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"So what do you do with your flight sims anyway, huh?" Joey started with Manny. "I get that it's fun, but a whole machine for it? Sounds too dedicated for me. And those plane alts, can't stop thinking about them."

Amanda sipped a glass of orange juice. "I think its a little bit too much on the nose, too. F-16s we know about, but Spitfires?"

"Who cares about the Spitwhatevers," Natsuko smoked a cigarette on stream. "Franco's a bit awfully quiet. Too quiet if you ask me."

The proceedings sure are heating up.

"I hope we get somewhere." Stuart leaned back.

"Wait, let me think things over again, about everyone in the pack." Joey suddenly started (again), but no longer focusing on Manny. "You see, Karen is probably not part of the-"

"You're thinking about Karen?" Sam butted in. "She already left, dummy, and she's not it. Why think about things that don't matter anymore!"

Are the proceedings heating up?



yogsloth (2) - Catventurer, Atlo
Microfish (2) - Lifthrasil, joppo
GameszRanker (1) - yogsloth

yogsloth and Microfish are closest to lynch at L-3

Not voting:
- Microfish
- supplementscene
- GamezRanker (MrKrabsWallet)
Post edited December 20, 2023 by PookaMustard
Catventurer: I think that the goal with Yog's post wasn't to imply any wrong doing on Pooka's part but to set things up for a role claim later without any thought or planning put into it. The way he went about doing it, suggesting that flavor/lore and role powers were connected is not okay though because of the implication of bad modding that comes with it.
i haven't read anything else yet, just stopped here and wanted to respond immediatley

In no way, shape or form is anything I've said intended to imply bad modding, or anything about modding

I love modding with lots of flavor, I love pooka, and any inanity, tomfoolery, shitpostering, or otherwise yogslothian nonsense that comes out of my piehole has not whatsoever been intended to criticize the modding

if I ever do criticize the modding, I will do so directly and by throwing things

also FYI I'm frigging dying sick so I'm doing my best right now just to sit in a chair

ok back to actually try to read
OK, so KrabsWallet is gamerazer, I can't keep up with all these people

tbh his catchup posts look... pretty pure

I like his post 112 where he votes Joppo. I think that's a very townie thought process. Major LOL that he forgets that trent is wormfood. If I'm going to continue to vote for KrabbyPatty (that's your new name, sorry not sorry) then I have to believe he's mafia and faking not knowing that he just killed trent (or agreed to have his bud kill trent) and is just faking it like a douche-a-maroo. I've been known to be too genereous with my derpclears, but I'm doing it again. lol. Not mafia.

unvote KrabbyPattyGameRazerRakerWallet

Catventurer: Duke Ellington has both diabetes and kidney disease. "Fluid day" means that he's getting subcutaneous fluid injections on top of the twice daily insulin shots. Sometimes he needs hours of cuddles before the fluid injections to get him calm enough to willingly stay in my lap through the whole thing. I also need to give him lots attention after fluids or he'll get upset and go on a hunger strike at dinner time.
Holy crap, I'm sorry. I love my cat to pieces but I don't think I'd be able to go through with this.

joppo: Okay I'll bite. Who would you have aimed at, and why? Assuming scum!Yog would have no idea who the only remaining Town PR is.
TRENT!!!! bwah ha ha. He just assumes I'm mafia 98.46% of the time. And if he's Town, he's usually right.

Side note as I'm writing this up while still scrolling, do you guys notice how everybody is talking about me and my "what does my thing do?" post, and it's making people take stands and interact and place votes? WEIRD HOW THAT WORKS OUT

Atlo: Screw it, doesn't really matter if it's a make-believe vote, that I'll eventually turn real anyway, or real from the beginning. Yogsloth may still comment. Someone else has to do the hammer.

vote Yogsloth
This bad vote, him bad man
However, with KrabbyPattyWallet now fully participating and having now given him a town read, that also eliminates a major reason I would have seen for mafia to bing-bong trent N1

Could be just a standard "SPK" (Strong Player Kill, if you're not down with the extended mafia parlance). His only other contribution was a (real) vote on Lift, and I find Lift to largely be difficult for me to read. ISO'ing him this game, he's pretty low impact. He expressed hesitence to vote the no-poster, but then did so anyway. Day 2 he's voting for microfish... but he's said he's found a "town tell" for me and won't vote for me, and I think scum!lift would welcome any opportunity to shovel me out of the way, so... I dunno

trent didn't leave much behind

I'm forced to conclude I may be giving a town read to either Krab or Lift for a bad reason

bumps are appreciated btw as I'm just sort of spitballing out loud here as I think of things
Catventurer: Where's the person coming forward to vouch for Yog, stating that they are absolutely certain that Yog is town-aligned so that we can focus our attention elsewhere?
That's never gonna happen, though. How could it?


