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Unvote Scene

Vote MrKrabsWallet

Joey starts to whistle
Joey falls asleep for a bit and then awakens with a start "Dagnabbit....I was having such a wonderful deram"

Unvote MrKrabsWallet

Vote Atlo

Tick Tock
A fly buzzes around the room a bit, and comes full circle to land on a window ledge. Joey contemplates swatting it with some old TPS reports for a moment, before going back to their musical interlude.

Unvote Atlo


By the by, I find it very enlightening that Scene...who once seemed to highly suspect seems to be trying to pocket them after I voted for them earlier. To me this feels more than a bit off...but what do the rest of y'all think?

As for me, why do I feel that if I had 'serious voted' Atlo earlier instead of Joppo, then Scene would've been trying to pocket Joppo instead with posts like Post 325? :\

pre-post addition: with how Scene also seems to be flipflopping between suspecting Joppo and Atlo as of late, I feel Scene is trying to make me keep doubting who to pick should they be laid off today and proven to be that I/others like Micro have a harder time finding their scumbuddy.
"the magical girl... is Natsuko..."


"no, Nikolay is the awful one!"


"I looove you zo much, wav me so muccch too..."


"Nah, Nikolay okay, this Joey guy... is zzususususzus..."


"Nah, Joey iszzz cool... huuhhh!?"

You never expected Joey, of all people, to call himself "sus". He did like Among Us a little bit, but his wife couldn't get into it, and thanks to his deep connection with Marisa, he veered into the direction of playing it less, and instead enjoying the many other things both of them liked. After all, love for him was more than just intimacy. It was doing the same things Marisa and he loved, together.

Well, but to be fair, it was such a snoozefest of a Thurday that Joey just snapped out of a daydream, where he kept rambling non-sense so nonsensical that he nonsensically "voted" for himself and quickly "unvoted" himself.

Even Stuart was dozing off...when was this godawful week be over!? The idea of giving Friday as a day off because it was such a waste of everyone's time briefly went through his mind, only to despawn like a Minecraft creeper that's too far away from the player. It was just tomorrow, right? Just one more tomorrow before something resembling a decisive ending could be conceived.

The only one who wasn't bored by any of this was Natsuko. If you had to wager, putting her name right after "the magical girl is" in the same daydream where he lazily but very genuinely confesses his love (again) was... probably going to keep her up the entire night. She murmured something right after Joey broke out of his trance, barely audible. "I don't wanna be like that magical girl." Nobody had an idea who 'that magical girl' was, but the only thing she spilled before any of these current events was that she tortured the titular character - her sister, and her mother.

But aside from her, it seemed like the workplace equivalent of the "slow news day." Maybe will be the day when this war ends and that becomes the breaking news?

"brrpppppfff, Amanda is not Vickkkkyy...brrppppffff"

Good thing I refreshed before posting the daily votecount, huh?



Not voting:
- microfish
- joppo
- Atlo
- supplementscene
- GamezRanker (MrKrabsWallet)
Post edited January 11, 2024 by PookaMustard
supplementscene: Post 205 Scene - Vote Yogsloth - this should be hammer. I don't want to get too tired where I forget to change my vote, which happened last game when the Day end was too late for me. If I changed my vote to Sage we actually would of won that game. She partly managed to appeal to emotion with me too though.

Now this is important because either Joppo and/or MrKrabsWallet stated I didn't say I was tired when I was hammered when I clearly did
Reading back I realize now why your tiredness hadn't registered with me. You said you did not want to get too tired, which in my mind didn't necessarily mean that you were already close to that point... only that you didn't want a repeat from that previous game.
But looking at it now yeah I guess it can be inferred that you were tired enough to be concerned of the possibility.

supplementscene: I'm focusing on my catch on of Day 2 and 3. You can see I've made plenty of analysis of every poster who's not confirmed in those re-read posts. I don't have to reply to 292 to already have already answered it indirectly. I didn't realise how much GR put in. But I still think him and Atlo are the scum team as of now. Just look how the wagons grew on Yogs and myself. Both Atlo and Gameranker voted in the 2nd and 3rd spots, making any other wagon untenable. Both yourself and I wanted different wagons to Yogs because we town read him.
Huh. Those vote placements look real bad.
To be fair, there were posts you pointed where GR has put content, but you seldom praised its quality in the same paragraph or have done just a mild commendation. Like when you spoke of #130: "MrKrabsWallet Post 130 - he points out Yogs can't be the Friendly Neighbour or someone would be vouching for him - this is true" But I can't deny that you have made a more thorough summary than I would expect from scum!Scene.
I have to admit the work shown in these latest posts carry a towny vibe and do not appear like you're putting extra emphasis in some player while alleviating others, which is what I would expect of someone trying to drive the narrative.

