Catventurer: We've already discussed the masons and lovers to the point ad nauseam. I think that the other players still alive will agree with me when I say that there should be no more discussions about masons or lovers unless it is about why we should or should not be lynched. Anything else is going to look like trying to use us as a distraction.
That's kinda what i was trying to do. As you said, Lunch Joe, we hit scum, we maybe win. We lunch Frost, we confirm Pooka, this sets us up for we know who the NK would be, so the doc knows whom to protect, which means the scum go for someone else, which means.... WIFOM at its finest and maybe we escape N2 without a NK.
Whom of these 4 players would you rather lunch, and do you have a better candidate other than me?
Lunching Frost would confirm Pooka one way or the other. However, Pooka is basically self-confirmed because of the whole Scene thing. Therefore I think our best bet might be to vote either Razza (considering she could be lying about her role; something no one else has commented on much, other than Lift) or Joe.
If we lunch Razza and she flips town, we confirm Lift. If we sink Joe and he flips scum, we win. IF he flips town, we messed up.
I was not in any event talking about a Mafia Doctor. You misread me. Go back and reread what i wrote. I was talking about "if Razza is mafia Rolecop she could know what type of role Lift had, and tell if it was weaponless or not, and therefore know how to fakeclaim." and therefore this claim shouldn't be accepted at face value.
Flip!lift-no information on Razza = bad flip unless he's scum.
town!Razza= Lift's alignment is locked town.
Scum!Razza = got scum, 1 more (maybe) to go, maybe win.
town!Frost=Pooka is lock-town
scum!frost=Pooka is D3 lunch for the win.
flip!Joe maybe win, maybe not. Catv said this was acceptable.
lift also mentioned a tenuous Vitek->Catv connection. (really, Vitek > Joe iiuc). However, this sounds bad all around for now.
Willing to vote
Razza (to learn Lift)
Frost (to learn Pooka)
Vitek (to learn Joe)
(bad idea) AmbitionZ (unclaimed, lurkier than me)
Not willing to vote:
Therefore, to clear the waters, I shall vote the person I think gives the most info to town upon a flip:
vote FrostburnPhoenix +++++
See my response to Catte: I "wasted" my night action (or so i thought) by not using it. The limit (repeating myself, which is tiresome) is how many nights I remain in the game.
All I know about my role is what I was told. Just because You don't see a reason to balance by stripping my night 1 action (something that surprised myself), doesn't mean Dedo didn't see it or do it.