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My top suspects (in order):
1. Scene
2. Lift

Also The Lurky Lurky Club would mostly be:
One of my favorite songs is The Last Stand by Koda

dedoporno: You missed roughly 3/4 of D1 without any sort of warning.
You have been marked by Yog (not "sloth") and will be devoured unless Celice keeps singing. You have to help her by citing the name of a favorite song of yours and it's performer in each and every one of your posts following the public announcement of your penalty and the end of D2, assuming you survive that long.
I have a question. In the spirit of being better safe than sorry I cited a song and the artist above, but the bolded part requires some clarification. The way I read this, and this entirely deals with semantics, is that I am required to post as such following both your public announcement and the end of D2, not through. Now, I believe you meant the latter, but since I would like to receive official mod clarification for this despite my own fault in not checking ahead the official announcement, I think it is fair to begin my sentence with this post.

JoeSapphire: FTFY
Muchas gracias, hermano.

Officially catching up beginning post 151

DkKoba1: *list*
Trash list!

FrostburnPhoenix: I See this whole claim by DkKoba as a way to divert attention from Catv. Scum team is likely DkKoba, Catv, and maybe Micro.
I admire the enthusiasm, but such confident statements on some measly D1 interactions are sus to say the least.

DkKoba1: *grievances*
I believe the third person talk is more for the remainder of the players. It's a way to address the crowd and make a case, not unlike a lawyer would address a judge or jury. Is it dehumanizing? Perhaps. I make no claim to the ethics of this, but then if this is dehumanizing, the philosophy of common law justice systems has a lot to catch up on. Not that the philosophy of law as a field isn't peppered with debates that lead to nowhere.

DkKoba1: looking back on my posts, I want to issue an apology at some of the aggressive tone I've used. I tend to be passionate about the game and being pushed tends to ignite those feelings, and I want to apologize to anyone whos felt hurt by anything I've said so far.
Humbleness will definite earn you more fans than foes, that's for sure. It's good that you acknowledge this.

DkKoba1: I have a very socratic approach
How would you define this Socratic approach, using examples from your posts?

DkKoba1: I think we're at the point where I want everyone to list more robust reads, on every player, even if its not strong.
I will have to refuse for now. We will see later *as I catch up more*.

DkKoba1: also i just found out this site is owned by poles and i wonder if theres options to change language to polish pog (i am polish and fluent lol)
Owned as it may be, I believe the company is incorporated in Cyprus. And I am not quite sure where the servers are hosted. I'm just talking semantics here though. Zdravstvuite! Kak tebya zovut? I am joking, yes. Don't answer my question.

Vitek: but I also don't know them and perhaps it is Frostburn's normal styly of play no matter what
Just like with Catventura, I only have one game data point with him, but in that game he was town and rather trigger happy and reactive bordering explosive. I'd take it with a grain of salt for now, but his posts seem rather scummy to me as well. But then again, they seemed scummy in the previous game as well. This time I feel like it might be different though.

Lifthrasil: *dogmatic post from Lift*
Sir, I don't want to say that you're grasping at straws, but you kind of are. Joe was obviously pedantic with you to prove a point about your own argument. I am uncertain anyone has read that as a strong defense of DK more than a deliberation on your own argument, which you're making into a debate.

Catventurer: You will know when I get stuck on the wrong side because I really don't want team mafia to win regardless of what side I get put on. I ultimately role revealed myself when I was the last mafia standing in that game and let the town win.
Oy, this ain't okay either.

Catventurer: I'm becoming increasingly convinced that Frost is just extremely butthurt that I was all over him as mafia in the prior game and just trying to return the favor. Someone needs to hand him a spare pillow to sit on. I think Frost is town for now.
LMFAO. Hot damn! And I thought I was sassy.

DkKobaPL: *stuff*
LMFAO. This read like a script for a WWE match.

Vitek: Is this some new meta where everyone has to claim D1, even the roles that should not claim at all if they can avoid it.