Doing a deeper read of atlo, other than his chronic inability to close a tag, it seems... pretty reasonable actually. His vote timing on me seems really opportunistic, but I guess it's not that big of a reach for him to make the vote itself

I walk back the "bad man" comment
free speedbump
Micro is the next closest wagon to mine, and his impact has also been minimal, but I don't get much of any read on him
Let me look at the votes on micro, since I'm not getting much from micro himself.

Lifthrasil: About the analysis of maxleod's wagon, the one that sticks out is micro. He even stated himself that his vote was going to look opportunistic and so it does. Well, the same is true for me. But I know I'm Town so micro remains.

Other impressions: Scene seems to be quite himself. Neutral for now. Yogs is himself too, but I think I have seen a little Town-tell. I won't discuss that here because it might give Scum ideas. But I won't vote Yogs Today.

So, for now I'll vote for the player that sticks out:

vote microfish

@micro: when you cast your vote, you still had the choice between several candidates. Your vote basically set the train on maxleod in motion. Did you have any other motivation than 'he's a Lurker'. And if so, why maxleod and not GR?
Lift is voting him largely for his vote placement on max's wagon, but the fact is lift is in an even worse position with that gravity-changing 4th vote.

joppo: I'm in roughly the same situation... I feel that Micro's posts lack the energy of someone trying to find out anyone's lies. So far he has only coasted through D1 plus a comment to some random wrong theory (Trent the survivor and Pooka the bad mod), without reads. He has posted enough to not be a lurker but has he really contributed?

And then comes Yog with his bizarre roleclaim preparation post. What keeps me from voting him is that that looks so unlike Yog.
In my experience Yog is the player that regularly does crazy shit, yes. But not amateur shit. I would expect that poor fakeclaim from a newbie but not from a semi-pro like him. So it just doesn't fit anyway I look at it.

vote Micro

to put some more pressure. If he is scum he'll feel the heat getting stronger; if he's not now is the time for him to show some pro-Town work. But I can change to Yog if it seems like his wagon is more solid than Micro's and his answers do not satisfy.
That looks like a pretty reasonable take. I said I'm not getting much of anything from micro, joppo seems to be saying he thinks he should be getting more as well.


I think I might have to force myself back into an "occam's razor" type situation. trent suspects lift, trent dies. lift has the worst vote placement on the yeet wagon.

I might have to go with lift here, despite his "town tell" on me

@lift, ok I'll bite, what's my town tell
@Micro: I think you didn't answer my question. Maybe I missed your reply since I'm on mobile right now. But I'm iso tomorrow to make sure I don't miss anything.

@Krabs: you said that the friendly neighbour didn't contact anyone. Why do you assume that?

@yogs: do you really want me to tell your tell? If I'm correct and you wrote a certain thing with the intent I saw in it, my telling it will counteract that intent.
Lifthrasil: @yogs: do you really want me to tell your tell? If I'm correct and you wrote a certain thing with the intent I saw in it, my telling it will counteract that intent.


at least based on tone, I prefer to be read on results

which granted I am thus far 0/1, although still no regerts in yeeting the no-poster

So I haven't made a town tell as far as I know

I could care less about what you think my town tell might actually be - I'm more interested in if I think you actually believe it
Lifthrasil: @Krabs: you said that the friendly neighbour didn't contact anyone. Why do you assume that?
That is my guess. Why? Well going by the mafia wiki page on the role and my gut/etc:

If they had contacted a town player on N1, that town would likely have been quick to mention such in-game so as to provide town the benefits of said verification(a verified town beneficial player, one less player in the scum hunt pile, etc)

If they had contacted a scum on N1, that scum would probably have been quick to verify them today(D2) gain a bit of "town cred" perhaps, and also to avoid the suspicion/etc of the other players if said neighbor decided to role claim and mention the lack of verification in-game re: the one they chose to PM.
Lifthrasil: @Krabs: you said that the friendly neighbour didn't contact anyone. Why do you assume that?
MrKrabsWallet: That is my guess. Why? Well going by the mafia wiki page on the role and my gut/etc:

If they had contacted a town player on N1, that town would likely have been quick to mention such in-game so as to provide town the benefits of said verification(a verified town beneficial player, one less player in the scum hunt pile, etc)

If they had contacted a scum on N1, that scum would probably have been quick to verify them today(D2) gain a bit of "town cred" perhaps, and also to avoid the suspicion/etc of the other players if said neighbor decided to role claim and mention the lack of verification in-game re: the one they chose to PM.
That's outright silly. The only thing that I consider true and confirmed about the Friendly Neighbor is the following:

1> Not Yog
2> Not Micro.
3> Didn't contact MrKrabsWallet on Night 1.

