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Since most of you were focused on the other people, you didn't notice the quieter people, like Stuart... but you did notice Nikolay put a book down. You couldn't tell what kind of book it was though, the quality of the stream wasn't top notch.

"It has to be that Sam guy! What is it with him and thinking?" The Russian paused for a moment. "Actually, what on Earth is his job if he doesn't think?"

The man himself, Sam, chose to just shrug. He added no further comment.

Joey continued to munch on his... frozen root beer slush. "Yeah, someone with a super expensive flight sim of that kind has to have an interest in upholding the new normal. Work from home sure is nice, isn't it?"

"Oh, come on," Manny dismissively handwaved. "Nikolay is right. What is Sam doing if he's refusing to think, huh?"

Well, the thing is, tomorrow is a Friday...and it didn't seem there was any end in sight.



yogsloth (3) - Catventurer, Atlo, GamezRanker (MrKrabsWallet)
Microfish* (1) - Lifthrasil
GamezRanker (MrKrabsWallet) (1) - supplementscene
Lifthrasil (1) - yogsloth

yogsloth is closest to lynch at L-2

Not voting:
- Microfish
- joppo

*For future context, Joppo's unvote in #150 was not counted prior. This votecount was retroactively edited to reflect the real situation.
Post edited December 22, 2023 by PookaMustard
Catventurer: This isn't meant to be a defense of MrKrabsWallet as he has been a bit of a vote hopper - first voting to lynch Yog, then retracting his vote after Alto votes to lynch Yog, now putting his vote back.
To clarify: I thought Atlo's Post meant Yogs was at L-1, and even though I suspect Yogs I wanted to let them have a chance to talk some more....hence my unvote. As soon as the 'traditional 24 hours' (which a number of these games have given to players close to hammer) was (more or less) up, I looked through the new posts they made and....feeling my leans hadn't changed much re: Yogs and that they were a good candidate for the D2....I revoted Yogs.
Catventurer: This isn't meant to be a defense of MrKrabsWallet as he has been a bit of a vote hopper - first voting to lynch Yog, then retracting his vote after Alto votes to lynch Yog, now putting his vote back.
MrKrabsWallet: To clarify: I thought Atlo's Post meant Yogs was at L-1, and even though I suspect Yogs I wanted to let them have a chance to talk some more....hence my unvote. As soon as the 'traditional 24 hours' (which a number of these games have given to players close to hammer) was (more or less) up, I looked through the new posts they made and....feeling my leans hadn't changed much re: Yogs and that they were a good candidate for the D2....I revoted Yogs.
My only intention was to clarify who started the Yog lynch train. If Day 2 ends with a four-way no lynch, I refuse to let it be because someone misattributed something I did to someone else they're saying has behaved dodgy thus giving everyone an excuse to stubbornly allow a no lynch.
MrKrabsWallet: Do you recall what my thing is? Honing in on seemingly weird things I (seem to) notice and going whole hog.
In this case, something seems still off about posts of yours as of late.

Like this one I am quoting. Seems like ya are like scummyYogs trying to hit the sweet spot of pretending to care about not being voted out....but not pretending to care too much to avoid setting off alarm bells. Hmm....

Vote YogSloth
(I hope i'm ryte about dis)
Weird. I think the opposite, these latest posts of Yog feel like he's being honest. Like his shooting down his own theory of Lift being scum? I don't think Scum!Yog would backpedal. He would rather get us paranoid whether we should declare Lift clear or get him lynched next.
Plus, he did say something important that we should be concerned about: in case of a mislynch the neutral player changes things significantly for us. And not in a good way.

Catventurer: Since I really do believe that Yog is the Mafia Rolecop, my guess is that he's playing chicken with the actual Friendly Neighbor and trying to get role claim that results in a mislynch of the actual Friendly Neighbor.

If that happens, Day 3 will have:
1 Neutral
2 Mafia
3 Town

Since it will take four to lynch, town won't have enough people to lynch anyone at that point. The two mafia can just refuse to vote, and the neutral is likely to side with mafia by doing the same.
I don't know. As far as strategies go it doesn't make that much sense. Yog may get to counterclaim the friendly neighbor, but does that actually help the scumteam? I'd say he is at a greater risk of being lynched at EoD2 than the FN whoever that may be. And if this next lynch is a scum player D3 won't be the situation you're warning us of.
Although if D3 ends with a mislynch we might be in a similar tough spot at D4, with 1x1x2.

supplementscene: Also if Yogs is the Friendly Neighbour he almost certainly gets night killed tonight. If he doesn't he becomes a very good Day 3 lynch candidate. If 2 players vouch for him on Day 3 we have 3 Town confirmed players. That's assuming he whispers to Town players on each night ofcourse.