So I guess I'm changing my mind on you. In case you're scum you're doing a very good job in this D4 and I won't feel salty for losing to you.

supplementscene: That's because Gameranker is sheeping you by using endearing terms such as 'mate'. Notice Gameranker suggested and in fact did vote for you earlier. He knows if I vote for you that Atlo can hammer you. And they both equally happy to lynch me yesterday. Also note Atlo said Gameranker was scummy on Day 3 but never voted for him.
Wow my reputation must be really low if you think that's all it takes to pocket me.
And I have to be honest and admit I was willing to lynch you yesterday too.

Tomorrow is the deadline and I can't guarantee I will be online after lunch break (approximately UTC -3 so noon for me will be 3:00 PM in England). Sometimes I manage to sneak in for a few minutes but I can't count on it. After lunch I can be more confident of being around to vote only around 6PM (9PM UTC). So unless something unexpected changes the field I will be voting GR/MKW or Atlo during my lunch break and trying to keep an eye on my phone afterwards.

@Micro I wish we could get your input. Or at least be confident that you're voting before Pooka ends the Day.
It would be disappointing to have come this far and watch scum win by just sitting back.
Oh my...

He's doing it again, ffs..

supplementscene: Also note Atlo said Gameranker was scummy on Day 3 but never voted for him.
Had I voted, the vote-count would have been 1-1-1-1.
Do you really think a lynch is realistic to happen in this scenario?

supplementscene: Furthermore Atlo is incorrect. A no lynch is not a Mafia win. A misslynch is a loss though. Did he pretend to not know this?
Are you effing kidding me??? NONE of had realised a NL is town-beneficial... until Lift pointed that out!

If you realised it -- why didn't you tell us???

I retracted my vote after that because I had my doubts of you being scum.

supplementscene: Micro said Lift said a no lynch is optimal for Town.
Where did he say this? Point me to it. Micro made a total of 3 posts on Day 3.


Aside from that - I did look into the idea that my WIFOM is wrong.
I want everyone to understand a scene/joppo scumteam was the most ridiculous and crazy conspiracy I could come up with.

Atlo: (An outlandish example but it will get the point across:) joppo & supplementscene are both scum who intend to remove their respective votes later on.

Right now you're probably thinking: - What the hell did I just read??? Atlo is scum wasting our time with nonsense like this!!!
I have now 3 people tell me a scum-scum wagon is actually a semi-common occurrence...

Unfortunately no one has bothered to answer my previous question:
Atlo: what are the chances of not!Trent players doing this then...
Even if you would answer - with 2 scum on the opposite side - I'm not sure how truthful those answers would be.
I join in that we really need some input from micro now. :/


Joppo has, finally, interacted with scene and, just as expected:
joppo: For what it's worth I know it can't be joppo+Scene because I'm not in the scumteam. I admit I still hold a tiny doubt that maybe my conflict with Scene was TxT, tho.
Apart from that:
supplementscene: @Pooka are you sure there isn't 3 Scum left and they've already won? Put me out of my misery......surely there can't be another Town player left
joppo: If this is not an AtE I don't know what is.
joppo: To be honest tho, I'm getting a bit tired. Maybe I should just let myself be voted out and end the game now. It will be a scum victory, but whatever...


GR still hopping votes... whilst consistent with his behaviour so far.. he is either gambling a quickhammer won't happen OR he knows a quickammer CAN'T happen.
I'm going to vote; yes.

I've skimmed a lot of text today; and was AFK from the moment I got up until an hour ago.

I was convinced Atlo was town until toDay; he's slightly shakier. Meanwhile Scene, who has been moving up and down the scale is solidly Up right now.

I'm guessing the scum are Krabs & Joppo. Congratulations to the scum, whoever they are; this has been fun and hard.

