--- maxleod ---
Do, please, learn to be more active! ;(
It would, literally, have taken just 3 words to cancel your lynch!!
--- CatVenturer ---
Catventurer: Post-Game, I'm going to send you PMs full of love! No more misunderstandings. <3 <3 <3
I'm afraid, should we play again in the far future, - there will be misunderstandings! :'')
We're just built too differently. But, for what it's worth, I now understand how you felt in that game where you were mafia.
For context, or recap, this is how that game looked from CatV's POV:
> Literally 40 minutes before EoD a wagon forms out of nowhere on a scumbuddy. But not just any scumbuddy - the Godfather - the one role that is immune to investigations.
> The cop is acting very, very suspiciously the next day... did he investigate one of us?!
> He did!! Away goes 2nd teammate...
> Next day - 1 Townie is convinced I am last scum standing - get's lynched instead.
> Because, apparently, the last 2 days/weeks weren't stressful enough... Let's go for another day!!! :D/-<
I, atleast, had joppo to comfort me all throughout my ordeal!! xD
--- yogsloth ---
yogsloth: Since Pooka made it so utterly obvious in the flavor text that I have a thing - who wants to start guessing what my thing does?
I already posted this in scumchat, but on the off-chance you will not read it:
Even though it was my duty - I am terribly, terribly sorry for pushing so hard against you!!! ;(
--- Lifthrasil ---
Lifthrasil: @Town: actually at this point I think that a no Lynch would be better than a mislynch.
You saved Townies 2x at twilight, you bastard! >;(
Well done ;) --- Microfish ---
Microfish_1: 2 v 2 v 1
I'm Neutral. Even breadcrumbed it D1 in my response to Yogs.
For a long, long time I thought us sparing you (
You were a top NK-target of Day_3) turned out to be curse in disguise. Why, oh why, didn't you just take the easy win and put us out of misery? :'')
--- supplementscene ---
supplementscene: I genuinely don't think I look scummy.
I wish everyone to have the self-confidence of supplementscene.
I like you... I really do... but
THIS is how I envisioned me playing with/against you.
You made all the correct calls... FOR COMPLETELY THE WRONG REASONS!!!
Makes an elaborate post about every player; also includes 1 sentence that, maybe, just maybe, we should consider scene might be mafia.
Makes an elaborate post how my vote is justified. Really proud of my, IMHO, Towniest post in the entire game!
This is, by far, the scummiest post of the entire game!!
If I could've, I would've strangled you through the monitor!!! >:S
*deep breath*
*deep breath*
[Addendum:] supplementscene: By definition, I can't have played that well as Town if you were voting for me as a Town player. Up until that point I had you as certified town. But that 1 didn't add up.
Ah, I see now. Somehow it made perfect sense in
my mind.
supplementscene: @Pooka are you sure there isn't 3 Scum left and they've already won? Put me out of my misery......surely there can't be another Town player left I feel you buddy... :'')
It's comforting to know that Townies also had their moments of despair. :'')
--- joppo ---
joppo: BAD move. We had games in the past where scum took advantage of a player being in L-1 and hammered.
We have time to talk. Let's not waste it. The more the scum talks the greater the chance they will let something slip.
Scummbuddy!! <3
We actually made it through the end!! =)
Were it not for your advice I would have been lynched on Day 2!
We had good teamwork. That said - I hope we never have to do this again! :''D
--- Sage ---
Hope you enjoyed observing the game. =)
--- Other ---
Microfish_1: FOS Yogsloth Scene and Atlo seem to be trying to solve the game; leaning them town for now. If they are the scum team, I tip my hat to them.
Why was this never considered a real vote!?
supplementscene: Today was Steam's last winter sale day and I spent a day researching the games only to miss the end of sale.
MrKrabsWallet: I know how ya feel. I put it off myself a bunch, and then only managed to get Command and Conquer remastered and a couple cheap dollar games(stuff GOG doesn't sell) as a result.
The winter sale lasted 2-3 weeks; Why did you put off until the last moment!? :<
joppo: Merry Christmas. Be careful to not meet Scene's pair of angry Santas.
This was, and still is, funny as hell! xD
supplementscene: Atlo seems most town out of all of them. But I could be wrong.
And I thought Atlo was most Town out of the unsolved players at the beggining of today. He's a very good player if he's Scum I have to say.
Microfish_1: i don't think joppo and scene are the 2 scum.
If it is Atlo, I am impressed.
As much as I'd like to say ''
Thanks!'' I'm not sure if being told: ''
You are really good at lying & deceiving people!'' is something to be aproud of! :''D
And the only reason I managed to stick-out until the end was because of joppo's advice anyway. =]
Can't wait to read Limbo chat and the rest of the flavor. :)
(& Microfish)
Love the little
(& Microfish) at the end there! xD
also - lol @ count orlock.
(Emmm.... am I mistaken or did CatV actually not send a message to scene?!?! I can't find it in the janitor thread! O_O)