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I can and will confirm that joppo first PMed me on December 5th in relation to a kitten that was refusing to drink water and has been asking for my advise.

joppo: Sorry for appearing AFK all day. The truth is I have been reading but we have a small kitty at home for a few weeks now (Catventurer may confirm; I've been asking her advice). When my wife is away, the kitty stays around me, walking in the keyboard, lieing in the mousepad and attacking the mouse's cord whenever I attempt to use the computer. She makes it impossible to post anything. And when my wife comes home I have a break from the kitty but then I have to help her with household chores. Thus here I am after both went to sleep.
You need to learn to assert with the kitten that you're in charge, otherwise you never will be. The cat brain is 90% structurally similar to the human brain. Right now she's a baby cat. Eventually she'll turn into a cat teenager and will start testing her boundaries even more so in terms of what she can and cannot get away with.

When she tries to play with the mouse cord, pick her up and move her to your lap where she can watch what you're doing and allow you to maintain control of the situation.

PookaMustard: free speedbump
There have been zero discussions in relation to the game thread, not even a reminder from me that he may want to go post - just cat stuff. I am willing to screen capture the entire discussion, upload them to my imgur account, and PM them to you the links if anyone has any questions or concerns about impropriety so that you may confirm that there hasn't been anything inappropriate.
supplementscene: I'd also ask the question 'why hasn't Yogs wagon grown quicker and why are there only 2 votes'. Maybe 1 town player knows Yogs is Town because he is the Friendly Neighbour. I think I might have seen someone hint at that through a subliminal message. But I could be reading too much into that
The problem with this is that, if Yog is the Friendly neighbor (FN) then whoever he communicated with should have come forward and vouched for him. Such claim simply wouldn't be counterclaimed; no mafioso would be stupid enough to reveal themselves that way. Thus the FN is pretty much the same as an IC.

OR the FN might have chosen a scum player. Well, the scum could lie and say they got no such message but it's a very stupid way to get themselves in a 1vs1 conflict that will certainly get them lynched sooner or later. So they would tell the truth and the FN gets trusted like an IC either way.
OR the FN chose Trent. In that case, tough luck.

So, assuming Yog is the FN and he did not choose Trent, why isn't anyone coming forward to vouch for him? They know Yog is a townie, why would they let us waste valuable time suspecting him? Thus the only possibilities are that Yog is not the FN or he is but the target of Yog's message didn't survive the Night.

Catventurer: If someone makes a role claim and won't state what their role is, we shouldn't be assigning a role to them. It's going only to create problems if the person who actually has the role tries to make a claim on it. What's going to happen if the actual Friendly Neighbor comes forward to claim their actual role and that person isn't Yog when you've already decided in your mind that Yog is the Friendly Neighbor?
This is the only role where that is not a concern. A scum lying about being the FN won't have someone coming forward to vouch for them. They will be so easy to identify they might as well come forward carrying a "I'm scum" placard.

Atlo: Screw it, doesn't really matter if it's a make-believe vote, that I'll eventually turn real anyway, or real from the beginning. Yogsloth may still comment. Someone else has to do the hammer.
BAD move. We had games in the past where scum took advantage of a player being in L-1 and hammered.
We have time to talk. Let's not waste it. The more the scum talks the greater the chance they will let something slip.
You get scum points in my view for appearing in a rush to get a lynch, even if it's of someone we all suspect. On the other hand MrKrabsWallet get townie points for the opposite reason.

yogsloth: if I ever do criticize the modding, I will do so directly and by throwing things

also FYI I'm frigging dying sick so I'm doing my best right now just to sit in a chair
I... have to admit in my experience that statement above is true. Yog didn't spare the mod's feelings in a game he felt was stacked against us (the scumteam)
And I'm sorry you're sick and I appreciate you making the effort to play despite the bad moment you're in.

joppo: Okay I'll bite. Who would you have aimed at, and why? Assuming scum!Yog would have no idea who the only remaining Town PR is.
yogsloth: TRENT!!!! bwah ha ha. He just assumes I'm mafia 98.46% of the time. And if he's Town, he's usually right.
LOL at this! I was expecting any answer but not this one.
Still... I don't know what to make of it. I feel tempted to say that "scum would never say something so daring", but this is Yogsloth I'm talking about. Scum!Yog would do it without missing a beat.

yogsloth: Side note as I'm writing this up while still scrolling, do you guys notice how everybody is talking about me and my "what does my thing do?" post, and it's making people take stands and interact and place votes? WEIRD HOW THAT WORKS OUT
Maybe but we have a very limited number of mislynches we can afford. With the jailkeeper gone there's no way to avoid NKs. 3 mislynches means game over and we already had one.

