Posted December 19, 2023
Day #1 Posts: 6, 7, 14, 42, 43, 44, 45, 61, 63, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 85, 87
There is a lot of outright nonsense going on in the bulk of these posts to the extent that it isn't even worth commenting on each and every single one of them. Even though maxleod was lynched for barely participating, the same can be said of yogsloth. He may have a lot of posts, but it's almost all spam. He's just making sure that we see him present, but he says nothing of any substance or value in the majority of them.
So. Let's Talk about Post #14 or at least the important part:
yogsloth: Since Pooka made it so utterly obvious in the flavor text that I have a thing - who wants to start guessing what my thing does? Because this is an open setup, we know that there are three power roles:
- Town Jailkeeper (maxleod)
- Town Friendly Neighbor
- Mafia Rolecop
Now, I tried to look at this from the point of view of Town!Yog and Mafia!Yog.
Town!Yog - I got nothing.
It isn't even a case of I shouldn't write his excuses for him and while that is true, such a statement would imply that I came up with something that I'm unwilling to share. I factual statement is that I couldn't come up with one good reason to explain why a town-aligned person would make a post implying that they have a power role so early in Day 1 when we have an open setup, nobody was trying to lynch them, and nobody was pushing anyone for a role claim.
FACTS: I even offered Yog an exit ramp back on Day 1 (Post #17) when I said that I thought that Pooka made it so utterly obvious in the flavor text that absolutely none of us is truly on board with returning to the office for different reasons. Did he reply back to take the offered exit? No, he did not. He instead spent the rest of Day 1 mostly making spam posts after that as if he was trying to avoid doing anything meaningful. It is only much later on Day 2 after Alto (in Post #100) reminds him of this role claim that he makes any effort to disavow the prior claim. I think that Yog realized that people are not just letting it go and are not going to just forget about it. (However I will get to that later when I cover Day 2.)
* If maxleod wasn't lynched on Day 1, maxleod might be sitting here wondering if Yog is the Friendly Neighbor.
* The Friendly Neighbor would be wondering if Yog is the Jailkeeper.
* Neither would know for certain that Yog has neither role unless the Friendly Neighbor uses their night action and picks maxleod.
* At this point, maxleod would realize that Yog's Day 1 implied role claim in Post #14 was false.
If at any time, maxleod accused Yog of being mafia out of seemingly nowhere... Mafia would suspect him of being the Jailkeeper because who else would know that Yog's claim is false.
Day #2: 97, 99, 102, 105
In Post #102 and Post #105, it just feels like he's trying to back peddle. Microfish (in Post #103) is entirely right to say that answering questions with questions is not answering them. It's blatant avoidance.
He also pretty much admits in Post #102 that he didn't read Pooka's Post #2. If you are Mafia thus already know who is Mafia Team and who isn't, you might skip out on reading the rules thread because the rules are usually always the same and just spend Day 1 making mostly spam posts to ensure that everyone sees you while avoiding conflict.
My takeway from this is that Yog was trying to imply that he was the Jailkeeper without actually claiming Jailkeeper. However because the Jailkeeper is gone from the game, he's now trying to act like there's no power roles worth talking about to the extent that we should all forget about Post #14. Mafia!Yog knows that he cannot fake a claim on the Friendly Neighbor because the Friendly Neighbor role claims itself to someone every night. Also the longer the Friendly Neighbor stays in the game, the more people know who the Friendly Neighbor is and that it isn't Yog.
I am going to go there and say that Yog has confirmed to everyone that he is not the Friendly Neighbor. The fact is that he wants us to just forget that there are any power roles left on the town side and is just in avoidance mode. I think that we're all smart enough to know that if you have been given a role where you role claim as a night action, you don't need to make a post on Day 1 telling everyone that you have a power role.
I think that mafia team was really hoping that Alto and myself would be trying to destroy each other by this point and cause everyone forget about Yog's role claim on Day 1 because if he's not the Jailkeeper or the Friendly Neighbor, the only power role left from him to claim is Mafia Rolecop.
In Post #99, he votes for GamezRanker (who has been replaced with MrKrabsWallet) on the basis of applying pressure, but it feels like he's just going for a low effort vote that isn't likely to result in a lynch at this time. If you want to seriously talk about placing votes to apply pressure, there really is only one option at this time:
VOTE yogsloth
I really do think that Yog has a lot of explaining to do if he doesn't want to be lynched.
