Lifthrasil: Are you against exiting RVS? If so, why? It's a goofy, pointless exercise at the start of the game, when there is nothing better to do. But why prolong it, just because some people lurk? Do you see any benefit of a longer RVS stage for Town? Or do you just want to postpone real discussions as far as possible, because you want Town to have less time for real discussions?
Microfish_1: > Are you against exiting RVS? If so, why? It's a goofy, pointless exercise at the start of the game, when there is nothing better to do.
Noo, not exactly. But it results in a friendlier game because this is when jokes are allowed that wouldn't be later on. I am in favor of letting RVS run 4-48 hours after the start of the game before someone grabs the gavel and proclaims, "let us commence with the commencing."
> But why prolong it, just because some people lurk?
Because I know how difficult or maybe frustrating it is to show up late and have everyone else scum hunting before you've a chance to hang up your hat, pull out a chair, sit down, crack open your can of pepsi, say, "hi", etc. I don't propose this phase continues after everyone ahs shown up. It's more like being courteous and not stampeding the just-arrived person. once 48 hours has passed, their absence is outside the usual rules and therefore on them.
> Do you see any benefit of a longer RVS stage for Town?
No. The only possible benefit is to the game--not ticking off players who have committed their time to being here, and who might be discouraged if they never have a chance to joke before scum-hunting (or hiding) in earnest.
OK. Fair enough.Those are actually good reasons.
detective_razza: i have arrived on the thread, hello everyone old and new B)
DkKoba1: i daycopped this post and it came back red
vote: detective_razza the longer this game goes the more i am approaching a scumlean on joe btw.
Are you seriously claiming Day-Cop?
DkKoba1: have people actually experienced daycops on this forum? It was an obvious joke lmao to get pressure. The reaction was kinda towny so
vote:joe OK. Apparently it was a joke? If so, it was a very bad one. A false claim is a serious thing, since it is a lie. And I like the tenet 'lynch all liars'. Town should never lie, if they can avoid it at all. Usually it's not in the interest of Town to muddy the waters. Also, scum have to lie, sooner or later. So if Town agree to behave and not lie, lying becomes a sure scum tell.
Long explanation short: this false claim as a 'joke' makes you look very scummy! You're not exactly a newbie, are you? So, before I cast my next vote, one question: is it customary to lie as Town where you come from?