If scenario B is accurate, Mafia lynch a vanilla Town player and we again have 3 Town confirmed players going into Day 3 if they decide to share it.
I forgot to reply to this back when. I'm fairly sure it doesn't work like this. The friendly neighbor might target anyone, it doesn't mean anything about their alignment. Only the FN is confirmed. We will have to confirm townies the hard way: lynch the first scum and see who they were hellbent on taking down.

supplementscene: Vote MrKrabsWallet AKA Games Ranker
If GR/MKW is scum he has fooled me so far. But I think I need to look at him again, this time taking the whole of his posts instead of piecemeal. I will ISO him and if I realize there was scummy intent behind his words I may even forego Yog and switch to him.

PPE: Crap. I also need to ISO Lift.

yogsloth: Oh, ok, that is interesting. I had this role 100% confused with neighborizer. So that pretty much blows it that I'm not it.

You guys really beat my early Day 1 asshattery into the ground with waaaaay too much effort, but... I deserve it. The writing's on the wall, there's no chance to I guess we chalk this up as a game I single-handedly lost. Maybe one of these days I'll just minimum-post and be boring.


Ah NOW I can see the usual defiant Yogsloth we all know and love to yeet/be NK'd by.

yogsloth: I do think yeeting me should just mathematically end the game, as I detailed earlier, unless for some reason the neutral, who am also is not being myself, decides he/she only wants to win as a Townie.
There's the possibility scum will choose the neutral for the NK. Or even that we lynch the neutral, after all it's not set in stone who will be lynched.

Are they, really? I just noticed that Pooka never noticed I removed my vote on Micro in #150, and everybody followed suit. He's not at L-2 for a long time already.

Posting this NOW before my kitty types a bunch of gibberish. I will attempt to continue in a following post.
Catventurer: Since I really do believe that Yog is the Mafia Rolecop, my guess is that he's playing chicken with the actual Friendly Neighbor and trying to get role claim that results in a mislynch of the actual Friendly Neighbor.

If that happens, Day 3 will have:
1 Neutral
2 Mafia
3 Town

Since it will take four to lynch, town won't have enough people to lynch anyone at that point. The two mafia can just refuse to vote, and the neutral is likely to side with mafia by doing the same.
joppo: I don't know. As far as strategies go it doesn't make that much sense. Yog may get to counterclaim the friendly neighbor, but does that actually help the scumteam? I'd say he is at a greater risk of being lynched at EoD2 than the FN whoever that may be. And if this next lynch is a scum player D3 won't be the situation you're warning us of.
Although if D3 ends with a mislynch we might be in a similar tough spot at D4, with 1x1x2.
You're just all of my prior role gifting is bad comments.
Yog finally admitted today in Post #175 that he is not the Friendly Neighbor. Fact!

Yog: Oh, ok, that is interesting. I had this role 100% confused with neighborizer. So that pretty much blows it that I'm not it.

Do I really need to add that the PM moderators sent out that tells you the alignment/role that you have will also explain exactly what that role can do?

joppo: I forgot to reply to this back when. I'm fairly sure it doesn't work like this. The friendly neighbor might target anyone, it doesn't mean anything about their alignment. Only the FN is confirmed. We will have to confirm townies the hard way: lynch the first scum and see who they were hellbent on taking down.
Except that this is an open setup game. The aliment of all non-vanilla roles is known and not up for debate.
Town: Friendly Neighbor, Jailkeeper
Mafia: Rolecop

I mean if you get the Friendly Neighbor PM on night 2, you shouldn't be making a post on any day exposing the Friendly Neighbor's identity is on the basis that you're not sure if they're town or mafia. They're telling you that they're town, think you're town, and trusting you to be a good secret keeper. Although since I said all that, I'm just going to hope that the Friendly Neighbor picks someone else.
Yoga is sick, starting to play well again, and I've not liked Lifthrasil's posts overly much today. Meh. Blue binders.

Gr is slipping, as is scene, with this conflict between them.

vote lifthrasil
That should make 2 votes on Lyft.

Oh this auto correct! Sigh.
yogsloth (3) - Catventurer, Atlo, GamezRanker (MrKrabsWallet)
Microfish (2) - Lifthrasil, joppo
GamezRanker (MrKrabsWallet) (1) - supplementscene
Lifthrasil (2) - yogsloth, Micro
I'll answer to yoga. Makes me feel more flexible.

Do note that I feel super not great confident about my lift vote, but I already talked myself out of Krabby as the only other obvious trent kill author, and Krabby didn't even yeet the townie.

However, it did occur to me, Krabby voted supplementscene Day 1 and never re-visited that thought Day 2, but I just re-ISO'd him and it looks like that vote on supplement was... a joke or a placeholder or something. He barely existed Day 1. So I'm still landing on "probably nah" for Krabby, even though he's jumped on me now.

