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maxleod: Mmmm.... The guy on a cross next to Jesus was named Barrabas, not Barnabas...
yogsloth: So, supplement seems to have stolen my usual "Do something dumb Day 1 and see what happens" thunder.



Enh, I give it a C- for trolling and I'm gonna forget about it.

Vote maxleod though
maxleod: Uh, what?

Vote yogsloth
Just a reminder that we have a deadline rapidly approaching, and this is the SUM TOTAL contribution from max.
While my vote is on CatV, I'd also consider players I think have show the least logic and least active:

Maxleod - 1 return vote after Yogs voted for him, little else. But could it be we're almost just coming out of random voting stage? I don't know.

Microfish - put a second vote on Yogs without explaining his reasoning.

MrKrabswallet - It's not that he voted for me, but the manner, in which he did. He could of found my posting scummy earlier, but instead seemed to maybe want to keep my wagon warm after Lift got off it.

I'm interested to see more of Atlo's thoughts.
Normally in a GOG mafia game, we have tons of time Day 1 to just hang out, shitpost, relax, get to know each other.

But five days is actually quite short by our standards, so we actually have to pick up and do some stuff if we're going to accomplish anything. Please, don't let us no-yeet. Let us not do that.

To that end, I'm back to old old school "STU" yogsloth. Nobody got any kinda time to legitimately find all the woofs on Day 1 here with no information.

So kill the players doing *literally nothing* and move the game state forward.
"Manny, what happened to your feet and butts fetishes?"

It feels like the air stopped right in its tracks. Or rather, that time itself was stopped. Literally everyone was staring at their screens, likely towards where Karen was, the person who said that.

Some of the colleagues expected a response from Natsuko, since she's not fond of these topics out of the blue, but she merely looked disappointed, but not about to erupt. In fact, the biggest reaction was from Miriam, who gripped her small cross necklace with her petite hands and very quietly prayed, so quiet none could hear what she said.

"Karen, you promised me not to talk about that stuff!" Manny couldn't keep his calm. "YOU PROMISED ME!"

Karen just laughed heartily. "My only promise was about eating jellybeans through the nose."

"Damn it, Karen!" Manny pounded the table.

Stuart just sighed. "Can we get professional, please."

Miriam was the first one to shrug. "I wish you'd said that earlier, when you were cussing at the peak of your voice.

It was then that the mysterious Madoka account suddenly rejoined, and finally posted her first message in chat. Everyone looked at the message in anticipation of what...revelation the memester had regarding Stuart.

"It's okay to talk about weird stuff every now and then."

Yeah, that was useful.



supplementscene (2) - Catventurer, GamezRanker (MrKrabsWallet)
yogsloth (2) - maxleod, Microfish
Catventurer (1) - supplementscene
trentonlf (1) - joppo
maxleod (1) - yogsloth

supplementscene and yogsloth are closest to lynch at L-4.

Not voting:
- trentonlf
- Atlo
- Lifthrasil
Post edited December 14, 2023 by PookaMustard
Thank you for your support!
yogsloth: So kill the players doing *literally nothing* and move the game state forward.
I'm totally against this as it is just free kills for team mafia. I'd rather see Pooka replace them with someone else.

The one player I have the most experience with! (Ok, so it's just 2 games... bite me...)
In one game I was even his assigned Guard - meaning I monitored each and every one of his posts. Not trying to state that I can read him openly - but he's the one I can read best. (I hope)

So... let's look at his posts...
supplementscene: Hey guys, I seem to have drawn the mafia card. Can anyone explains what that means please?
It would be easy to roll eyes and state that he's just being goofy... but... what if he were actually mafia?

This would mean Scene's playstyle has evolved... and not only by just a little bit, but made a quantum leap to -- scum-scene pretending to be town acting scummy on purpose trying to use reverse-psychology!

The chances of this being true are... slim.

Let's look at his next post:

supplementscene: I do think talking about flight sims and set up and the flavour is a good way for Mafia hide in plain site. So I have to Vote Scene as I've managed to mention 2 of those things in this short post alone.
Now he's stretching it actually and even I raised an eyebrow. Still... am willing to look past this.

