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Catventurer: Are you implying something?
yogsloth: No.
Oh good! I thought you might have been implying some impropriety.
I'm glad to be wrong. <3

Also my cat is looking really calm at the moment, so Fluid Time. I'll be gone for a while.
Catventurer: Oh good! I thought you might have been implying some impropriety.
Implying improriety happens to be a hobby of mine, but not in this example.

Good luck with your fluid.
Re-reading Day 1, and I am wondering if the Yogs situation isn't a misunderstanding. Because he doesn't necessarily role claim, having said that, I'm not completely happy with his effort in defending himself and working out the game.

See below whether you think he's genuinely role claimed or NOT:

Yogs says:

'Since Pooka made it so utterly obvious in the flavor text that I have a thing - who wants to start guessing what my thing does?'

In the flavour Pooka writes that Yogs is the owner of a flight simulator.........................Yogs then says when :

Was it a role claim? Was it some other kind of shenanigans? What was I doing?

Just trying to get people to out of RVS and start asking questions.

Also, I posted it before I read/realized this was a rare GOG open setup......................................

Then Yogs elaborates

"hard to believe" or no, that's what it was.

What kind of role would a flight simulator machine have provided? Commuter? I don't know either, but I wanted to find out! I never like early Day 1 blah blah blah and I would always rather kick over a table and make a scene.
supplementscene: Then Yogs elaborates

"hard to believe" or no, that's what it was.

What kind of role would a flight simulator machine have provided? Commuter? I don't know either, but I wanted to find out! I never like early Day 1 blah blah blah and I would always rather kick over a table and make a scene.
There are two that I am aware of:

Alien rides around in a space ship and uses it to abduct someone every night.

Commuter hops in his car every night and drives out of town.

There is the Flying modifier that makes it so that anyone without Flying can't target you:
@Yogs: you should read the role on Mafiascum Wiki. A friendly neighbour has nothing to do with a neighbourizer.
yogsloth: Oh, are we at the part where I get yeeted no matter what I do?

Cool, cool.

I don't apologize for saying something nutty, stirring the pot, and getting people talking. It's kinda my thing. I don't apologize for yeeting a player that literally didn't even play. That's also kinda my thing.
Do you recall what my thing is? Honing in on seemingly weird things I (seem to) notice and going whole hog.
In this case, something seems still off about posts of yours as of late.

Like this one I am quoting. Seems like ya are like scummyYogs trying to hit the sweet spot of pretending to care about not being voted out....but not pretending to care too much to avoid setting off alarm bells. Hmm....

Vote YogSloth
(I hope i'm ryte about dis)
Lifthrasil: @Yogs: you should read the role on Mafiascum Wiki. A friendly neighbour has nothing to do with a neighbourizer.


Also adding to my last post ITT(post# 171):

I find the first two lines of Yog's post# 164 also odd, as:
A. they were tied with Micro as of that post of theirs, and also B. Yogs was 3 votes away from hammer, not L-1 or similar

So then why would Yogs be like "oh, woe is me....I am to be the lynch I guess"?
MrKrabsWallet: So then why would Yogs be like "oh, woe is me....I am to be the lynch I guess"?
Since I really do believe that Yog is the Mafia Rolecop, my guess is that he's playing chicken with the actual Friendly Neighbor and trying to get role claim that results in a mislynch of the actual Friendly Neighbor.

If that happens, Day 3 will have:
1 Neutral
2 Mafia
3 Town

Since it will take four to lynch, town won't have enough people to lynch anyone at that point. The two mafia can just refuse to vote, and the neutral is likely to side with mafia by doing the same.
Vote MrKrabsWallet AKA Games Ranker

I hated his vote on me on Day 1 without reason. And I don't like his vote on Yogs without first responding to my post. It seems scummy. If you want to reject my Yogs defense that's fine, but you should reason it and he did not.

So 'MrKrabsWallet AKA Games Ranker' puts an alternative wagon on the table, if other people believe it is viable. And I'd moved away from voting for him on Day 2.

If it isn't viable I have to decide between Yogs and Micro. I realise Micro is working nights and stuggling to post because of that. But his posts are a bit weak, although that's possibly understandable.
Lifthrasil: @Yogs: you should read the role on Mafiascum Wiki. A friendly neighbour has nothing to do with a neighbourizer.

Oh, ok, that is interesting. I had this role 100% confused with neighborizer. So that pretty much blows it that I'm not it.

You guys really beat my early Day 1 asshattery into the ground with waaaaay too much effort, but... I deserve it. The writing's on the wall, there's no chance to I guess we chalk this up as a game I single-handedly lost. Maybe one of these days I'll just minimum-post and be boring.



I do think yeeting me should just mathematically end the game, as I detailed earlier, unless for some reason the neutral, who am also is not being myself, decides he/she only wants to win as a Townie. But if there's a Day 3, I guess good luck, I haven't been the best help.


Just to go totally against even everything I said before, because might as well. Lift's saving grace has been his "town tell" on me, but maybe I'm investing too much into that read. The fact remains trent had him as scum and he placed a crucial vote on the max wagon, so I'm just going for the simplicity read here. Also, I generally find Lift to be too even-keeled a player to really ever get a great read on anyway.
I bollocks'd up that post

vote lifrhrasil
Man I really suck

vote the german guy, you know the one

then do the thing

with the other thing

I'm going back to bed
supplementscene: So 'MrKrabsWallet AKA Games Ranker' puts an alternative wagon on the table, if other people believe it is viable. And I'd moved away from voting for him on Day 2.
Puts an alternative wagon on the table? U wot m8?

1. Micro and Yogs are the top two wagons atm
2. I UNVOTED them earlier(more or less saying we should give them 24 hours to explain stuff/reply to stuff/etc), after having them as my vote before that and also listing them near the top of my scum leans list in yet another post.

Seeing as I still find them more scummy than not, and seeing as it is getting close to Friday, I of course voted them once more.
Catventurer: Since it will take four to lynch, town won't have enough people to lynch anyone at that point. The two mafia can just refuse to vote, and the neutral is likely to side with mafia by doing the same.

While yer here, i'd like to know what your thoughts are re: Scene's Post#174.....a good chunk of it seems a bit odd to me, and i'd like your thoughts on it.
supplementscene: Vote MrKrabsWallet AKA Games Ranker

I hated his vote on me on Day 1 without reason. And I don't like his vote on Yogs without first responding to my post. It seems scummy. If you want to reject my Yogs defense that's fine, but you should reason it and he did not.

So 'MrKrabsWallet AKA Games Ranker' puts an alternative wagon on the table, if other people believe it is viable. And I'd moved away from voting for him on Day 2.

If it isn't viable I have to decide between Yogs and Micro. I realise Micro is working nights and stuggling to post because of that. But his posts are a bit weak, although that's possibly understandable.
Technically, I started the vote against Yog. This was three days ago, which would have been Monday. It isn't some alternative vote that just showed up in the last few hours. Please get your facts correct.
Post #106 -

This isn't meant to be a defense of MrKrabsWallet as he has been a bit of a vote hopper - first voting to lynch Yog, then retracting his vote after Alto votes to lynch Yog, now putting his vote back. If Day 2 ends with a no lynch, he'll have been a contributing factor for making vote trains look not serious.