AND NEITHER IS SANTA, JOE, but you don't see me barging in and pissing on your birthday cake and eating your very AMERICAN chocolate chip cookies.

Microfish_1: I come back to what now? 4 people claimed in d1 without being promoted or getting to L1? What sort of crazy world is this?
It's all my fault. I wasn't here to subdue them. In Romania we have a saying: Când pisica nu-i acasă, șoarecii joacă pe masă.

DkKobaPL: *role claim*
Oh, great! So we have a role madness game. I wonder if we're also doomed with sketchy modifiers now!

supplementscene: and that they are very likely a seperate faction that are a threat to town.
And you're basing this on one anecdote you explained below?

Caught up to post 250.
DkKoba1: *list*
Ambiti0nZ: Trash list!

Ambiti0nZ: AND NEITHER IS SANTA, JOE, but you don't see me barging in and pissing on your birthday cake and eating your very AMERICAN chocolate chip cookies.
So you don't run out of favorite songs:

If we move you and Joe to the top box and Catte to the bottom box it would be pretty good in my opinion.

He basicly claimed his role is called Battlecat which actually isn't conclusive of lift having a role and it's kinda dumb to talk about it. Also Joe is listed as being in UK, so why are his cookies American?
Lifthrasil: Just to let you all know, my plans have shifted a bit, since I was just brought to the hospital with an Angina pectoris. Don't know the English word. But there is a danger of cardiac arrest. I'm getting a catheter tomorrow and an angiogram. If all goes well, medication will suffice. If not, I'll get a stent or a bypass.

So, if all goes well, I'll have lots of time to write from the hospital bed starting tomorrow afternoon. If it doesn't go well and surgery is necessary, i won't be able to continue to participate. So if I fall silent for more than 24 hours, please try to find a replacement for me.
Well obviously very sorry to hear this. A few years ago my father was diagnosed with a heart attack but was told in prior years it would of been diagnosed as angina. He had a stent put it, which seemed liked relatively minor surgery. He wasn't given much medical advice and was worried because a specialist flipantly told him he was suffering from 'heart failure'. Importantly he was put on my blood pressure medication, which meant any further heart conditions were well managed. So we're about 5 years on in his 70s going strong, very active and no issues. If he didn't have the blood pressure medication he maybe has a serious heart attack. So it's very fortunate you have caught this issue early on as you can manage it without something too serious happening in the future
One of my favorite songs is Forsaken by Dabin x Apashe x Kai Wachi

PookaMustard: I personally don't want to hunt down people engaging in hot steamy love making, I want to hunt down mafia.
What if they're mafia engaged in steamy love making? I mean, you had Bonnie and Clyde at one point, right?

PookaMustard: If Mafia don't get to them for whatever reasons, in the following days we might have more info on hand about them, if not from PRs then simply from deduction and intuition, and then we can work out about sealing their fate. But right now, I'm not convinced they're Mafia or a separate faction.
Pedantry aside, I agree with this point.

Catventurer: Ya!!! You're finally here. <3
I was starting to be concerned that you might be sick or something. I'm glad it was just work and hope it won't be too rough on you in the future.
Thank you for the warm wishes! I have accepted a banking position with a pretty huge bank and we're having an inventive 6 month training program. This week we got our first team deal and soon enough we'll be expected to do deals solo, so it's a bit of a learning curve.

my name is grompy catte: Glad you're ok!
Thank you! A few scrapes and burns, but I am here now.

Microfish_1: Scene usually plays Secret Hitler, in which the Anti-Town team is the Fascists, and he often calls the scum-team "Fascists" regardless of the game. Good to see you're alive.
Thanks for the memo. Confused the hell out of me. It felt like reading a twitter thread for a hot minute.

JoeSapphire: XD come on, you know this: it stand for "big....
Ooohhh! Damn, now I feel dumb.

supplementscene: But I think his responses are all quite superfiscial with no deep analysis at all.
I prefer brevity over fodder. Might be a cultural difference here. As for the superficial critique, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

supplementscene: He doesn't seem to have any thoughts on the interractions between players.
Few things are what they seem to be.

