed ZFR to L-2) are really the only things I see that point to a possible scum!ZFR. "
That should say "scum!trent definitely and maybe scum!Wyrm" which should be apparent given the 'you' in the parenthetical is Wyrm, not HSL.
Off to bed I guess, since I met my quota of posts/words for the eve and no one seems to be around.

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted July 25, 2018

One mis-lynch left.
Unless you think there are only two scum.
Four scum we would have zero left - we'd be at MYLO already.

-Lift pushed to Brig Flub. Who else?
2. Do you mean who else pushed to brig flub? Or whom else I pushed to be brigged? If the latter: ZFR. I was one of the proponents for putting ZFR in the brig after he claimed Vanilla since it was a no-lose/some possible gain situation for town.
Prepostedit: ran out of time. There is more to come. I'm not through all posts yet, but work is calling.

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted July 25, 2018

What are your thoughts on sending SirPrimalform or Joe out the air lock and seeing if they can breathe in space?
I think ZFR, yogs, and bookwyrm are town. I also have damnation and elebutterfly leaning town. So I am happy to lynch any of bler, Joe, SirPrimalform, or Lift. I’m pretty sure of those four three are scum. Let’s get this lynch party rolling!
I'm just catching up, but I'm getting frustrated and Trent and others deliberately misunderstanding this.