Catventurer: I can and will confirm that joppo first PMed me on December 5th in relation to a kitten that was refusing to drink water and has been asking for my advise.

You need to learn to assert with the kitten that you're in charge...
Thank you. I will keep that in mind.

@pooka: Exactly like Catv said, there wasn't even the slightest mention of anything related to Mafia in our PMs.

@everyone: don't worry I won't turn this game into a "cat advice" thread. I will keep that subject for our PMs.

All caught up now. I will think more of questions that still need asking, hopefully before I hit the hay.
joppo: Maybe but we have a very limited number of mislynches we can afford. With the jailkeeper gone there's no way to avoid NKs. 3 mislynches means game over and we already had one.
Technically I think we lose with a mis-yeet right now.

No way to block a NK, so Day 3 would dawn with 3T 2 M 1N, and all the M and N have to do is refuse to vote and according to GOG rules, since we need a majority, it goes to no-yeet and game's over.

Ain't that a peach.

I'll try to get more time in tomorrow afternoon/evening (gonna be busy in the morning, whether I feel up to it or not) and god help us, we'll have to pick.
Tomorrow is Fluid Day for my cat. but I will make a point of getting online. He's going to cat nap at some point.

If anyone not Yog is at L1 and needs me to change my vote, I'll take care of it.

Please try to get things sorted out tomorrow and not wait until Friday. Thanks. <3

yogsloth (2) - Catventurer, Atlo
Microfish* (1) - Lifthrasil

yogsloth is closest to lynch at L-3

Not voting:
- Microfish
- supplementscene
- GamezRanker (MrKrabsWallet)
- yogsloth
- joppo

*For future context, Joppo's unvote in #150 was not counted prior. This votecount was retroactively edited to reflect the real situation.


Speaking of Christmas, I'm thinking of turning the entire next week into holiday season and resuming the Monday after the upcoming one (1 Jan). Also thinking of suspending the 48 hours rule on the first two days of Jan. This should probably be nice for everyone still in the game.

No need to check Catventurer-joppo PMs regarding cats, I'm taking it on good faith that you haven't been discussing the game.

Also late realization, but my GOG account is over ten years old since a few months ago. I remember registering when they were giving away Torchlight and then being genuinely surprised they offered installers and goodies for the game, the only other people doing that were Humble and they usually have zipped games most of the time. And of course the goodies included stuff like manuals to silly stuff like wallpapers and even avatars. After getting bitten in the ass by Steam being DRM when I lost my internet in 2014, my GOG library has expanded beyond my imagination (I'm kinda sad I don't have the time or the specs to play most of that library though).
Post edited December 22, 2023 by PookaMustard
Lifthrasil: @micro: when you cast your vote, you still had the choice between several candidates. Your vote basically set the train on maxleod in motion. Did you have any other motivation than 'he's a Lurker'. And if so, why maxleod and not GR?
Max had made a total of two posts--after an (unofficial?) mod-prod. GR had made more--3 as Krabs and 5 as GR.

Max's total contribution was
maxleod: "Mmmm.... The guy on a cross next to Jesus was named Barrabas, not Barnabas..."
and an OMGUS 49
yogsloth: Vote maxleod though
maxleod: Uh, what?

Vote yogsloth
Nothing more despite being asked several times to take part. This basically equates to not playing the game from the observer's POV. he might have been checking the thread every hour. He might have only opened the game those two times. The point is, we didn't know. We asked him to claim; he didn't.
It wasn't as bad as Fran, who signed up, said "I'm here" and didn't post again for the rest of D1 that game, but why would I vote for an active player (when none of them were super-scummy) when the virtually-non-player was there? You weed out the non-players. If he did not have time to post, he could-should-have asked for a sub.

Matter of fact, your post 80 summed up my thoughts in my vote so well that I wish I had verbalized them myself.

Rereading; I sort of did say at least some of that in my 79.

GR, admittedly posted little of substance other than requesting a Christmas break. But he did vote 2x

However, his post 149 shows him to be scummy
MrKrabsWallet: munches soda
Seriously!! Who chews their soda?! Only people so scummy that scum has risen to the top of their liquid, that's who! O.o /s

Gut feelings so far

Joppo: town
GR: towny
Atlo: was towny, then pushed too hard too early; feels off
Scene: leaning town?
Micro: NA/town
Cat: Towny?
Yogs: leaning scum

I'm glad i didn't vote Yogs when he's so sick. I've been there and it is no fun. If he was healthy, I'd be voting him. I might anyway. Besides, he's so much fun to read. If he was healthy, i'd vote him.

