Lifthrasil: I don't. As I explained in post #139. Of course, I could have repeated that for those who are unable to keep more than one post in mind. But I think my argument is valid nonetheless. If razza's forced softclaim is true, forcing that claim was a move against Town. ... And Koba, by his own statement, rates razza as Towny himself - and yet doesn't see the problem that he forced a possible Town-PR to reveal themselves.
@all: apart from Joe I have DkKoba as leaning scum. And Catventurer, who was a bit to eager to place the fifth vote on Razza based on a sketchy claim. He explained that later, but it still looks opportunistic.
You will know when I get stuck on the wrong side because I really don't want team mafia to win regardless of what side I get put on. I ultimately role revealed myself when I was the last mafia standing in that game and let the town win.
However saying that, you're own posts are coming of as strange:
1) Others have pointed out that you share the "lynch all liars" philosophy that I also have.
2) You point out that if Razza's forced softclaim is true, then DkKoba made a move against the town.
3) You also point out that DkKoba doesn't think it's a problem that he forced a town power role to reveal themselves.
Yet, here you are voting for Joe and not DkKoba. The best case scenario is that Razza is a town vanilla, softclaiming a power role, so that the mafia select him and not an actual power role.
The impression I have of Joe is that he knows DkKoba from elsewhere. It's a situation like me and cat roles. You're inclined to believe this person is town-aligned for reasons that are completely irrational and not based on any amount of logic. I'm just a super cat enthusist. Joe might be feeling that DkKoba has to be town because the alternative is that he set someone really bad loose among us, and he just doesn't want the latter to be true.
my name is racynge catte: I had a feeling DK wasn't serious. I'm not sure I've played in a game with a day cop, but I would have expected it to work something like a day vig where the player puts their action in a post and the mod responds in the thread. I agree that Razza's response was townie.
Oh, since I did mod (not on GOG), I should have commented on this. How the Day Cop is handled probably is going to depend on who is running the game and/or what site it is on. In the games I co-moderated, the Day Cop's ability to check people out was still a private action. Instead of posting something in the thread that all could see, they would send a private message to whichever moderator was online. We would send a message to our co-moderator, wait ten minutes then respond to the Day Cop with the check results. The ten minute wait was just to make sure that Day Cop wasn't cheating by sending a different check to each moderator.
Vitek: OK, there is some consistency there. Still got 2 questions though.
First, why did you consider them town despite voting them both before and despite having reason to suspect either of them?
Second, what made them both go from being town in 131 and 148 to
naming them your scum team in 166? CatV made 2 post in the meantime and in one of them he voted DK.
I'm becoming increasingly convinced that Frost is just extremely butthurt that I was all over him as mafia in the prior game and just trying to return the favor. Someone needs to hand him a spare pillow to sit on. I think Frost is town for now.