--> Insert tearful "Leave Friendly Neighbor alone!!!" rant here. *sob* *sob* *sob* <---

Seriously guys. Don't do the Mafia Team's job for them by trying to hunt down the identities of the Friendly Neighbor or who was contacted on Night 1. I'm not at all curious, and you shouldn't be either.
Lifthrasil: @Micro: I think you didn't answer my question. Maybe I missed your reply since I'm on mobile right now. But I'm iso tomorrow to make sure I don't miss anything.

@Krabs: you said that the friendly neighbour didn't contact anyone. Why do you assume that?

@yogs: do you really want me to tell your tell? If I'm correct and you wrote a certain thing with the intent I saw in it, my telling it will counteract that intent.
I'm not sure I saw your question. I'll be afk for 6-8 hours but will look back and try to answer it

@yogs feel better soon.
Catventurer: That's outright silly.
It's also (more or less) literally what's stated on the mafia wiki page.

Catventurer: Seriously guys. Don't do the Mafia Team's job for them by trying to hunt down the identities of the Friendly Neighbor or who was contacted on Night 1. I'm not at all curious, and you shouldn't be either.
*munches popcorn*
*munches soda*
MrKrabsWallet: Hmm, is this an attempt to draw some heat off of your wagon after I started it, or more so genuine? I am somewhat torn now.
You be the judge of that. Myself, I just thought it's better to provide content at twilight (that can be analyzed at Night and during the next Day) than simply erase it and lurk.

joppo: I feel that Micro's posts lack the energy of someone trying to find out anyone's lies. So far he has only coasted through D1 plus a comment to some random wrong theory (Trent the survivor and Pooka the bad mod), without reads. He has posted enough to not be a lurker but has he really contributed?
MrKrabsWallet: Yeah, as I said earlier in my read of him, he is sorta like this in a number of games(due to IRL and general posting style). That said, I agree somewhat with the gist you write here.
Hmm. I hadn't considered the fact he did have some issues IRL but that's true. I wonder if they would be enough to lower his participation this much. I will have to mull it over.


for now. That said, if Micro is just a busy townie I am still hoping to see some posts from him that can lead us in the right direction.

MrKrabsWallet: Well if anything good came of Max's resignation, I guess this is it....the role cop(if I read the wiki right) is essentially nerfed now.
That's not much of a consolation prize. You are correct abut the role cop being nerfed; they can try to find the friendly neighbor but from what I read that is a role that eventually comes out to the spotlight on their own anyway. So the Mafia might as well not have a rolecop right now and then we essentially would have a mountainous game (i.e. no PRs game) plus a D2/D3/D4 Innocent child and a neutral.
The problem with that is that in mountainous games you need more townies per mafioso to push the balance close to 50%. In a regular 3 townies per 1 mafioso mountainous game, Mafia's win rate is very high. And right now we have 2 mafiosos versus 6 townie+neutral. :(
Losing the jailkeeper really did hurt us.

Microfish_1: Also, to all those who are accusing me of accusing Pooka of "bad modding": Nowhere did I state that he is a bad mod. I stated that I do not recall if he rerolls the assignments or not. That was a passing comment on the fact that I was vaguely surprised that trent was town. And the reason for this pseudo-surprise was just that Trent is so good at being hard to read that I always expect him to be non-town. He's my ideal of the "Ideal Neutral."
Hmm. Well I think I can accept the part about Pooka not being a bad mod. The part about Trent I'm not so sure about, because even the most unscrutable player would flip townie close to 75% of the time.

Microfish_1: [As to why I was not online much earlier today: I spent 5 hours at the doctor and getting medicine. Then I had to deal with IRL Christmas stuff. it's now closer to dawn than to midnight, so I'm going to bed after posting this. I'll be AFK tomorrow (Wednesday).]
Hmm. I suppose I can't fault you for playing below your standard if you can't dedicate as much time to the game as you usually do. It does not erase every scumpoint I ascribed to you but it makes me think some of them were unwarranted. I hope things improve for you.


I will post this now, then continue with what comes after post #128.

Sorry for appearing AFK all day. The truth is I have been reading but we have a small kitty at home for a few weeks now (Catventurer may confirm; I've been asking her advice). When my wife is away, the kitty stays around me, walking in the keyboard, lieing in the mousepad and attacking the mouse's cord whenever I attempt to use the computer. She makes it impossible to post anything. And when my wife comes home I have a break from the kitty but then I have to help her with household chores. Thus here I am after both went to sleep.