I'm going to vote; yes.
I've skimmed a lot of text today; and was AFK from the moment I got up until an hour ago.
I was convinced Atlo was town until toDay; he's
slightly shakier. Meanwhile Scene, who has been moving up and down the scale is solidly Up right now.
I'm guessing the scum are Krabs & Joppo. Congratulations to the scum, whoever they are; this has been fun and hard.
I can honestly imagine any of you 4 as town, depending on the lens I use. This is not always the case by this point.
supplementscene: Micro said Lift said a no lynch is optimal for Town.
Atlo: Where did he say this? Point me to it. Micro made a total of 3 posts on Day 3.
i said it here:
Microfish_1: i didn't vote last night bc Lift convinced me that a delay worked to help flush scum.
ISO'ing Joppo, Scene, and GR now
Post 112 is in a vacuum of
yogsloth (3) - ]GamezRanker (MrKrabsWallet), Atlo
Microfish (2) - , joppo
GameszRanker (1) - yogsloth
yogsloth is closest to lynch at L-2
Not voting:
- Microfish
- supplementscene
GR voting there is ODD. voting for Joppo is also odd. As noted, he didn't quote nor say exactly what he saw as odd about the post.
His post 55 pushed Scene to L3, but his next post was the above 112 where he votes Joppo
114 "leaning Atlo more town"
115 "I place Trent as Neutral with slightly more town lean than scummy lean"
MrKrabsWallet: Scene as neutral with slight town lean as well
117 reads "Lift as neutral leaning slightly town as well"
118 "lean CatV as town."
120: "Micro as neutral leaning a tad more scummy than town"
note the same wording for Scene as Trent and Lift.
Scene's 174 "he's pushing an alternate wagon" seems fake, when the wagon is yogs at 2 votes, me at 1, and now GR voted for Yogs.
GR suspects scene before 228, and again there
"supplementscene: Because CatV is a very good analytical player, as she's show by realising I'm certified Town."
About that: just because CatV messaged you, that doesn't make you certified town.
(but i'm guessing you know that already)
unvotes scene later that post
289 suspects scene
this is interesting tho
MrKrabsWallet: Microfish_1: I'm leaning towards scum being a mix of Joppo, GR, or Scene.
"Town votes Scene. Other scum votes someone else. another town votes a new person"
Interesting, I have scene/joppo/atlo...even before your neutral reveal
Since we both have Scene, might I suggest we pool our resources?
He doesn't point out that we both also have Joppo, which could imply a GR/Joppo scum team. I can definitely see this.
Joppo's 199 looks good
joppo: I admit I still hold a tiny doubt that maybe my conflict with Scene was TxT, tho. But for that to be true the scum would be GR and Atlo... TBH I didn't give that pairing much thought so far. Could it be they have been hiding under my nose? I think I need to reread their interactions for signs of scummity, but right now I'd rather prioritize the other two pairs.
Have you done this? Joppo's light on posts, but nothing super stands out.
post 4 could be a very brave post. or a joke, referring to previous games. Or both:
"Hey guys, I seem to have drawn the mafia card. Can anyone explains what that means please? "
post 220 thinks joppo is scum
post 286 asks joppo a question which i think he [joppo]ignores. Nevermind, found it.
post 294
supplementscene: If Atlo and Joppo post and don't hammer me. It makes me confirmed town (ie not scum) it also makes Gameranker/MrKrabsWallet as confirmed Scum.
the very next post GR unvotes, which prevents us from knowing their alignment
I lost my train of trhought.
Atlo, post 225 accuses GR, Joppo and says Scene doesn't look town.
i'm falling asleep due to muscle relaxer for my back+time of the night.
i don't think joppo and scene are the 2 scum.
I'm thinking it is either GR & Scene (due to engagement types & lack of voting) or GR & Joppo.
If it is Atlo, I am impressed.
vote GR/Krabs