Lifthrasil: Can you explain to me, why you did put so much trust in Koba's 'claim', to cast a fifth!
This is mostly a continuation of post #149, second part where I said: "This has been weighing on me a bit, mostly because of the one game in the past where I was on the mafia side. It's also why I probably come off as super defensive (also realized in hindsight) when anyone tries to bring up my non-vote in that game." But didn't have the time to finish that post.
Since I said that I'd go into more details about how I played years ago, here it is -
Out of three games, I was on the mafia side once and the town side twice.
When I was on the mafia side, I avoided voting to the extent that I allowed a day one double lynch to happen that took out one mafia member and one town member, confirming in everyone's mind that I really was the Voteless Townie. People would still try to get my opinion as to who I thought should be lynched, except that I would only give a "why can't we all just be friends" type of response. I had no opinion, positive or negative, about anyone. This caused more havoc on the game than I intended as people started private messaging the game moderators running the game during the first night to express their anger that they gave me of all people the Voteless Townie role. I was such a wonderful, nice, and amiable player on top of being the site moderator for forum roleplay.
In the two games I played on the Town side, I was the day one lynch in one game and day three lynch in the other. The town doesn't like me nearly as much when I'm actually on the town side because I don't avoid conflict and don't try to be everyone's newest bestest best friend ever.
After my third game, one of the co-moderaters dropped out and wanted to switch to playing. This is when I switched from playing to co-moderating as it also meant that there was an actual site moderator helping run things, not just a couple of random site users. Because of the speed of these games and the number of players, it really did require two people running it. I never did the set-up.
FrostburnPhoenix: I Think it fits perfectly with the events at the beginning of the day. Catv appeared to be distancing from you and then panicked.
Actually, no. I just looked up what distancing means in this game - "putting oneself at odds with one's partner(s), either by disagreement over a third party, or by direct conflict against each other."
The all of one game I played where I was on the mafia side, I never had to "distance myself" anyone in the thread. I just made friends with absolutely everyone in the game. If there ever comes a time where I look like Barney the Dinosaur trying to be everyone's friend, you really need to lynch me no matter what and with no regard to how friendly I look. If you think I have a shitty role and that bothers you enough to think about bothering the game moderator, you should be lynching me instead.
And saying that, I don't mean to confuse with roles that give you a special relationship with one other player - Best Friends, Imaginary Friend, Masons, Lover, Alien Abductee, Friendly Neighbors, and other such roles. I'm also well aware that I mentioned some roles not in use here.
Also because I mention my cat quite a bit, I should probably introduce him:
This is Duke Ellington. I usually just call him Duke, and everyone else calls him Duke repeated however many times it takes to get him to respond to you. He was born in May 2008 and has an observed birthday of
May 25th.
I've been told that in this picture specifically, he makes people feel like they did something wrong. He makes the absolute best completely unimpressed cat faces.
See attached photo.