FrostburnPhoenix: Now I could almost see a rationale for not lynching lovers in that it's not as big a win for town but that doesn't make sense either as you'll have to lynch them eventually if they are scum.
I think you are deliberately not understanding me. Here is the ELI5 (explain it like I'm five) version: Thanks to you, I really do not believe that there would be both Town/Town Lovers and Masons in the same game, which means that I think that one and only one of the following is true:
1) Lovers are Mafia/Town and Masons are real.
2) Lovers are Town/Town and "Masons" are really mafia.
The only way to resolve this is to lynch one Mason or both Lovers. The reason I say you and not Pooka is because if the two of you are actually Masons, it would be better for the town team to keep Pooka in the game and not the person that has been making the Masons look like mafia disguised as masons.
Likewise here's the ELI5 reason I suggested lynching you (Frost) and not Joe If we lynch you (Frost) and:
- Masons are real, Town looses one person only.
- Masons are really mafia, Town looses nothing.
If we lynch Joe and:
- Joe is Mafia, Town looses one person only (me.)
- Joe is Town, Town looses two people - Joe and myself.
Facts You are either outright ignoring or trying to pretend are not real: 1) I spent a large portion of Day 1 campaigning that we lynch Scene.
I only reluctantly switched my vote to you after Az and Catte said that you getting lynched would help them more than lynching Scene because my suspect pool was Scene, Lift, ???? - which meant that both Catte and Az could not be mafia. Scene switched his vote off you, causing me to switch back to Scene while proclaiming that I was right about him all along.
2) You were the very last person to vote for scene and almost caused a no lynch while you dinked around voting for someone that most people were not even trying to have lynched Scene. Before that, we're you voting to lynch Vitek who had role claimed Doctor?
3) You also wasted time on Day 1 campaigning for what would be a policy lynch on the Lovers based on the fact that the mafia will night kill us anyway. You have said this multiple times we should be lynched because the mafia will kill us anyway. Even Lift (who was originally my #2 suspect) told you not to do the mafia's job for them - meaning if you think someone will be night killed, force the mafia waste their night kill doing it themselves. Lynching people because you think they will be night killed does not help the town.
For example - I really do think that if Vitek is town-aligned, role claiming Doctor will get him killed faster than Lovers. Based on Frost logic, I should be campaigning for everyone to vote for Vitek on the basis that the "mafia will night kill him anyway" and not who I think could actually be mafia. See how dumb that argument is?
If you think the mafia will kill someone, that also implies that you think the person has (or might have) a Town alignment. Mafia does not night kill mafia. Why have you been advocating to lynch people because the mafia will kill them and not on the basis of who could be mafia?
You were doing this as recently as post #492 (on Day 2) - "So what's wrong with lynching the lovers? They'll die at some point, and since we have a Doctor, lynching two town lovers is slightly favorable to lynching vanilla town. It'll give us two shots at lynching scum rather than one and neither lover looks very townie at all at least to me."
It's been said multiple times on Day 1 that Lovers is not a mafia/mafia role. I think I have more than proven myself based on Day 1 that I really am Town Lover. Joe's behavior had been iffy on Day 1 to the point that even I am questioning his some of his behavior.
You also know that mafia didn't get their night kill, which is just odd.
Another blatantly obvious thing: Since I am putting Joe at the higher end of the suspect list and eliminating Joe also eliminates me, I am not holding back on any of my thoughts or speculations on anyone. If the remaining players decides that Joe really is the best lynch option because of his Day 1 behavior, I do not want to have held anything back.
My opinions are just that and based entirely on observations.
FrostburnPhoenix: Scum: Catv
my name is grompy catte: Ah yes, obviously the scum are positions 3 and 4 on the Scene wagon. Much more likely than the person who was reluctant to hammer even after Scene was counterclaimed. ;)
Don't forget that I spent the better part of Day 1 advocating that we lynch Scene and was acting generally annoyed at everyone that wasn't voting for Scene. Someone on the mafia side would not have tried so hard to lynch someone that turned out to be mafia.
Especially when you consider that the only reason I am #4 is because I switched off because Az and yourself both said that lynching Frost would give the two of you more info than lynching Scene.
My Suspect Pool Joe + Lift
Frost + Pooka
Possible Town Group: Catte, Azzy, Razza, Vitek, and Microfish.
It takes six to lynch. If at least three of these people can agree on one person, that's who I am going with. If most of the town group wants to roll the dice on Joe being mafia, I will vote for him and take myself out.
FrostburnPhoenix: Me and Pooka are masons(breadcrumbed), Joe and Catv claimed lovers(breadcrumbed), razza claimed not-negative role, DkKoba claimed not-negative role, Vitek claimed doctor and scene claimed doctor.
Microfish_1: Please give breadcrumbs and post numbers in which these claims happened? I want to read them for myself
Post 201 - Lift makes a comment about how he is trying to wagon Joe.
Post 202 - I accuse Lift of mafia and allude to a role reveal.
Post 208 - I state that I have a special friend in the game and that if I will die if you try to kill them. (I assumed that Joe was town-aligned as this is how I always encountered Lovers in the past.)
Post 221 - Joe says that he's my lover.
Post 236 - I confirm that share the lover role with Joe.
I had also originally mistaken Lover for another role called Unrequired Lover due to not having night communication with Joe.
I can confirm seeing Scene try to role-claim Doctor. He went so far as to tell Joe in the thread that he would use the Doctor ability to protect Joe overnight if he removed his vote so that Scene wouldn't get lynched. We all know that Scene was the Mafia JOAT and not the Town Doctor.
Okay, I'm a little too nauseous to be digging through anymore posts.