Vitek: It's alive.
I am uncertain you can classify vampires as alive!

Vitek: Who GR? GameRager, all the rage nowadays but able to claim he forgot what his opinions are from post to post.
Policy lynch right there if I've ever seen one.

my name is grompy catte: BIG


I love it. I blame my tiredness for missing this amazing acronym.

supplementscene: Why? Is he your scumbuddy?
100%. We make such a great team too. I just finished re-watching the Lethal Weapon movies and I can see a bit of Riggs and Murtaugh in him and I. I am chaos and he is mayhem.

supplementscene: But, no I do think my assessment is fair. Sure he's spent time catching up. But he only seems to respond with jokes. To me it looks like filler chat, talking but not thinking, like he is not trying to solve the game. For me filler chat is a scum sign on any social deduction game. I believe in 'outing town' and 'outing scum' in social deduction. He's not quite 'outing scum' but filler chat is leaning scum.
In the Batman games you got stuck on the Riddler stuff too, amirite?

supplementscene: You're lying I said my assessment of Ambitionz WAS FAIR and not UNFAIR
He probably misread you. I read him as misreading you.

supplementscene: I had you none alignment for the first few days while not liking your none analytical game style. You're now on my top 3 scumlist.
Reactionary OMGUS reaction if I've ever seen one. For someone who wants analysis, you sure are driven by emotion.

supplementscene: List of happy lynches is now:

1. FrostburnPhoenix
2. Pooka
3. Ambiti0nZ
List is bad.

supplementscene: BREADCRUMB If I get night killed tonight, lynch any of them on Day 2, especially Pooka
Hot take is worse.

PookaMustard: So you let me off the hook for most of the game for what you believe is a non-analytical game style, but instantly go after Ambitionz for it. That makes sense not. And if you get "night killed" (are you sure you won't be lynched today?), why do you call on Town to go especially after me and not your #1, Frostburn? That also makes sense not.
He said he wants analysis, not consistency!

Lifthrasil: Just to let you all know, my plans have shifted a bit, since I was just brought to the hospital with an Angina pectoris. Don't know the English word. But there is a danger of cardiac arrest. I'm getting a catheter tomorrow and an angiogram. If all goes well, medication will suffice. If not, I'll get a stent or a bypass.

So, if all goes well, I'll have lots of time to write from the hospital bed starting tomorrow afternoon. If it doesn't go well and surgery is necessary, i won't be able to continue to participate. So if I fall silent for more than 24 hours, please try to find a replacement for me.
I am very sorry to hear about this, Lift. :( Please be well and take care of yourself. Much good health to you!

detective_razza: hi ambition! good to have you here :D i’m glad you’re okay!
It's great being here!

detective_razza: ^^ oh no no, my question mark is just an expression of me being extremely confused by koba’s claim.
I see. Thanks for clarifying.

JoeSapphire: Help me out somebody? What do we make of Vitek?
He's mid-tier on my sus list. But then again, there are also catte, frost, scent and micro on my list. I was entertaining putting you there as well until the lovers claim. I totally missed the breadcrumbing, but in hindsight it looks legit. I shall give the benefit of the doubt for now. DK is *technically* a new mafia player *on this forum*. While not a newbie that warrants D1 protection, I shall extend a courtesy this time because I'd like how that evolves in D2. At least he's a player that gives content.

JoeSapphire: I can very much believe in mafia AZ right now. Is he about to get modkilled though?
I'm as bulletproof as they come. Ever watched Lethal Weapon? I'm like a more badass version of Riggs. I got the hair and all that as well.

FrostburnPhoenix: So you don't run out of favorite songs:
I appreciate the assist. I might very well need it in the days to come if I'm still around.