Note: It is currently 10:30pm on Monday, and Tuesday will be fluid day for my cat. I don't expect to have time to post anything until that's taken care of. However there really isn't anything else I can add to this post.
There is a lot of outright nonsense going on in the bulk of these posts to the extent that it isn't even worth commenting on each and every single one of them. Even though maxleod was lynched for barely participating, the same can be said of yogsloth. He may have a lot of posts, but it's almost all spam. He's just making sure that we see him present, but he says nothing of any substance or value in the majority of them.
So. Let's Talk about Post #14 or at least the important part:

- Town Jailkeeper (maxleod)
- Town Friendly Neighbor
- Mafia Rolecop
Now, I tried to look at this from the point of view of Town!Yog and Mafia!Yog.
Town!Yog - I got nothing.
It isn't even a case of I shouldn't write his excuses for him and while that is true, such a statement would imply that I came up with something that I'm unwilling to share. I factual statement is that I couldn't come up with one good reason to explain why a town-aligned person would make a post implying that they have a power role so early in Day 1 when we have an open setup, nobody was trying to lynch them, and nobody was pushing anyone for a role claim.
FACTS: I even offered Yog an exit ramp back on Day 1 (Post #17) when I said that I thought that Pooka made it so utterly obvious in the flavor text that absolutely none of us is truly on board with returning to the office for different reasons. Did he reply back to take the offered exit? No, he did not. He instead spent the rest of Day 1 mostly making spam posts after that as if he was trying to avoid doing anything meaningful. It is only much later on Day 2 after Alto (in Post #100) reminds him of this role claim that he makes any effort to disavow the prior claim. I think that Yog realized that people are not just letting it go and are not going to just forget about it. (However I will get to that later when I cover Day 2.)
* If maxleod wasn't lynched on Day 1, maxleod might be sitting here wondering if Yog is the Friendly Neighbor.
* The Friendly Neighbor would be wondering if Yog is the Jailkeeper.
* Neither would know for certain that Yog has neither role unless the Friendly Neighbor uses their night action and picks maxleod.
* At this point, maxleod would realize that Yog's Day 1 implied role claim in Post #14 was false.
If at any time, maxleod accused Yog of being mafia out of seemingly nowhere... Mafia would suspect him of being the Jailkeeper because who else would know that Yog's claim is false.
Day #2: 97, 99, 102, 105
In Post #102 and Post #105, it just feels like he's trying to back peddle. Microfish (in Post #103) is entirely right to say that answering questions with questions is not answering them. It's blatant avoidance.
He also pretty much admits in Post #102 that he didn't read Pooka's Post #2. If you are Mafia thus already know who is Mafia Team and who isn't, you might skip out on reading the rules thread because the rules are usually always the same and just spend Day 1 making mostly spam posts to ensure that everyone sees you while avoiding conflict.
My takeway from this is that Yog was trying to imply that he was the Jailkeeper without actually claiming Jailkeeper. However because the Jailkeeper is gone from the game, he's now trying to act like there's no power roles worth talking about to the extent that we should all forget about Post #14. Mafia!Yog knows that he cannot fake a claim on the Friendly Neighbor because the Friendly Neighbor role claims itself to someone every night. Also the longer the Friendly Neighbor stays in the game, the more people know who the Friendly Neighbor is and that it isn't Yog.
I am going to go there and say that Yog has confirmed to everyone that he is not the Friendly Neighbor. The fact is that he wants us to just forget that there are any power roles left on the town side and is just in avoidance mode. I think that we're all smart enough to know that if you have been given a role where you role claim as a night action, you don't need to make a post on Day 1 telling everyone that you have a power role.
I think that mafia team was really hoping that Alto and myself would be trying to destroy each other by this point and cause everyone forget about Yog's role claim on Day 1 because if he's not the Jailkeeper or the Friendly Neighbor, the only power role left from him to claim is Mafia Rolecop.
In Post #99, he votes for GamezRanker (who has been replaced with MrKrabsWallet) on the basis of applying pressure, but it feels like he's just going for a low effort vote that isn't likely to result in a lynch at this time. If you want to seriously talk about placing votes to apply pressure, there really is only one option at this time:
VOTE yogsloth
I really do think that Yog has a lot of explaining to do if he doesn't want to be lynched.
Note: It is currently 10:30pm on Monday, and Tuesday will be fluid day for my cat. I don't expect to have time to post anything until that's taken care of. However there really isn't anything else I can add to this post.