I can honestly imagine any of you 4 as town, depending on the lens I use. This is not always the case by this point.

supplementscene: Micro said Lift said a no lynch is optimal for Town.
Atlo: Where did he say this? Point me to it. Micro made a total of 3 posts on Day 3.
i said it here:
Microfish_1: i didn't vote last night bc Lift convinced me that a delay worked to help flush scum.
ISO'ing Joppo, Scene, and GR now


Post 112 is in a vacuum of

yogsloth (3) - ]GamezRanker (MrKrabsWallet), Atlo
Microfish (2) - , joppo
GameszRanker (1) - yogsloth

yogsloth is closest to lynch at L-2

Not voting:
- Microfish
- supplementscene
GR voting there is ODD. voting for Joppo is also odd. As noted, he didn't quote nor say exactly what he saw as odd about the post.

His post 55 pushed Scene to L3, but his next post was the above 112 where he votes Joppo

114 "leaning Atlo more town"
115 "I place Trent as Neutral with slightly more town lean than scummy lean"
MrKrabsWallet: Scene as neutral with slight town lean as well
117 reads "Lift as neutral leaning slightly town as well"
118 "lean CatV as town."
120: "Micro as neutral leaning a tad more scummy than town"



note the same wording for Scene as Trent and Lift.

Scene's 174 "he's pushing an alternate wagon" seems fake, when the wagon is yogs at 2 votes, me at 1, and now GR voted for Yogs.

GR suspects scene before 228, and again there

"supplementscene: Because CatV is a very good analytical player, as she's show by realising I'm certified Town."
About that: just because CatV messaged you, that doesn't make you certified town.
(but i'm guessing you know that already)
unvotes scene later that post
289 suspects scene

this is interesting tho
MrKrabsWallet: Microfish_1: I'm leaning towards scum being a mix of Joppo, GR, or Scene.
"Town votes Scene. Other scum votes someone else. another town votes a new person"
Interesting, I have scene/joppo/atlo...even before your neutral reveal
Since we both have Scene, might I suggest we pool our resources?
He doesn't point out that we both also have Joppo, which could imply a GR/Joppo scum team. I can definitely see this.

Joppo's 199 looks good
joppo: I admit I still hold a tiny doubt that maybe my conflict with Scene was TxT, tho. But for that to be true the scum would be GR and Atlo... TBH I didn't give that pairing much thought so far. Could it be they have been hiding under my nose? I think I need to reread their interactions for signs of scummity, but right now I'd rather prioritize the other two pairs.
Have you done this?

Joppo's light on posts, but nothing super stands out.

post 4 could be a very brave post. or a joke, referring to previous games. Or both:
"Hey guys, I seem to have drawn the mafia card. Can anyone explains what that means please? "
post 220 thinks joppo is scum
post 286 asks joppo a question which i think he [joppo]ignores. Nevermind, found it.

post 294
supplementscene: If Atlo and Joppo post and don't hammer me. It makes me confirmed town (ie not scum) it also makes Gameranker/MrKrabsWallet as confirmed Scum.
the very next post GR unvotes, which prevents us from knowing their alignment

I lost my train of trhought.
Atlo, post 225 accuses GR, Joppo and says Scene doesn't look town.

i'm falling asleep due to muscle relaxer for my back+time of the night.

i don't think joppo and scene are the 2 scum.

I'm thinking it is either GR & Scene (due to engagement types & lack of voting) or GR & Joppo.

If it is Atlo, I am impressed.

vote GR/Krabs
Vote MrKrabsWallet / GR

No time to explain. Am at work.
Sorry guys, but I don't want to be stuck in the same office as that bastard Stuart.

vote GR/ MrKrabsWallet
joppo: Sorry guys, but I don't want to be stuck in the same office as that bastard Stuart.

vote GR/ MrKrabsWallet
I take it this means it was a Joppo Atlo team and you've won?

Good Game if so. Well played, although I think Atlo genuinely slipped in that 1 post though. Still Micro had Atlo as more town than me even if we lynched yourself today.
supplementscene: I take it this means it was a Joppo Atlo team and you've won?

Good Game if so. Well played, although I think Atlo genuinely slipped in that 1 post though. Still Micro had Atlo as more town than me even if we lynched yourself today.
Yup, I didn't notice it at first but once you pointed at Atlo's post I realized you were right, that was scummy enough to raise a red flag.

I agree that lynching me wouldn't give you guys the victory unless Micro had a turnaround (which would be nearly impossible with him so busy as he is.) Your best bet would be if toDay you managed to get Micro or GR to help you lynch Atlo. And I would have to follow suit, of course. Then in the last day I didn't have as much credibility as Atlo so it's a gamble if Micro would vote GR or me.