FrostburnPhoenix: Also Joe is listed as being in UK, so why are his cookies American?
Cause they're chocolate chip cookies and those are an American invention. Now, why is Joe consuming American desserts? Because they are delicious, of course! Have you seen how much butter and sugar we put in this stuff?
detective_razza: 1) scene - mainly for pushing the wagon against joe x catv, which would majorly ruin town’s chances if they turn out to be town alignment, but as previously mentioned by others is a little all over the place
Wait I did get off this wagon as soon as I realised both were likely Town. I only got on it because my experience was of both being none town so I thought they were both none town. I haven't played a game were lovers were town at all
supplementscene: You're lying I said my assessment of Ambitionz WAS FAIR and not UNFAIR

You're also trying to scum smear now too. I've been in 1 game with lovers where they won the game by being a different faction. That game has been attested to by Catte I think it was if you're actually reading what's going on in the game.

That was a more than reasonable assumption at the time from my experience. To say I'm slamming the breaks on being pressed is scummy AF
PookaMustard: sips tea

Yeah, I'll admit I was tired and misread the whole fair/unfair thing. That said, I still don't agree with it. And well, I'll leave it at that, I had explained my gripes before.

Now, is your assumption that the lovers party could be non-Town a reasonable assumption? Yes, I didn't contest that if you go back to my original vote. I just don't think the way you pounced on the opportunity is Towny.

Also while I'm at it, uhhh...
supplementscene: I had you none alignment for the first few days while not liking your none analytical game style. You're now on my top 3 scumlist.
PookaMustard: So you let me off the hook for most of the game for what you believe is a non-analytical game style, but instantly go after Ambitionz for it. That makes sense not. And if you get "night killed" (are you sure you won't be lynched today?), why do you call on Town to go especially after me and not your #1, Frostburn? That also makes sense not.

You have left me with more questions than answers.
Pooka I was always happy to lynch you at some stage if a better opportunity did not come up. Your none indicitive alignment is not useful to town but it is also not alignment indictive either.

I do not want you in a 3v2 town v mafia end game because I don't think you put enough time into your analysis.

But you have been active throughout the day so I do think there are 1 or 2 better 1st day lynches based on my reads
Ambiti0nZ: I appreciate the assist. I might very well need it in the days to come if I'm still around.
Actually that's music, not a song. My bad.
FrostburnPhoenix: Also Joe is listed as being in UK, so why are his cookies American?
Ambiti0nZ: Cause they're chocolate chip cookies and those are an American invention. Now, why is Joe consuming American desserts? Because they are delicious, of course! Have you seen how much butter and sugar we put in this stuff?
Chocolate chip cookies may have been an American invention, but cookies in a more general sense are credited to ancient Persia. Also since Joe's location is set to UK, I think that he'd call them biscuits. I think a cookie there is a specific type of biscuit, but I couldn't give you a description as to which one it is.

Also I'm with GLaDOS when it comes to desserts and prefer cake.
Catventurer: I'm becoming increasingly convinced that Frost is just extremely butthurt that I was all over him as mafia in the prior game and just trying to return the favor. Someone needs to hand him a spare pillow to sit on. I think Frost is town for now.
Ambiti0nZ: LMFAO. Hot damn! And I thought I was sassy.
Yea. No. I really was just being silly there and didn't mean anything impudent. I'm convinced that there are some people here that might have better luck at herding cats than reading me correctly.

=^._.^= ∫

Also since you need to need to post up songs, this probably should be shared -

Skeletor sings YMCA:
Lifthrasil: Just to let you all know, my plans have shifted a bit, since I was just brought to the hospital with an Angina pectoris. Don't know the English word. But there is a danger of cardiac arrest. I'm getting a catheter tomorrow and an angiogram. If all goes well, medication will suffice. If not, I'll get a stent or a bypass.

So, if all goes well, I'll have lots of time to write from the hospital bed starting tomorrow afternoon. If it doesn't go well and surgery is necessary, i won't be able to continue to participate. So if I fall silent for more than 24 hours, please try to find a replacement for me.
Fuck, that's shitty. Get well.
FrostburnPhoenix: You're still in RVS.
I am?