Lift 107: deliberately(?) misinterprets what I'd said about Pooka.
Microfish_1: Lift 107: deliberately(?) misinterprets what I'd said about Pooka.
I don't think I did. You put the speculation out there, wondering whether Pooka stacks his deck. Which no good mod ever does. There was no reason to wonder about whether Pooka commited a modding no-go or not. But you did. So I don't think that I misinterpreted what you wrote.

OK for your motivation. You're right. GR had more contribution. Still, you hedged your vote with 'Oh, I know this is going to look bad' ... which might be a Scum move. Especially if you new that maxleod would flip not-scum. So I'll leave my vote where it is for now.

@yogs: OK. I'll explain my thoughts. Especially since you don't seem to have had the intent I supposed. In #99 you wrote that our only useful PR died. Which is odd for a player of your experience. A Friendly Neighbor is a quite useful PR. So I wondered why you would put the idea out there that it isn't. I thought, you were trying to put the idea that it isn't dangerous into scum's mind. To kind of protect the remaining PR by downplaying it's potential.

However, I seem to be mistaken in your intent. So let's turn this into a question: why did you pretend that a Freindly Neighbor is useless?
supplementscene: I'd also ask the question 'why hasn't Yogs wagon grown quicker and why are there only 2 votes'. Maybe 1 town player knows Yogs is Town because he is the Friendly Neighbour. I think I might have seen someone hint at that through a subliminal message. But I could be reading too much into that
joppo: The problem with this is that, if Yog is the Friendly neighbor (FN) then whoever he communicated with should have come forward and vouched for him. Such claim simply wouldn't be counterclaimed; no mafioso would be stupid enough to reveal themselves that way. Thus the FN is pretty much the same as an IC.

OR the FN might have chosen a scum player. Well, the scum could lie and say they got no such message but it's a very stupid way to get themselves in a 1vs1 conflict that will certainly get them lynched sooner or later. So they would tell the truth and the FN gets trusted like an IC either way.
OR the FN chose Trent. In that case, tough luck.

So, assuming Yog is the FN and he did not choose Trent, why isn't anyone coming forward to vouch for him? They know Yog is a townie, why would they let us waste valuable time suspecting him? Thus the only possibilities are that Yog is not the FN or he is but the target of Yog's message didn't survive the Night.

Catventurer: If someone makes a role claim and won't state what their role is, we shouldn't be assigning a role to them. It's going only to create problems if the person who actually has the role tries to make a claim on it. What's going to happen if the actual Friendly Neighbor comes forward to claim their actual role and that person isn't Yog when you've already decided in your mind that Yog is the Friendly Neighbor?
joppo: This is the only role where that is not a concern. A scum lying about being the FN won't have someone coming forward to vouch for them. They will be so easy to identify they might as well come forward carrying a "I'm scum" placard.

Atlo: Screw it, doesn't really matter if it's a make-believe vote, that I'll eventually turn real anyway, or real from the beginning. Yogsloth may still comment. Someone else has to do the hammer.
joppo: BAD move. We had games in the past where scum took advantage of a player being in L-1 and hammered.
We have time to talk. Let's not waste it. The more the scum talks the greater the chance they will let something slip.
You get scum points in my view for appearing in a rush to get a lynch, even if it's of someone we all suspect. On the other hand MrKrabsWallet get townie points for the opposite reason.

yogsloth: if I ever do criticize the modding, I will do so directly and by throwing things

also FYI I'm frigging dying sick so I'm doing my best right now just to sit in a chair
joppo: I... have to admit in my experience that statement above is true. Yog didn't spare the mod's feelings in a game he felt was stacked against us (the scumteam)
And I'm sorry you're sick and I appreciate you making the effort to play despite the bad moment you're in.

yogsloth: TRENT!!!! bwah ha ha. He just assumes I'm mafia 98.46% of the time. And if he's Town, he's usually right.
joppo: LOL at this! I was expecting any answer but not this one.
Still... I don't know what to make of it. I feel tempted to say that "scum would never say something so daring", but this is Yogsloth I'm talking about. Scum!Yog would do it without missing a beat.

yogsloth: Side note as I'm writing this up while still scrolling, do you guys notice how everybody is talking about me and my "what does my thing do?" post, and it's making people take stands and interact and place votes? WEIRD HOW THAT WORKS OUT
joppo: Maybe but we have a very limited number of mislynches we can afford. With the jailkeeper gone there's no way to avoid NKs. 3 mislynches means game over and we already had one.

