One of my favorite songs is
Zeu by Spike JoeSapphire: I think I'm most inclined to lunch microfish or AmbitionZ right now. It feels a bit lazy and I'm not feeling at all confident in my scumhunting abilities toDay for some reason. It makes more sense than my other theory though.
If it makes you feel better, I'm not feeling at all confident in your scumhunting abilities today either.
FrostburnPhoenix: Do you really think me, Pooka and scene could be a scum team when Pooka was first on scene and scene was first on me?
I've said it before, scum often vote for themselves early in the game when it's low risk to have something to point at later. It might be that scene was just very obviously scummy and a lynch might solidify a townie read from others. We're working on hunches here and benefits of doubt.
It just keeps getting worse, smh
Catventurer: Frost has been around for two games now, and he figures this out before people that have been playing with Joe a lot longer?
Razza has only joined us last game and Joe introduced her as a younger coworker iirc. I think everyone is just jumping to conclusions now. It could very well be true that they are related. Or Joe might actually have told us the truth. Though the cover of "coworker" thus make sense for privacy reasons. Their writing styles are too divergent for there not to be a huge age gap between them. But then again, young people do work with very old colleagues nowadays. Especially in relatively fast aging countries like western ones.
FrostburnPhoenix: Yes, powerful distancing, but not favorable in my opinion.
And yet it happens.
my name is grompy catte: Ahh... sorry to ruin the joke, but it's not true. I've known Joe in real life for around 20 years and if he has a daughter he's kept it super secret, hence my spit-take. Anyway, I'm pretty confident (like 99.99% certain) Razza is not Joe's daughter. Frost is not the True Detective you consider them to be unfortunately.
He introduced her as a coworker and there is no reason anyone should believe otherwise or pry. I do find it funny how some people went down this rabbit hole just for shits and giggles though. Razza didn't even bother to deny and Joe is trolling.
JoeSapphire: But that's really flippin nuts.
People with such balls of steel should really become traders.
Weak list!
PookaMustard: Seriously, do you think I of all people would happily and actively bus a scumbuddy the way I did? On D1?
my name is grompy catte: So, in terms of other people who might be scum, AZ is seriously flying under the radar. I have very little read on him at all. Obviously he was absent for a large part of D1 but I'd hope to have a bit more of a read for the time since he came back.
Call me Enola Gay, bby, becuz Imma bout to drop some bombs! BOOYAAA
JoeSapphire: this reminds me of when she learned to ride a bike without stabilisers. I was so proud of her!
You, troll
PookaMustard: I'm frustrated by how all this Day's topics just ORBIT around Frostburn, and how there's nothing I can do about it, short of being Frostburn's in-game nanny and telling him to follow my lead without question (which benefits Mafia more).
Hey. man, you speak a second language, right? We can upgrade you to an au pair.
PookaMustard: A gunsmith claim has some implications if true. There could be a vig, a role that traditionally has guns, or a serial killer, a role traditionally known for not using a gun. Maybe other roles that have killing powers with or without guns.
Or a ninja.
Lifthrasil: Razza confirms me as unarmed. I know she's correct
Eh, you could be a ninja.
Lifthrasil: but you can't trust her completely
It's the name of the game, for sure.
Lifthrasil: But Town Razza means Town lift.
Unless you're a ninja.
Catventurer: Where is Az?
Next to California.
Catventurer: He hasn't posted since #519, which was two days ago.
I had already mentioned that my Thursday was going to be full and keeping up will be unlikely. It's in the post.
Catventurer: People who have played with Az more than once or twice probably should consider as to if this is normal behavior from him or not.
I'd be surprised if any of them could accurately describe supposed normal behavior. Nonetheless, I don't think I'm playing with any vets besides Lift and it's been a hot minute (more like 3 years?).
Microfish_1: I like Catte a lot more today than yesterday.
My read has stayed the same. By the end of the day I wasn't willing to vote for him. I'm still pretty solid on that stance, at least for now.
FrostburnPhoenix: Am I missing something obvious here?
While the questioning has merit, scum might decide to avoid targeting the doctor for dear of the role being watched.... unless they have a ninja. I mean, it's kind of an on-the-nose target for NK and for D1, chances of selecting the same player are pretty low. Technically low risk, low reward (unless they bank the lovers). The more interesting question here is why would scum target Cat over Joe since we don't know if their relationship mechanic is a two-way thing? Did Cat appear disproportionately more town in D1 than Joe? Were they afraid Joe would be watched?
Off to bed with me. Will post more tomorrow.