Microfish_1: Deco and I chatted at length about how I'm 3rd party by myself. Not scum and I wouldn't win if the scum won.
I always used scum as overarching term for all anti-town folks. Mafia, serial killers, cult, all that stuff. By that definition I would consider you scum. :-)
PookaMustard: Scene, the only observer, wasn't even around to laugh at us :)
I don't know. You've got a point, but at the same time I'm still on the fence. Maybe I'm a tad more forgiving, if even for the sake of the game to keep going and nothing else. And also have to admit that I was happy to have newer players on board. We've got Catventurer with the previous game, Razza, Ambitionz returned, and Koba, but this being how Koba's first game here turned out, I wasn't exactly happy about it.
We do need fresh blood after all. Players lose interest and come back later occasionally, and for a while we went for months without a game. Thankfully we fared well in this time, but new faces help keep things not stale.
If you allow people to do anything they want out of fear of driving them away, it usually ends up in dissatisfaction of even more people whom possibly leave when they feel others have special priviliges or when they are insulted by those people (not this case, but we had our share of "divisive" people).
I am sure this pleased nobody, not DK, not dedo, not other players and we all would like if the game proceeded in natural way (I would love to lynch every single one of scums myself), but you always have to weight how much are people allowed to bend the rules and when it starts to have negative influence and Dk made basically no attempt to play by local rules, so you can't be surprised when it had consequences. Almost all people before him were able to handle it, even forum newcomers, so it isn't that hard. If one is not willing to do that silly but very easy restriction, you have to wonder how willing they actually are to participate.
It shouldn't distract us from the fact that we managed to lynch 2 scums in row and that we rock, folks.