There was something else in this same post, though.

supplementscene: Interesting that there's 3 factions. I feel bad for the neutral. He or she has to be active enough not to be lynched and not enough of a threat to Mafia by not scumhunting too heavily. Good luck with that.
Let's forward a little bit.

trentonlf: Traps should be subtle, so you can't be trying to lay traps. If you're trying to be so scummy that you want people to think you are being funny, I'm thinking you are falling short (at least to me) in that area. I'm not quite sure what your agenda is, but I'm not a fan of your method of reaching it.
And... straight from the horses mouth (#38)

supplementscene: I thought both were both obvious jokes and also (I thought) less obvious traps - which both were intended to be, although you saw through them as obvious traps. So I could try and lure Scum into building a wagon on me for obvious jokes and trap setting.
Then there is this issue:

Catventurer: We're tired of the whole this person must be town-aligned because they're acting guilty as shit while at the same time acting crazy enough to join The Joker's Gang.
Could Scene still be mafias MVP, even if he were town? I don't think so. Him outright stating he was trying to lay a trap, but doing so in a somewhat goofy way was typical Scene. Also - there was nothing really mafia benefiting in it.
For me all this looks like typical run-of-the-mill Town-Scene.


Oh boy... pretty much the complete opposite of Scene...
To put it bluntly -- I CANNOT READ CATVENTURER. AT ALL!!/b]

in the very first game we played together I was convinced she must be Town. Even after I was NK'ed, by a cat of all things, I thought nothing of it. Only after the scummiest Townie was lynched and the game didn't end did I even entertain the idea she might not be town. And going over her posts - where she defended mafia players, pointed towards other players... all things I considered were just a townie being skeptical did I start to wonder... no way... this can't be...

Ever since that startling experience I am hell bent on finding anything scummy about her!

Cometh GamezRanker's game...

Oh, she is definitely Scum! I just know it!

Suprise... surprise... she was Town Cop...
Yeah, even after she came out as Cop I had trouble believing her.

So... we are now at a game where we are playing together. Part of me is thinking - what are the chances of me being wrong 3x times in a row? Part of me is thinking - If she seems Townie - she is Scrum. If she seems Scummy - she is Town.

This is the long and short of it.
If someone has to flip - I very much it be CatVenturer!

There are 2 more things though.

In that game where she was mafia? Pretty much no one else, save 1 townie who got lynched [Hi, deadoporno!), saw her as mafia -- Scum-CatVenturer is dangerous!!

The second thing -- Town-CatVenturer has one very special ability... give her 1 flip, better yet - 2! and she will tell you what the setup is!

PookaMustard: This game uses an open setup based off NewD3 from the mafiascum wiki. That means everyone knows what alignments and roles (and what these roles do) are in the game, and they are as follows:
A Neutral Vanilla
A Mafia Goon
A Mafia Rolecop
A Town Jailkeeper
A Town Friendly Neighbor
+ 5 Town Vanillas
We already know the setup.


[To summarize:/u]

If Scene = Town -> he will try to catch mafia his way
If Scene = Scum -> he will oust himself sooner or later

If CatV = Scum = Dangerous!!
[If/b] CatV = Town -> Here, I must confess Town-CatV would be more beneficial for town than Scene, but Scum-CatV is just too great of a risk!!

And for this reason:
Vote CatVenturer


Having typed all this (Heaven help me if it doesn't go through and I don't even want to look at the clock!) there is one last thing.

yogsloth: Just a reminder that we have a deadline rapidly approaching, and this is the SUM TOTAL contribution from max.
So kill the players doing *literally nothing* and move the game state forward.
Tehnically this is also an option.. I'd rather not vote for maxleod - seeing how long we waited for more players - and then to just lynch the one who did finally show up... would feel kinda sorry... but still... both Scene and CatV atleast give information to work with.

In the game where I played with maxleod he also barely participated... I was hoping he would become more active after the first lynch -- but that game ended after the first lynch!

Would he become more active in this game? That is the question...

I don't know how good you can read the room, but I beg of you - for the teams sake, and your own sake - try to give some input!
Oh... my...

I can't even scream...

That crash-site up there... you can't even look away from it really... it's like an actual real crash site...
PookaMustard: "Manny, what happened to your feet and butts fetishes?"

It feels like the air stopped right in its tracks. Or rather, that time itself was stopped. Literally everyone was staring at their screens, likely towards where Karen was, the person who said that.
I swear to God, Karen

I swear to GOD
Atlo: Then there is this issue:

Catventurer: We're tired of the whole this person must be town-aligned because they're acting guilty as shit while at the same time acting crazy enough to join The Joker's Gang.
Atlo: Could Scene still be mafias MVP, even if he were town? I don't think so. Him outright stating he was trying to lay a trap, but doing so in a somewhat goofy way was typical Scene. Also - there was nothing really mafia benefiting in it.
For me all this looks like typical run-of-the-mill Town-Scene.
I think my lack of patience for clowning about has been very well established.

I really don't know if you're aware of this, but I used to work in customer support. No further explanation should be required.