JoeSapphire: I thought Vitek scum-reading me after the lovers claim was probably town. That's why I wanted to know if it was genuine. I don't really know what to make of his 'I don't want to vote you but...' post.
Help me out somebody? What do we make of Vitek?
I got burnt too much in the past to accept you as town but I am not willing to lynch 2 townies at once on D1.
On the other hand, you are right, what better Day to do it than D1.
Do you want to get lynched?

detective_razza: :
vitek for a lack of activity,
ambition for the same (though i’m aware that they’ve been having a hard time, and that’s understandable)
How come you are calling me out for inactivity but the whole game you ahve not made single mention of Micro?
Also, hello, pot.
FrostburnPhoenix: I Am suddenly in fear of no-lynch.

Vote Lift
Do you have other reason for voting Lift other than to avoid no-lynch?

Catventurer: Your facts are either wrong or you're lying.

In post #232, Frost says that he thought my role is Savior and is where he votes for Joe. This is a non-town role that has a goal of keeping one specific person alive even at the expense of themselves. If the target outlives the Savior, they've done their job and win. In post #240, he says that he does not believe we have the Lovers role. He then concedes that even if it is Town-Town, we'll die sooner or later anyway. In #246, Lift comments to Frost that if this is true, there is no need to do the mafia's job for them. Frost then unvotes Joe in 272 while adding that he would be willing to vote for Lift, Vitek, Micro or Catte.

Also in post #249, you were doing the same type of voting, except that you were voting for me instead of Joe. However you do so on the basis that we must be a town/mafia pairing as if this variation is far more common than town/town.
This made me feel better both about CatV and Frostburn.
I still find Frost very, very opportunistic, but Ambition tells they were the same way in previous game and this post of CatV made me do proper read and it confirms it went the way CatV says and it made sense how Frost handled that situation if they read the lover roles that way.
JoeSapphire: I think POOKA is town but for kinda shakey reasons. I asked why do different this game, is it because of learning from mistakes last game (I say 'mistakes' but I'm not specifying whose mistakes....) and pook says 'uhh probs not'
I kinda think mafia would take the opportunity to say "yeah, i'm not playing different because scum. it's that thing you said"
Well, I wasn't lying. I don't think the underlying issue that made me lurk in the first day of the previous game has gone away :)
Merely suppressed, you see.

supplementscene: Pooka I was always happy to lynch you at some stage if a better opportunity did not come up. Your none indicitive alignment is not useful to town but it is also not alignment indictive either.

I do not want you in a 3v2 town v mafia end game because I don't think you put enough time into your analysis.
Scene scene scene scene scene

You do know full well that I hate Day 1, right? With a passion. And that a 3v2 (or god forbid 2v1) is a wholly different can of worms from EVERYTHING IS RANDOM day 1, right? Not really a fair extrapolation to make.


I'm sticking by showing Scene the door, but if given that the most likely lynch is anyone but him, I'll relocate to the closest wagon to lynch THAT ISN'T Joe or Catventurer. I think getting scene's flip is important, but uhhh, having a lynch on D1 is the most important thing right now.
One of my favorite songs is Turbulence by Florin Salam, Emilia & Costi

Since it's really late here (2 AM) and there haven't been any new developments, I shall

vote supplementscene

since he is on my sus list and we should try our best to avoid an NL. Things will probably be very clutch tomorrow. I can't promise I can be active from work, but I will keep an eye out in case we need a switch. I am not opposed to switching my vote to Vitek or Frost. But that's about it for now. I don't see a wagon forming on catte and Joe is off limits for today. Micro and razza are also enticing, but only because I don't actually know much about what they think, which is dangerous territory for entry in a D2. My list is large, but such is D1. Still, with so many PRs claimed, I'm having a hard time believing most people aren't PRs. So at this point I'm not sure someone claiming a PR before a lynch would actually do much to prevent that.

Good night, town. And may the bed bugs bite the scum. And if the scum are bed bugs, then may they cannibalize themselves.