Micro changing to Lift I think is a really good look, because with only a day left (deadline Friday, right?) scum might as well just bury me. I don't think any mafia is really looking for distance points by pushing away from me.

Catventurer is super interesting. I read her tonally pure. (Sorry if mis-gendering, I actually can't recall as I type this) I think she's really fixated on my whole "what does my thing do" as somebody that's never played with me and can't just write it off and is convinced it's a nefarious ploy. I would be impressed I think if she's mafia here.

I don't have great reads on Atlo or joppo, and that's a "me" problem. I probably should do more about that. Especially if I just handed out free town reads to 2/3 of my wagon.
joppo also reads super, super pure. Solving, not jumping on anything, thinking about the setup and the wagons, putting in a lot of work. I would be shocked if he's mafia here.

I think his run of posts from 122 to 152 (if you don't have adalia's extension btw, get it, the ISO feature is just mandatory for this type of thing)

I probably should have made a more firm opinion before this. Probably my #1 town read tbh.
yogsloth: Catventurer is super interesting. I read her tonally pure. (Sorry if mis-gendering, I actually can't recall as I type this) I think she's really fixated on my whole "what does my thing do" as somebody that's never played with me and can't just write it off and is convinced it's a nefarious ploy. I would be impressed I think if she's mafia here.
You're going to be really disappointed then. I'm 100% town.
I gave Atlo a "bad man" read on me for what I felt was a really opportunistic vote, and then I walked it back when I saw he had at least spoken about me earlier.

However, since he made that vote, he hasn't been back since. It's not a good look at all. I can't give a town read here.

Supplement I went back and re-read as well, and I think he also reads pretty pure in terms of connecting his thoughts together in giving reads, but there just insn't enough here. If Supplement is Town, we need more of him present in the game.

So... I guess I could go Atlo as well here, since I'm all wishy-washy and limp-wristed with my Lift mechanica read

yogsloth (3) - Catventurer, Atlo, GamezRanker (MrKrabsWallet)
Lifthrasil (2) - yogsloth, Microfish
Microfish (1) - Lifthrasil
GamezRanker (MrKrabsWallet) (1) - supplementscene

yogsloth is closest to lynch at L-2

Not voting:
- joppo


joppo: Are they, really? I just noticed that Pooka never noticed I removed my vote on Micro in #150, and everybody followed suit. He's not at L-2 for a long time already.
If you see me fucking up the votecount for any reason, PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP. I have corrected this now, and will also retroactively edit the previous votecount too.
Post edited December 22, 2023 by PookaMustard
Also due to the n i g h t s h i f t I'll probs end the day at 2AM UTC+2 instead. But please try to end it earlier of course, this way I can hope to write the flavor on the way back and crash in bed earlier. I wonder who I'm gonna write melting down tonight?
OK, considering the short time the Micro-wagon isn't going anywhere. Also my Town tell on yogs was null and void because it was based on the assumption that he, as an experienced player, knew what the roles were. But he didn't even bother to read about the roles.

His 'oh, so I'm gonna be the lynch today' might be an appeal to emotion. Also he doesn't join the Micro wagon (his scum-buddy, perhaps?) but opens a new wagon on me on the last day. After saying previously that my 'Town tell' on him doesn't make sense coming from scum!me. That's a bit inconsistent.


vote yogsloth

Yes, I put him at L-1 with that. I am aware and that's what I intend to do. The Day is waning and we should lynch someone Today. And with his Town tell being void, Yogs feels the most off, next to Micro.
Re-reading Micro, Yogs and Lift. Micro doesn't sound like he's doing anything to solve the game. He speculates about game set up and if the Mod would choose certain roles for certain players. That doesn't help him find. Micro isn't very active. He generally isn't the most active anyway and I know he has a night time job.

His vote today seems to be a OMGUS vote on Lift but not really saying why Lift is scummy either

Then again if he is Scum, why doesn't Micro jump on Yogs wagon? And vice versa. Unless they're co-Scum but then they'd need to distance earlier in the day you'd imagine. Perhaps one of them is the other faction and doesn't want to make any enemies.

Lift in turn has pounced on Micro as his key Scum read, mainly based on set up talk. He town read Yogs but didn't seem to give reads about other posters. Would Town Lift be as tunnel visioned as this? I'm not sure. Lift maybe Scum but realise he has had difficult circumstances that obviously cause a distraction. Lift is also a possiblity for the other faction.

Atlo is a player I've found way too lurky for my liking. I can't remember if this is usual of his behaviour. He's definitely reading and giving some reads. CatV questioned if he was solving the game. Part of me wonders this too

So given my GamezRanker (MrKrabsWallet) wagon has gone nowhere, I think I'm picking between Microfish and Lifthrasil today. Then again if I was wrong about Yogs and he was hinting at a role, I've likely messed up.