supplementscene: In the absense of any behaviour that seems overtly too scummy I think targeting inactive players is probably the way to go for 2 reasons. Firstly in my experience Mafia players tend to not solve and hide in the background. My second time playing a mafia role I purposely showed up a few days late because I thought it would divert attention from me. It did the opposite. Could one of these rascals be trying my not so successful tactic?
PookaMustard: Only go for lynching the lurkers if you have actually put in the work scumhunting and found nothing conclusive about any of the active participants. I'd rather have a lynch of someone who yields more information than someone who barely shows up giving us just about nothing to work with.
So far nothing is popping up at me, save DrKoba's posts being a mixed bag of "probably newbie, probably scum, probably overwhelmed." I don't think catventurer is scummy even with his self-vote. Lift exists. Micro hasn't voted everyone in one single post.
Still nothing to warrant a vote.
I disagree in our current circumstances. I had only a minor issue with the catman but this is something I've revised with his later posts. As their is no scum scent anywhere else this leads me to fully focus on people who are adding nothing to the game. Regardless of role they are not helping the town cause and should not be rewarded for this. They could be scum hiding in plain sight or merely town players who will not help the cause. Either way they should be punished. And I hold this tactical opinion in a varitey of social deduction games.
If the lurkers join the game and help to solve I will obviously look to revise my position if they seem genuine.
You actually admit you don't have any scum reads yourself. So what do we do in the case? Lynch those in hiding IMHO. Otherwise what do you suggest?
Ofcourse if some Mafia type slips and shows a tell we obviously re-evaluate but at the moment we're at very low info levels.
If anyone thinks I'm wrong with my game analysis I welcome to being advised as I've not being at all successful in this game with either role. But I am trying to improve how I analyse the game
Microfish_1: Nice.
Vote Lift because he wants to exist RVS before everyone shows up. I think that's the case, anyway.
Lifthrasil: Are you against exiting RVS? If so, why? It's a goofy, pointless exercise at the start of the game, when there is nothing better to do. But why prolong it, just because some people lurk? Do you see any benefit of a longer RVS stage for Town? Or do you just want to postpone real discussions as far as possible, because you want Town to have less time for real discussions?
Assuming RVS stands for random voting I have no issue if you have any reasonable analysis of the current state of the game beyond it being random. While I've poked a few people I don't think anything is too obvious with anyone yet. If you perceive something suspect that I've missed please feel free to bring it to our attention