Atlo: CatVenturer:

Oh boy... pretty much the complete opposite of Scene...
To put it bluntly -- I CANNOT READ CATVENTURER. AT ALL!!/b]
I'm really not nearly as hard to read as you might think. I know I said in a prior game that I'm just too lazy to lie, which is totally true. In order for me to tell lies, I'd have to keep a lie cheat sheet just in case I get COVID again because I do get really bad brain fog and have trouble remembering stuff during COVID infections, and I'm not going ever bother doing that. Okay. It's easier to just not lie in the first place. No lies mean not needing to keep some fake story straight.

If you look at the mafia chat thread the one game here where I was mafia-aligned, I really am the most unhappy person when stuck on team mafia and really was starting to loose it when I was the last mafia standing.

Okay. My cat really is signalling that he wants his dinner now and likes having me spoon feed him, so I need to AFK for a while.
I think supplement and catventurer are more likely Town than not. Or at least not mafia.
As I tried to point out yesterday and as yogs pointed out earlier, we don't have time to screw around and let a no lynch happen. I will also say this, in the past in the early games of my forum mafia I was never a proponent of STU (slaughter the useless), but that no longer applies for me. Someone who posts the minimum and when they do post says basically nothing provides nothing but a distraction in the game, and if they are Town then scum will leave them alive to continue doing just that. So, unless Max can pull the post of the century out of thin air I am a proponent of their lynch today.

VOTE maxleod

@yogs, I meant to ask you, are you Mafia? Are you trying to charter us into chaos?
trentonlf: @yogs, I meant to ask you, are you Mafia? Are you trying to charter us into chaos?
This was literally the closest thing I could find. Google and Bing image searches, thous hast failed me.
My cat is done eating, so this is a continuation of Post #70.....

// Off Topic Comment - And yes, I really do spoon food my cat his wet food. He makes happy purring sounds when I spoon feed him that he doesn't make when he eats off a dish. Since he's an elderly cat at 15, I'm very happy to feed him this way. <3 <3


Atlo: Oh boy... pretty much the complete opposite of Scene...
To put it bluntly -- I CANNOT READ CATVENTURER. AT ALL!!/b]
// Snip Snip as everything else is just more and more of Alto saying that I'm too hard to read.

Atlo: And for this reason:
Vote CatVenturer
1> You made a big long post about where you just essentially repeat over and over how you find me hard to read.
2> Town-aligned players are supposed to be voting based on who they believe is most likely to be mafia.
3> If you're voting on the basis that you can't read someone, you're not actually playing the game.

COMPARISON FACT - I find Trentwolf completely impossible to read, but you don't see me saying that we should all vote for Trentwolf on the basis that I can't read him and can't be bothered to figure him out. You also don't see me writing some giant wall of text that is essentially just the same thing over and over and over again about how Trentwolf is hard to read. Instead I accept that it's entirely a failing on my part that I never did something like send Trentwolf a friendly PM between games to get to know him better so that maybe I could read him easier. It's entirely my fault that I'm stuck leaning on other people's opinions about Trentwolf.

I really hope you are mafia because if you flip town, I'm going to be super annoyed at you. I mean like more annoyed than combined annoyance level of other things that very easily annoy me:
- when town-aligned people act mafia and clown about
- people I know in RL that can't accept that I'm just not into dogs
- when the answering machine is full and it's all the same robo call
- snoring sounds (unless it's from my cat)
- cooking shows murdering lobsters

FINAL THOUGHT - I am in no way suggesting that we vote for Alto. There isn't a lot of time level on Day 1, and I'm not about to start anything against someone who there isn't already votes for. However I do think that people who like to go back and re-read the thread during the night period should reread Alto during Night 1.

PookaMustard: "Manny, what happened to your feet and butts fetishes?"

It feels like the air stopped right in its tracks. Or rather, that time itself was stopped. Literally everyone was staring at their screens, likely towards where Karen was, the person who said that.
yogsloth: I swear to God, Karen

I swear to GOD
// Off-Topic: Personal request here. Pretty please with kittens on top can we not use the Karen slur?

I'm obligated to make this request because Karen is my mom's given name. If she came on GOG, she'd be asking me to drop from this game and not play with you guys anymore. Fortunately, she will never come on GOG as she doesn't play computer games. No need to apologize because it's not like anyone here would know this, nor will she see this thread.
Catventurer: I am in no way suggesting that we vote for Alto.
OK but we got only a few hours bruh

what is you suggesting

Catventurer: // Off-Topic: Personal request here. Pretty please with kittens on top can we not use the Karen slur?
but trent's character's name is actually Karen