Catventurer: I can and will confirm that joppo first PMed me on December 5th in relation to a kitten that was refusing to drink water and has been asking for my advise.

You need to learn to assert with the kitten that you're in charge...
joppo: Thank you. I will keep that in mind.

@pooka: Exactly like Catv said, there wasn't even the slightest mention of anything related to Mafia in our PMs.

@everyone: don't worry I won't turn this game into a "cat advice" thread. I will keep that subject for our PMs.

All caught up now. I will think more of questions that still need asking, hopefully before I hit the hay.
Right if no one confirms Yogs we probably have to lynch him. Yogs isn't been particularly helpful by not talking about his early game claim.

It sounded like Lift was hinting that Yogs whispered to him.
supplementscene: It sounded like Lift was hinting that Yogs whispered to him.
No. He didn't. As I just explained, I just interpreted a towny intent into one strange post of his. But apparently I was wrong or at least he didn't get what intent I was referring to.
Catventurer: I can and will confirm that joppo first PMed me on December 5th in relation to a kitten that was refusing to drink water and has been asking for my advise.
Speaking of Joppo: this bit of one of his posts better explains/states why I believe it's very likely the FN didn't PM anyone on N1

joppo: The problem with this is that, if Yog is the Friendly neighbor (FN) then whoever he communicated with should have come forward and vouched for him. Such claim simply wouldn't be counterclaimed; no mafioso would be stupid enough to reveal themselves that way. Thus the FN is pretty much the same as an IC.

OR the FN might have chosen a scum player. Well, the scum could lie and say they got no such message but it's a very stupid way to get themselves in a 1vs1 conflict that will certainly get them lynched sooner or later. So they would tell the truth and the FN gets trusted like an IC either way.
OR the FN chose Trent. In that case, tough luck.

So, assuming Yog is the FN and he did not choose Trent, why isn't anyone coming forward to vouch for him? They know Yog is a townie, why would they let us waste valuable time suspecting him? Thus the only possibilities are that Yog is not the FN or he is but the target of Yog's message didn't survive the Night.
Microfish_1: Seriously!! Who chews their soda?! Only people so scummy that scum has risen to the top of their liquid, that's who! O.o /s
Joey takes a fast food cup out of the break room fridge's freeer compartment, gets his lucky spoon from the hidden spoon drawer, and then goes back to his work area. Franco just stares at him oddly at he sits down and begins to munch on what appears to be a semi-frozen drink stuff.

"What, never tried a frozen root beer slush before?" Joey says with a silly smirk and a smile, as he continues to munch
Lifthrasil: However, I seem to be mistaken in your intent. So let's turn this into a question: why did you pretend that a Freindly Neighbor is useless?
I mean, I guess it's all relative. A "friendly neighborizer" ain't no cop or doctor. Ain't even a tracker or a watcher or a, y'know, jailkeeper. It's better than nothing? It's occuring to me maybe I don't even know what it is for us... for MU, a neighborizer can invite people into a private chat. C'est tu. Nothing else. You don't know anybody's alignment or role, and you can just chat about... cats. Nothing but cats. Is it something else here?
Lifthrasil: However, I seem to be mistaken in your intent. So let's turn this into a question: why did you pretend that a Freindly Neighbor is useless?
yogsloth: I mean, I guess it's all relative. A "friendly neighborizer" ain't no cop or doctor. Ain't even a tracker or a watcher or a, y'know, jailkeeper. It's better than nothing? It's occuring to me maybe I don't even know what it is for us... for MU, a neighborizer can invite people into a private chat. C'est tu. Nothing else. You don't know anybody's alignment or role, and you can just chat about... cats. Nothing but cats. Is it something else here?
Are you implying something?
Oh, are we at the part where I get yeeted no matter what I do?

Cool, cool.

I don't apologize for saying something nutty, stirring the pot, and getting people talking. It's kinda my thing. I don't apologize for yeeting a player that literally didn't even play. That's also kinda my thing.

I do think I've tried to take close looks at players, give thoughts, follow ideas, and do the usual stuff I do, but hey, I haven't caught any scum and I don't even have a vote down at the moment, so fair enough. The two mafia are playing well enough to not be making any obvious mistakes.

Lift's "town tell" on me is interesting. I wasn't doing what he thought I was doing, but... I do believe he thought I was doing that.

So does it make sense for scum!Lift to swim against the grain and give me a town read? Or at least a lean? I don't think it does, and that's tough, because I feel like I need a reason why trent died N1, and unless at least one of Krabby or Lift are mafia, I'm drawing a blank.
Catventurer: Are you implying something?