You played a great townie game. I never planned to fool you, because you didn't trust me most of the game anyway. My expectation was that I could arrange to have you lynched but you managed to turn that around and appear very towny in this final Day. If the roles were reversed Town!joppo would take scum!Scene's bait hook line and sinker.
Yah, Yah, know i've been hammered and the game is prolly over now. Still gonna reply a bit tho.


Atlo: GR still hopping votes... whilst consistent with his behaviour so far.. he is either gambling a quickhammer won't happen OR he knows a quickammer CAN'T happen.
It was the former....mainly was trying to see how others would reply to it. Seems like it didn't turn out so well, eh? :|


Microfish_1: i don't think joppo and scene are the 2 scum.

I'm thinking it is either GR & Scene (due to engagement types & lack of voting) or GR & Joppo.

If it is Atlo, I am impressed.

vote GR/Krabs
You had ONE job, m8. o.0


supplementscene: I take it this means it was a Joppo Atlo team and you've won?

Good Game if so. Well played, although I think Atlo genuinely slipped in that 1 post though. Still Micro had Atlo as more town than me even if we lynched yourself today.
Looks like I pulled another NMillar and tunneled on you/your posts.
Should've voted for Joppo on D3, I guess. Ah well...
Is this nightmare finally over?!?!?!
This was fun...
Let's do this... NEVER EVER AGAIN!!!
You have NOOO IDEA how stressful this was!!! (Well... maybe you actually do.)

I'm out. For the next 2 years I want nothing to do with Forum Mafia!
(Should Lifthrasil, however, one day flesh out his Police Academy setup -- I want to pre-order a first row observation seat to that game.) ;)

This was one roller-coaster ride I'm in no hurry to ever get on again.

MrKrabsWallet: Yah, Yah, know i've been hammered and the game is prolly over now. Still gonna reply a bit tho.
Same here...

Also... this may seem out of place, but:
MrKrabsWallet: Oh yes, allow me to introducting myself. My name is MrKrabsWallet, and I will be taking
over the role of one Joey Bananas, I mean Rushmore. Joey Rushmore, specifically.
I like you! :D
There are some players who go ballistic once you throw accusations their way, much less cast an actual vote; but you:
MrKrabsWallet: Joey checks to make sure no one is looking, and when he's sure no one (prolly) is, he adds a small nip of whiskey to his coffee. "Just what the doctor ordered" he thinks to himself, as he sits back down for a bit.
Atlo: The most interesting player, in the sense I believe to be scummy, -- MrKrabsWallet!!!

Even though all his posts up until now how the outwardly appearance of being ''helpful/informative'' on closer inspection - they are not.
MrKrabsWallet: They're not? *sadpanda*
I had ''Please don't... :'')'' in my mind all the time to type but abstained. =]
It's been a real pleasure playing with you.

supplementscene: Well played, although I think Atlo genuinely slipped in that 1 post though.
joppo: Yup, I didn't notice it at first but once you pointed at Atlo's post I realized you were right, that was scummy enough to raise a red flag.
Are you talking about my end-of-day-3 vote post? :<
I considered that to be one of my Towniest posts! o_O

I have another, even longer, post thought out, but:

a) It will take me long to type it out.
b) I want to post it after Pooka has officially ended the game.
Atlo: Is this nightmare finally over?!?!?!
This was fun...
Let's do this... NEVER EVER AGAIN!!!
You have NOOO IDEA how stressful this was!!! (Well... maybe you actually do.)
I hear ya.....near every time I play, my team seems to always end up losing.
Not that I mind too much, but it gets rather disheartening after awhile :D

Atlo: I like you! :D
There are some players who go ballistic once you throw accusations their way, much less cast an actual vote; but you:

I had ''Please don't... :'')'' in my mind all the time to type but abstained. =]
It's been a real pleasure playing with you.
Thank ye kindly.

Yeah, I try(key word) to be more laid back with these sorts of games and things in general(not letting too much get to me and whatnot)...I find it makes the game(and life) more enjoyable/tolerable :)
Atlo: Are you talking about my end-of-day-3 vote post? :<
I considered that to be one of my Towniest posts! o_O

I have another, even longer, post thought out, but:

a) It will take me long to type it out.
b) I want to post it after Pooka has officially ended the game.
The post when you said I'd played well whether Town or Mafia and then went to vote for me. By definition, I can't have played that well as Town if you were voting for me as a Town player. Up until that point I had you as certified town. But that 1 didn't add up. It was probably an act of kindness as you stabbed me in the back LOL