Okay, I'm well enough to read through posts and will be catching up. This post is going to be long, but that's the nature of catch-up posts. If I didn't respond to something that you think warrants a response from me. Just quote me and say something to the extent of "what about post #." I'm sure I missed some things here and there.
I started catch-up at 5pm (Pacific) so even though I'm going to be going away a few times, so I'll get it done before bed time. The reason that seizure imagery is so problematic is entirely because of migraines, migraine auras, and visual snow. These videos are from an accredited hospital in the US.
Migraines with Auras:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYjZ4qtPeoI Visual Snow:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISYJ5zoH9Ng Oh and when I said in the prior game that I'm really, really bad with acronyms, it is partially because of visual snow. My snow level has gone back down to normal levels, but if I say anything weird in response to an acronym, do let me know.
JoeSapphire: Don't do this. Pretty please? For me? :)
kk - I will do so for you only because you asked nicely and said please. You'll find that I respond very well and am more inclined to do what I'm asked to do when you say please with it. Smileys help too.
FrostburnPhoenix: You "don't like this kind of voting", and think random votes are meaningless to you, yet in the previous game your third post (#50) said the following-
JoeSapphire: Is there a contradiction here? I don't see it?
Catven says now that they don't like random voting stage - and in the previous game the said they didn't see any reason to vote early?
No. No. You're completely mistaken here. I'm extremely lukewarm about day one random voting. This is not the same as taking a vow of abstinence from day one voting. Sometimes you can take out a mafia, but I think it is entirely luck when this happens. I don't see how anyone can reliably tell what role anyone else has on day one, and that's where my sticking point has always been. It doesn't mean that I absolutely will never cast a serious vote. You can expect some amount of reluctance.
What I said that I really hate far more than anything else is when someone appears to be making a consistent effort with every single post to not participate in any sense. You get no feeling for who they are, not even in any sort of generalized sense. In the prior game, I think I also referred to this as "I'm going to take my ball and not go home." Babark gave me that feeling in the prior game to the extent that I did seriously vote for him at one point and only withdrew that vote because someone else said that he fell under new player courtesy. In comparison, Ambiti0nZ in that game only looked like he was struggling to keep up with things due to his traveling situation.
My lack of voting in the prior game had nothing to do with views on day one votes. It was entirely because there had been a kitchen fire at my house in the evening on Sunday, where the day ended early Monday morning. This is based on my time zone, Pacific. Since we are currently on daylight savings time, this would be UTC−07:00. Meaning I didn't vote on day one of that game because of bad timing and a real life incident that caused me to withdrawal from the game, not because I absolutely will never vote on day one.
PookaMustard: You'll also find each Mafia community does things differently. Here you have to hammer to get a lynch. In other places the day usually ends without a hammer and the person with the most votes gets lynched. In fact, the hammerer can be viewed as scummy or suspicious while here it's a necessary evil. Yeah some people here can be pretty harsh on newbies but ultimately you have to remember they're doing what they can to achieve their win condition, as should you.
I'm sorry about the kitchen fire. I must have missed it happening in the previous game.
I'll have to admit that I still find the hammer thing to be a bit odd. If I understand it correctly, it's entirely a necessary evil here due to how small these games are. Before here, I only encountered big games with lots of people and whoever has the most votes gets lynched. This did result in some double-lynches.
In the prior game, I mentioned the fire once in the game thread, so it was very easy to miss. It's towards the end of the first day when someone noticed me online and not really doing anything. There's more details in the observer thread. The damage was confined to a single pot - one of those things that was far more horrifying to experience than anything else.
Fortunately, there is a fire extinguisher in the kitchen. This isn't strange if you consider that I live in California (US), where summer may as well be half the year and 80% of my backyard is a swimming pool. People do like to cook outside on grills this time of year if there are no wildfires driving us indoors, and you really should always have a fire extinguisher on stand-by when doing this type of cooking.
supplementscene: Voting for yourself to build an early wagon on yourself seemed frankly strange. Either you're a Townee giving up or Mafia trying to deflect or invoke pity by voting for yourself. I lean that it was more of a town reaction but it's hard to gauge.
I had counted three votes against me - you, frost, dkkoba. (
see post #34) I was 100% convinced that there was zero chance of me still being alive by breakfast the next morning regardless of what I did. My time zone does put me behind everyone else to varying degrees.
The fact that I am still alive is only proof of what I said about being wrong.
I'm rarely wrong like normal people.
When I'm wrong about something, I achieve epic levels of wrongness.
Lost Kitten Time - Questions!: - What's a vig?
- What is an OMGUS?
- What does pr hunt mean?
- What is sandbagging?
@Joe - Thank you for explaining day cop. I was going to ask about that!
I'm voting based on DkKoba1's claim alone that he has the real actual ability to check alignment during the day time. If he clarifies that he is only suspicious and doesn't actually have this ability, then I'm going to need to withdrawal this vote and wait for more information. Anyway, it's almost 8pm now. It took me about three hours to catch up. The kidney failure cat (not the same as the diabetic cat) still needs fluid time, and I'm going to be really spent for the evening after that.
I'll be back in about 11-12 hours after the cats have breakfast.
vote detective_razza (Screeech)