DkKobaPL: Like no, sorry, accidentally double posting is not a crazy egregious event on the level of posting your role PM publicly or something like that. At the end of the day its a game and taking it seriously to this point was ridiculous lmao. I didn't do it intentionally, at all. It is't like I didnt take an effort to do it either -> you can clearly tell by my posts about the merge thing that once I was aware of it I actually tried my best to follow it.
You can call me fucking unapologetic for doing it a bunch at first but you can also look foolish as fuck for assuming I was doing it on purpose.
No, but editing a post can be a crazy egregious event on the level of posting your PM and since the forum software is terrible there's no way for us to distinguish, hence the warning not to double post.
I haven't once suggested you were doing it on purpose, but that's not what unapologetic means.
DkKobaPL: Minor complaint but mainly suggestion: let people communicate during day. It is a way bigger benefit for people to know eachother outside of game when you remove daychat, because planning is part of mafia and having 2 strangers rand mafia together among people who know eachother is a huge disadvantage.
Daychat is entirely at the mod's discretion here, it tends to be the exception rather than the rule. It's more like a special extra mechanic people occasionally bring out. Anyway, it's usually not a problem for the entire mafia team to make it through D1 unscathed and then plan properly on N1.
DkKobaPL: At that point, Dedo was taking out his frustration as a grudge. If you want to defend that catte ,go ahead, but if it happened to you you'd be pissed too.
And yes, my honest opinion of the post restriction was that it was a nice little way for dedo to project how much they detested that I thought their night skip decision was townsided.
I've had plenty of disagreements with mods over decisions but I have never felt anyone bore a grudge towards me because of my protestations. If dedo was bearing a grudge (and that an
if, because I don't see anything to show that's the case) then perhaps it wasn't because of the fact you protested, but the manner in which you did so. To put it bluntly, you've come across quite rude at times. That's not to say I think dedo did bear a grudge, but if he did I doubt it was because you challenged a decision.
Ambiti0nZ: The modkill was well deserved after multiple breaches of two rules. This is not a controversial topic. The controversial thing is that it took so many breaches for
anything to happen or that someone pushed the boundaries so far that
something had to happen.
Right. I can't remember the last time I saw a modkill for a post edit. Usually, the person just goes "Whoops, I double posted too quickly, sorry!" and everyone just moves on.